Chapter 16 - Knowing when to stop.

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You're maybe wondering where is the MxM, the romance, the smut.....well it's coming.  I'll get to it eventually.

Cyrus checked his phone, he had most of the case's salient details on it. He double-checked the address of Fischer's friend. He remembered the building clearly. He had followed Fischer there a couple of times, even been inside to check the place out. Cyrus liked knowing the lay of the land, he didn't like surprises. 

It was a late 60s ugly as sin, boxy building. A bloke of four identical units mirrored on either side of a central staircase, there was a small foyer, and the only entrance was a set of glass doors. There were no security cameras but the building had a newly installed fire alarm system. The back entrance led to the garden, an alley beyond that.

He read down the information – Shaun Brenn, 22, Student, blah blah blah, nothing special there.

It didn't take him long to find Lewis and his men. He drove slowly up and down a couple of side streets near the building until he found them. As he suspected they were parked some distance away, watching. He parked awkwardly in a driveway, ready to turn and leave quickly if needs be. Although he could see their car he couldn't see the building entrance. Cyrus told himself he would stay for 15 minutes, which was long enough to satisfy his curiosity.

His stomach growled, he was hungry. He would have loved a cigarette too but didn't want to give Lewis even the smallest chance of spotting him. Instead, he opened the console between the front seats. It was full of Snickers and Mars bars, his guilty pleasure. He pulled out a Mars bar and sat back to watch. He wondered if he counted up all the hours he'd spent over the last five years doing this, would he be horrified at the total dead time he'd accumulated?

He sat up suddenly when three doors instantaneously opened and Lewis and his men jumped out of the car. Something was happening outside his line of vision. The next minute a figure staggered around the corner at the top of the street, they still didn't move. The figure was carrying a body and from the size of the man he guessed that it was Rizzo and the smaller one Shaun Brenn. Where was Fischer?

Rizzo eventually made it to the car and Lewis's men moved forward to take the body from his arms, there was a struggle, eventually, he dropped to his knees and was forced to release the man he was clutching. The unconscious body was placed in the back of the car. Dragging himself to his feet Rizzo and Lewis continued to have what looked like a heated argument, a bit of pushing and shoving was going on.  Cyrus would have loved to hear the conversation.  Rizzo turned to go back the way he came but Lewis jumped forward to pull him back, punches were thrown.  Lewis knocked him down easily and Rizzo rolled about on the roadway.  One of his men appeared with rope or a restraint of some kind which he put on Rizzo, then he too was dropped into the back seat of the car.  A moment later it drove off leaving Lewis standing alone in the empty street.

What the hell was going on?  Did he get it wrong, were there no good guys involved in this case only villains?  Cyrus didn't like being taken for a fool.  Lewis was standing looking around, his head tilted back for a moment and then his shoulders dropped and his head turned.  

Shit!  Cyrus's eyes widened when he saw Lewis looking in his direction.  He turned and started to stride purposefully in his direction.  Shit! how the hell did Lewis spot him.? 

Cyrus swallowed the last bite of his Mars bar whole and nearly choked on it as it went down.  By the time he stopped coughing Lewis was beside the car, leaning down, his arm resting on the roof of the car and his face level with the car window.  Cyrus was forced to open it and face him.  Lewis literally put the fear of God in him, the hairs on his arms stood on end.   He tried to keep his face composed.

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