Chapter 35 - Mark Me

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Warning - sex ahead.

There was a certain brisk awkwardness to the way Barnes and Santo moved around the apartment. They were packing up in preparation for leaving the next day, but before that, they were moving their bags down to the other apartment to give Adam and the Guardian some privacy. As soon as that was done they were to return to sweeping the area around the hotel. Paul didn't want to take the chance that Theodore brought Thanos to their door.

Besides the sense of urgency about their departure, there was something else in the air leaving everyone edgy. The uneasiness centered around Paul and Adam's mating. Marking your mate during sex is as natural as breathing for Lycans and werewolves, it shouldn't raise an eyebrow. Sometimes pairings have sex in public to avouch their union to their pack, but in this case, everyone was walking on eggshells. Perhaps it was the confined situation they were in that made Paul feel all eyes were on him.

People expected certain things from him and Paul was starting to feel like he let them down. Showing his desire for his mate came with a tinge of shame. An Oegenia Guardian was meant to be a solitary being with only the Alpha's well-being in his heart, his own happiness should have been low on the list of priorities. His current inability to focus on anything except Adam was exactly why an Oegenia Guardian should NOT have a mate.

He knew he was affecting the others physically as well. His pheromones were fluctuating wildly. Barnes and Santo, both unmated, couldn't get away from him fast enough. The Guardian's pheromones were turning the apartment into a sauna, the scent of arousal was overwhelming. They had both packed with painfully hard erections that refused to deflate, burst into intense sweats one minute and tremors the next. If, for no other reason except to restore normalcy to the group, he had to mark Adam as quickly as possible. If he didn't the trip home would be a nightmare for everyone.

Once the apartment was silent Paul went into the bedroom where Adam was waiting for him. How things were going to pan out between them was anyone's guess. His physical limitations were going to be tested, compromises would have to be made. His blinding desire for his mate didn't guarantee that he would be able to please enough him to mark him without it being a painful experience.

The curtains were drawn and Paul noticed the air conditioning was blasting out a blizzard. His eyes fell on Adam sitting quietly on the bed. As icy as the room was he could see he was flushed. His hair was damp around his face. His heart fluttered at the mere sight of him. Paul had only felt intense desire once before, a brief and transitory experience, but with Adam his cock twitched constantly trying to remember what its original function was.

"Good morning. What's going on out there, it sounded like a herd of elephants. " Adam habitual kept his head down. It annoyed Paul that the boy tried to hide his face. 

He liked his voice, deep and a little husky. They'd barely spoken but Paul planned to fix that once they were back at the compound. He'd make sure that they got to know each other but for now, they were little more than strangers.


Adam swiveled around and gingerly planted his feet on the floor. He'd taken his first few steps the previous evening and wasn't confident his wounded feet would hold him. He pushed himself up and stood without wobbling. It was a small thing but he smiled broadly and took a couple of tentative steps. Finally, he was starting to feel his old self again.  He hated being bedridden and nursed like he was some frail waif.  His body was getting stronger. Without thinking he looked at Paul, the infectious smile transformed his sullen face and for the first time, Paul saw a glimpse of the real boy, his beautiful mate. This time Paul's heart didn't flutter it wanted to leap from his chest.

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