Chapter 42 - Life goes On.

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Shaun tapped his foot impatiently, he felt his stomach shift. The elevator moved quickly up to the 32nd floor but his stomach stayed in the basement. He saw his reflection in the shiny metal doors, he looked a mess. He hadn't bothered to comb his hair and was wearing the sweatshirt and pants he'd slept in. He'd been so excited when he opened the pale blue envelope that had arrived in the mail that he hadn't bothered to change. He just slipped on his runners and drove over to Cyrus's office.

The elevator stopped and his stomach did a flip. Why couldn't work on the 2nd floor? As soon as the doors slid open he shot out. He'd been to his office before but he normally didn't look so dishevelled. He tried to flatten his hair and had a quick sniff at his clothes. Fuck it, he wasn't trying to impress anyone.

It was a flashy office, with a glam young thing manning the huge reception desk. The sleek monochrome décor was meant to reassure the clientele that they were the best. To Shaun, it just looked cold and impersonal. The receptionist smiled at him. "Had a big night?"

Shaun returned the smile a hundredfold and the girl blinked. He looks like shit but damn he's hot she thought to herself. "Is Cyrus free? I just need him for a couple of minutes." He asked politely still beaming at her.

He knew Cyrus would probably be busy, since he'd been promoted he always was but he just couldn't wait to share the news.

"He's got a client with him at the moment but I'll buzz him and let him know you're here." She pointed to one of the black leather couches. "Take a seat."

As he walked away and flopped down, stretching leisurely on the cool leather, he was oblivious to her eyes following every movement. She was trying to see if there were any signs of him having a girlfriend. She spoke quietly into her phone and went back to work on her computer.

Ten minutes later the opaque white sliding doors with the firm's name embossed on them opened and Cyrus and his client walked through. Shaun remained half reclining on the expensive couch as he watched his friend play at being a grown-up. His hair was in one of those Kdrama CEO styles, all smooth lines, slicked back behind his ears and with a part sharp enough to cut paper. He was wearing a black three-piece suit, a crisp white shirt, and black tie. He had started wearing only black suits after meeting a certain group of Lycans. He even had the black shades hidden in his pocket. It never failed to make Shaun smirk when he saw him go off to work in the Oegenia Guard uniform of choice. It was like a little kid who proudly wore his superhero idol's costume.

The client shuffling beside Cyrus ran a disgusted look over Shaun who was stretched out like he owned the place. Cyrus spoke quietly to the man and ushered him to the elevators with a firm handshake goodbye.

When the doors closed he turned to give Shaun a halfhearted glare but it didn't last long. Shaun stood up and walked at him with purpose. He hadn't seen him this happy...well...ever.

"You'll never guess." He wrapped his arms around one of Cyrus's and started dragging him to his office. The receptionist looked at the two and wondered if something was going on between them.

Once in Cyrus's office and they were sitting down, Shaun moved and perched on the edge of his chair like he was ready to pounce.

"What has got you so excited? Have you got offered a job?" Cyrus unbuttoned his jacket and for a moment Shaun thought he was channelling Lewis.

"No, the bastards never bother ringing me back. But hey, this is even better." Shaun three months on from the drama, was still without a proper job. 

"Look." He pulled a pale blue envelope from his backpack and handed it to Cyrus, who opened it and pulled out a matching blue rectangular invitation.

He read it, looked up at Shaun, who looked like he was about to jump out of his skin with excitement. Cyrus re-read it and smiled back at his friend. "Looks like we're going to a wedding."

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