Chapter 47 - The Claytons Bucks Party

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I know I said it was the wedding chapter next but the boys just had to have some fun bonding first.

Adam rolled over and snuggled against Paul's bare back. He pulled the covers up to their ears and sighed at the simple pleasure of feeling warm and safe. It took a little while before he realised that he couldn't remember getting into bed.  It was when he tried to lift his head and felt his brain slop around his skull that he vaguely recalled Paul picking him up off the couch or was it the floor and carrying him? A snippet of a memory of him dancing briefly surfaced then disappeared. That couldn't be right because he doesn't dance. It's not a pretty sight.

He rolled onto his back and instantly missed the heat of Paul's body. Adam groaned softly and rubbed his eyes. His mouth tasted like it was coated in felt. How much did he drink last night? He was a cheap drunk, it only took a couple to make him merry. Adam suspected last night he'd had a lot more than a couple. He definitely remembered dinner being a civilised affair. Paul had organised a chef from the main house to come to the apartment and cook their meal.  He recalled a rather spectacular red to accompany the food. Nothing for anyone to complain about.

They had reconnected surprisingly quickly, like pieces of a puzzle that had been scattered but found their way back together.  All of them were keen to hear how everyone had fared after leaving Perth. It was hard to imagine that around the table sat Lycans, humans and a werewolf. The banter progressively grew louder and more rowdy.  It was obvious that their friendship, although strange and improbable, was sold. Status, preconceptions, species bias weren't sitting at the table, just unlikely comrades.

Paul's phone alarm went off and bought Adam back to the present.  He waited for Paul to move and turn it off but he continued to sleep through the loud beeping. The incessant sound was driving him nuts. He dragged himself up and leaned over his mate to reach for the phone. Halfway across, the warm naked body beneath him rolled over and strong arms clamped tightly around his waist.

"Mmm. This is very pleasant." Paul's legs parted and wrapped around Adam's hips, rocking him back and forth. 

"Good morning, sweetheart."  Paul raised his head to leave a kiss on Adam's chin.  "If you want to make me a very happy Lycan you'll stay right where you are." He lifted his hips and rubbed himself against his mate.

As much as the friction was enticing Adam gave him a quick peck on the cheek and tried to reach for the phone again. "Let me turn off the alarm, it's driving me nuts." The jarring noise was vibrating painfully in his head. Adam wriggled against Paul, stretching up to tap the phone. His gyrations made Paul moan softly.

"That's nice. Keep that up and I might forgive you for all the problems you caused me last night."

Adam stopped moving. What problems?

"I thought you said it was going to be a low-key dinner and drinks with your friends..." Paul continued gently rocking Adam between his thighs and letting his hands roam over his back. "...and you weren't going to give the Pure another reason to complain about our wedding and having humans in the compound."

Adam leaned up on his elbows and looked down at the sleep softened face of his mate. Paul with hooded blue eyes, wild bed hair, and rough bristly cheeks and chin was the picture of masculinity, all sharp lines that screamed Pureblood. The gorgeous man staring up at him and feeling dreadfully hungover it was hard to focus on the previous night....there were gaps.  

What problems?  Paul's face was becoming flushed, his legs moved higher to sit around his waist so he could lock his ankles together. He was making it impossible for Adam to think straight.

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