Chapter 21 - Siblings.

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Trigger warning - violence.

Adam felt like he'd been floating for a long time.  It was grey, silent, it was nothing.  He was being pulled along on an invisible thread that took him where it wanted.

It was the scent of Thanos that tugged him away from the grey peaceful nothingness.  He was 12 years old again.  The familiar scent of wood and rich earth filled the room.  Adam was sitting on his bed reading. He raised his eyes as his brother walked into his bedroom without permission or hesitation. Adam braced himself for his daily dose of teasing. He'd been pulled out of school a year before and his barely tolerable life had turned into a nightmare.   

"Good morning brother."  Thanos walked in followed by his entourage, their siblings Anna and Thea, and his two personal guards.  "I'm bored Adam let's play."  

Adam watched his brother, who loved to copy their father,  puff out his chest and swagger into the room.  Strangely, he admired his inexhaustible self-confidence.  He was 18 months younger but as tall and strong as Adam.  Everything about Thanos was Pureblood perfection even at 11 years of age.  He had his father's chin, his mother's eyes, and more importantly he had their love.

"Hello, brother."  Adam flinched under his brother's cold smile. "I don't want to play.  I don't like your games."  Even back then Adam was a serious boy, he very seldom smiled.

"I thought we might have another go at straightening your tail. Won't that be fun?"  Thanos clapped his hands and pulled his sisters to his side.  They giggled.  They were possibly the two stupidest creatures on the planet. "What do say?"

 Adam started to panic, this was bad, very bad he thought to himself as he watched the group in front of his bed move forward.  His personal guards followed his orders to the letter even though he was only a child and his sisters were his adoring fans, his audience.

"Wolf come out,"  Thanos ordered Adam's true self to come forward. "Now." 

The pup tried to resist but in the end, he obeyed.  He appeared in his true form, jumping off the bed and sitting quietly. Thanos's smile grew more sinister as he watched the pup. "Get him ready."

The older guard moved forward and dropped a small bag he was carrying on the floor beside Wolf.    Wolf bared his teeth as he watched the guard unzip the bag.  He knew what was inside and he started to shrink back against the bed, there was nowhere to hide.  The remembered pain from the last time his brother wanted to play was making him want to run, but where, who would save him, no one?  He cowered against the bed whimpering.  His sisters laughed, Thanos threw them his phone and told them to video the drama playing out, it would be fun to watch it later.

"Hold him down. Go."  Thanos pushed the second guard towards the other. The older guard slipped on heavy leather gloves then pulled a leather collar sewn with silver thread out of the bag.  It didn't burn like a silver chain but the Lycan could not return to its human shell.

Wolf started to snap at the two Lycans who'd cornered him, they both grabbed him and held him down. He tried to fight, to bite anything he could reach but they were far stronger than him.  One of them sat on him to keep him still, his knees pressing down on his ribs.  The pup howled in pain.  The other locked the silver collar around his neck.   All fight left him, Wolf whimpered and lay limp on the bedroom floor panting.  

"Put the muzzle on."  The older guard took it from the bag and wrapped the leather straps around Wolf's face and snapped it shut behind his ears.  It locked his jaw closed, with only enough room to breathe.

"Hold him down.  I'll do the rest.  Girls video this.  We can show Mother and Father."  His sisters jumped on the bed to get a better view.  Thanos waved while they filmed the scene.  

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