Chapter 7 - Question Time.

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Constantine was standing by the stove absentmindedly cracking eggs into a large bowl. He hadn't gotten much sleep. The three of them had talked for hours, actually, it was the other two who had done all the talking. He had sat back trying to hold his tongue. The human,(Shaun, Adam had ordered him to use his name from now on) wanted to know everything. When Adam told him what they were, he'd barely reacted at first, and Constantine thought perhaps if they were lucky he'd die of shock but no the bugger was resilient. He bypassed shock, horror, and denial, and went straight to acceptance. As it turned out Shaun was thrilled to discover that the myth was real.   For a while the only thing that came out of his mouth was OMG and weird squealing noises, then he snapped out of it.  From that point on he was full of questions, lots and lots of questions. Adam answered them all. Shaun was probably the only person in all of human history to have a working knowledge of Lycan lore and culture. 

 Constantine groaned thinking of how many Lycan laws they had broken in the last 24 hours.  Each one punishable by death. His future had never been so bleak.

He looked down at the bowl and saw there were a few tiny pieces of shell in with the eggs. Fuck it he thought and started beating them anyway, maybe the human will chock on the shell....he could only hope.

Constantine knew the source of his frustration was watching him from the kitchen door, he'd been there for a while but he refused to acknowledge him. He could smell him everywhere, there wasn't a corner of the apartment where he could avoid his scent. Goddess, please kill him, spontaneous human combustion would be a perfect end to the perky, talkative pest.  He continued to plead for a horrible death for the human as he finished with the eggs and slammed down the bowl.  He begged the Goddess as he slammed the cupboards and pulled out a pan.  He prayed earnestly as he turned on the burner and slammed down the pan but he could still hear him breathing, just die will you?

Constantine dipped a cup into the egg mix and was about to drop it in the pan when like an annoying buzzing insect Shaun the human appeared at his side and nudged him out of the way.


Shaun was still on a high. He couldn't stop smiling to himself. Adam's revelation had been the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him. Omg OMG his best friend was a werewolf, correction a Lycan. Apparently, one should never be confused with the other if Adam's reaction was anything to go by.  He'd been horrified when Shaun called him a werewolf by mistake.

He leaned against the door frame, folding his arms across his chest as he watched Constantine cook breakfast. He found it hilarious, a domesticated werewolf.  Shaun was mildly surprised that being alone with the fearsome Constantine didn't scare him senseless. Before yesterday he had only seen him at distance or briefly around the apartment.  He had been in awe of his height and physique. Things had changed dramatically in a day, they were now comrades...sort of....actually, no not really.  All he got from Constantine were growls.

Adam, he trusted totally but Constantine...the jury was still out on him.   He wasn't sure how he felt about him, not the werewolf part, it was more the fact that he worked for Adam's family. However, he was intrigued by him and the whole concept of a bound wolf.  Watching him move around the kitchen, the broad shoulders and back that tapered down to a narrow waist and hips, the legs like tree trunks, and the wild mane.   It made perfect sense that he was a beast. He was enormous even when compared to Adam who was a big man.  Shaun gave his bicep a little squeeze and suddenly had the urge to renew his gym membership...he was no wimp but he was the runt of this threesome.  His 5'10 and toned muscles were embarrassingly unimpressive.

He was mesmerised as he watched the werewolf making omelets for breakfast. It was a surreal experience that he wanted to savour. Shaun remained silent as Constantine went through the preparations but when he was finally about to pour the egg mix he just couldn't help himself, fearsome beast or not, he couldn't let him ruin a perfectly good omelet.

"Hang on, you're not done yet."  He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of shallots from a bowl of herbs on the counter and a knife from its rack.  Purely because he was taken by surprise Constantine moved out of Shaun's way and let him take his place.  He growled leaning over the human as he watched him quickly sliced up the shallots and throw them into the egg mix before he could object.  For a second time, too quick for Constantine, who was still glaring at the shallots, Shaun pulled a jar of chill flakes from the spice stand and shook it vigorously into the eggs, then he gave the mix one last flamboyant stir with the knife before backing off.

"VOILE! There you go.'s ready."  He took a few steps towards the door when he saw Constantine's face had turned purple.

"I've been making it the same way for years."  He growled, muscles bulging and spatula gripped tightly in his hand.

"Well, now you know how to do it right."  Shaun left the room, quickly.


Once he'd jumped the hurdle of telling Shaun the truth Adam thought everything else would be easy.  He could get down to the serious business of finding out what his father was up to.  

It wasn't easy.  He found he couldn't ask Constantine the questions he wanted to.  They'd never spoken to each other unless it was necessary.  They'd never bothered with pleasantries,  diplomacy, or even basic good manners.  When they needed to tell each other something they blurted it out.  It had worked up to now.  Three years of thinking of Constantine as his jailer wasn't going to change overnight.  

Adam felt that any ground he had gained in taking control of his life was suddenly gone again.  He found himself thrown back into the role of prisoner and Constantine once again held the upper hand.   How could he ask him where his loyalty lay without him sounding weak,  worse still...desperate.  And why would Constantine discuss anything with him anyway.

He stared down at the omelet on his plate.  What did it matter if Constantine was going to confirm what he already knew, it shouldn't matter and logically, it shouldn't surprise him.  But he continued to delay the inevitable.  Instead, he methodically cut up his omelette horizontally and then vertically.  He hated  procrastinators.

"Coffee?"  Shaun's cheerful voice dragged him from his thoughts.  He sat upright and curled his toes in his boots.   Adam was felt sad to think this maybe the last time he saw his friend.

"Please." He watched as he poured the coffee, adding the sugar and milk the way he liked.  He felt a weird sense of...what was it?  It was an unfamiliar emotion ticking away in Adam's chest, he had to think about it.  In the end, he decided it was pride, he was proud of Shaun, of Shaun's friendship.  

Then he turned to Constantine, resignation written all over his face. He felt the dread of hearing the words he knew would come.

"I can't think of a single reason why my family wants me back.  The Ascension Ceremony would be their worst nightmare come true."  He saw Constantine's grip on his knife and fork tighten, as he got closer to the point where they both had to face each other and be honest.

Adam had a basic idea of how the Ascension Ceremony went.  Each Pureblood family had to present itself to the new King and vow their allegiance.  They had to present themselves in their true form....Wolf.  It hadn't been performed in over a hundred years because the Lycan community had started to scatter around the world and it became unworkable.  The new King wanted to return to the old ways, perhaps it was a show of power.  

The ceremony would reveal his obvious deformity in front of the King and all The Pures.  All his family's efforts to hide him would be for nothing.  They would be humiliated in front of all highborn families in one fell swoop.  They would never let that happen.

He'd racked his brain all night trying to work out why they were coming to get him.  He could only think of one thing, surely they would not restore to that. 

"Constantine, tell me the truth. Are they planning to kill me?"   Finally it was out.   Adam waited for the answer.

"Probably."  The werewolf sneered. He couldn't help but show his disgust for his masters.

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