Chapter 32 - Ruuuuuuun!

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"You say I'm crazzzzy, 'cause you don't think I know what you've dooooooone. But when you call me baby...I" 

Cyrus was amusing himself by singing all the Sam Smith songs he knew. It was embarrassing how many he knew all the lyrics to. He had a squeaky voice that was off-key most of the time and he couldn't hold a tune if his life depended on it but it was keeping his mind off the fact he badly wanted to pee.  Very soon he would be at a point where he would let the river flow.

He was getting into the chorus when he heard the front door slam open and heavy footfalls heading toward the bedroom. It sounded like a freight train bearing down on him. Theodore appeared at the door and before Cyrus could say "I know I'm not the only one." Theodore was up on the bed untying his arms. The bed dipped and Cyrus fell against Theodore. the Lycan smelt weird, funky, it was making Cyrus uncomfortable. He scrunched up his nose. He looked at his face as he worked on releasing him and he looked more feral than usual, and in the end when it was taking too long to undo the rope Theodore sliced through them with his claws.

The Lycan didn't speak but kept growling quietly to himself. Cyrus understood a little about Lycans being wolf and he wondered if it was Wolf talking and not Theodore, the decoy, disguise whatever.

"What's going on? Are you taking me to Thanos?" It was a terrifying thought and Cyrus broke out in a sweat when he realised he was going to finally face the madman.

Finally free, Cyrus shot up off the bed before Theodore had time to say anything and practically flew into the bathroom.  Forget about escaping, important things first.  Theodore snarled under his breath and looked at his phone, checking the time. Thanos will be sleeping off the booze long into the morning so there was plenty of time, but he wanted to hurry anyway.

Theodore went to the wardrobe and looked for a suitcase or backpack for the kid to use. He heard a loud sigh of satisfaction come from the loo and Cyrus came out a minute later.

"Damn! That was the best pee of my life." Then things got serious when he saw the look on Theodore's face.  Reality check, there was no getting by the huge Lycan standing blocking the doorway.

"Thanks for sharing." Theodore found a large duffle bag stuffed in a corner of the wardrobe and put it on the bed. He pointed at it. "Hurry. Grab some clothes and whatever you might need. You might be gone for a while. "  He growled and took a step forward and Cyrus jumped.

"What's happening? Are you taking me to Thanos?" He hated that his voice sounded so weak but it was impossible to hide the fact he was scared shitless.

"No, I'm not.  Hurry and pack. You have to get out of here and go to Fischer. Stay with him. Don't come back until you hear from me." Cyrus was suspicious. It was his nature not to trust anyone. A villain like Theodore was up there at the top of the list of people to take with a pinch of salt.  Was he hoping I was stupid enough to lead him to Fischer?  If this look of panic was an act, Theodore was a very good actor.  

"Hurry pack." Theodore bellowed this time striding up to Cyrus and giving him a push in the chest to get him motivated.  He would have fallen backward if Theodore hadn't grabbed him and set him back on his feet. "Move."  He yelled in his face.

"OK."  Damn it, he squeaked again.  This was no act.  The look on Theodore's face was for real, he was scared and monumentally angry.   Cyrus ran around the bedroom grabbing things from drawers and shelves and throwing them into the duffle bag. It didn't take long and most of the things he needed were in his car anyway.

"If you have any weapons take them with you, you'll need them if he finds you."   Theodore left the room to search for something in the bathroom.   Cyrus scoffed, he was a surveillance expert, of course, he had guns, enough for a small army.  They were hidden around the city for easy access in case of emergencies.

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