Chapter 22 - Keep your head down

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A day later and there have been a few developments.  One thing is Fischer's state of mind, it became obvious that he wasn't only physically ravaged.  His mind was as full of holes as his body.  From the moment he opened his eyes, he was in absolute terror and nothing could break him free of it.  In the end, fearing he was going to open all his wounds, Barnes sedated him and he fell back into unconsciousness.  There hasn't been another peep out of him since then.

Another issue is Constantine's frustration at not being unable to help his master, it has turned into unreasonable anger and it's focused like a laser beam on Fischer's mate, the glacial Paul Holt.  The two can't be in the same room for long without clashing.  As for the Guardian, he's doing his best to stay away from Fischer, holding talks with his men in the other apartment.

Shaun is awake.  Constantine has taken on the role of carer.   Barnes was surprised how the two interacted.  He'd never seen a human so relaxed around a werewolf before, there was no fear at all.  Constantine even let him run his hand through his short curls.  "This is so much better than the nest you had before.'s so soft."  The human cooed.  Constantine grumbled but he didn't move away.  Barnes was sure if they stayed here much longer black would become white, the sun would start rising in the west and setting in the east.

Last of all the sleeping arrangements also changed.  Lewis and Santo switched apartments with Cyrus.  The move made sense, but no one dared ask The Boss why he was keeping the human around.


The Purebloods were meeting over breakfast and if you didn't know that they were under siege you'd think it was a pleasant business meeting.  Over eggs benedict, it was decided that doing nothing was the best option. All they had to do was stay out of sight and avoid being found before Thanos was forced to return home for the Ascension Ceremony.   They had to lay low for a few days.   During that time the human and Fischer could recover without having to be moved.

The ceremony was to be held in just over a weeks time.  Thanos would have to announce Adam's death without a body as proof.  It may be enough to satisfy the new King, after all, Adam Fischer hadn't been seen in public for years, and he was practically a ghost. After that, Fischer could disappear and no one would care.

Whether it was bravery or just not being able to read the room Santo asked why they didn't leave and let the human and Rozzi and Fischer, fend for themselves.  They could count on Cyrus to help them.  All eyes fell on him.  It was Lewis who finally spoke up, his tone tinged with annoyance.

"If we left them we are no better than the Homelanders.  Personally speaking, after seeing what they did to Fischer and his human, I can't in all good conscience leave them."  He gave his Boss a look that said, so don't ask me to.  There was a nod of agreement from Barnes.  

The Guardian squeezed his friend's shoulder.  "Well said Lewis, if we turn a blind eye at this point what would it say about us."  They were all lost for a moment in their own thoughts.

Barnes jumped into the awkward silence.  He wanted to get down to practicalities.  "Now that's decided, we need to get medical supplies for the human and Fischer asap.  What we brought along with us has almost run out.  I'll message home for the mediations we need for Fischer."  He looked at the Guardian sheepishly.  "Pain killers, ointments, etc, and ahmmm...suppressants. Cyrus can get us the rest of the stuff we need locally."

Lewis added.  "We need weapons."  He saw the look on the Guardian's face, he preferred diplomacy over brute force.  "We need to be able to defend ourselves."   The Guardian didn't like the idea but he knew Lewis was right.  

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