Chapter 20 - Thanos

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Warning Violence and Gore ahead.  Feel free to correct my Greek.

When the police arrived there was an undignified scramble to get away from the scene. There was no opportunity to go back to the apartment for Fischer. One of Thanos's men remained with the car, it was unavoidable with the police involved. They would soon find out the car was rented only hours earlier and by who. Theodore Baulkis was Thanos's, right-hand man. He stayed behind, as usual cleaning up the mess his master had caused.

So when the Junior Constable started asking questions the Lycan played nice with the human and answered all the questions as pleasantly as he could. If they were back home he would probably squash him like a bug, but here keep it simple he told himself.   He actually didn't mind humans like most of his kind. At one time he'd been friends with a human and the innate Lycan dislike of them had been blunted.  This one looked harmless.

The explanation he gave the policeman bordered on ludicrous and the young Constable would have taken it further if he could come up with a good reason. He glared at the burly man, with the heavy-set features as he replied in an accent that was even thicker than his eyebrows and dotted with foreign words. He forced himself to curb his natural urge to pigeonhole the man's character by his swarthy appearance.

"We arrive a few hours ago. We pick up the car πήγασε to our hotel." The Lycan tried to smile but it was more of a sneer, only making a worse impression on the Constable. "IΔεν μπορούσα να κοιμηθώ, Τζετ λαγκ, so I drive around." His gravelly voice was deep but not unpleasant.

"I stop here because I got lost and I thought I would walk around and get some air. But this happen." He pointed at the car. Theodore tried to pull an innocent face but can a Lycan really pull off a sheepish, not even close.  

But he could manage surprised because that was real.  When they had all rushed down the stairs to find the car in flames Thanos and his men, were dumbfounded. All of them were of the one mind,  it must have been Constantine.  Whether he got to Fischer was another thing. They had no chance to check but they assumed he did. It was obvious when Fischer made the deal to stay behind in place of his human Constantine wasn't happy. Theodore knew, as a bound wolf, he would try to save his master.  It had been a surprise that he'd go to such lengths and that surprise lingered.

In the end, the young Constable cut short the interview, it came down to who travels halfway around the world to torch a car. He let the matter go, there were better things to do with his time, and gave Theodore the usual spiel...they may be in touch with them in the future for more information. There would be an official report from the Fire Brigade for insurance purposes...blah.   Theodore had stopped listening long ago.

His main concern was getting back to Thanos before he caused more havoc by doing something impulsive again.  He had to keep it simple, find Adam and kill him.

On the taxi ride back to the hotel at Elizabeth Quay Theodore fidgeted in his seat as if his arse was on fire, growing angrier by the minute. The security guard wasn't answering his phone. He'd called him a dozen times. What had happened to the camping equipment? He was supposed to deliver it to the hotel. It was meant to set the scene of Fischer's unfortunate, accidental death. He squeezed the top of his nose in frustration, it was a moot point anyway he told himself, considering they didn't have the body that would be the centerpiece of the drama. He kept calling with no luck. The human was normally reliable, he had passed on information the entire time Fischer had lived in the building.  Reporting not only on Fischer but Constantine as well.

Theodore frowned.  As they got closer to the CBD the suburb houses turned into blocks of units and then the silhouette and bright lights of the city skyline shot up in front of them. Theodore wanted a couple of hours sleep so he could think clearly. He was exhausted.

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