Chapter 46 - A friend is a friend is a friend...Human, Lycan or Were.

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This is just a wee chapter.  It was meant to be THE WEDDING chapter but I went off on a tangent and fell into Shaun mode instead.  I'll get back on track with the next one....dinner/bucks party and wedding unless of course, something happens in the plot I don't expect.

"This place is really impressive Mr. Lewis," Cyrus said as he pressed his nose against the glass.  Shaun sat beside him, his head stuck out the window, swinging from one side to the other, so he didn't miss anything.

"It's Lewis, just Lewis. You're not on the payroll anymore Cyrus, you don't have to be so formal."

"Oh. OK, Sir." He mumbled.

"Sir is even worse." Lewis frowned but let it go. "I'll take you for a proper tour tomorrow. You can observe some of our training sessions. I think you will find them interesting."

"That sounds great." Cyrus smiled broadly. The thought of seeing the Oegania Guards in action practically gave him a hard-on.  He was always looking for ways to improve his skills and these guys were not just a level up but another sphere altogether.

"So when are we meeting up with Adam...Daniel." Shaun corrected himself but it was too late. He nervously looked at the driver. "I mean Daniel, The Guardian's mate...him...that guy."

He managed to make it ten times worse. Lewis turned around in his seat making Shaun quickly close the window and sit back quietly in his seat. "It's OK this time. Jordan here..."  Nodding at his offsider. "... is part of Adam's security team. He knows everything. BUT!!!!!"  Lewis's voice dropped and his eyes narrowed on the repentant human. "In public HE HIS DANIEL?"

Shaun shriveled up under the glare. "Sorry, Lewis." The happy puppy had been slapped on the nose.

"There in two." Lewis turned back in his seat and spoke into the microphone at his wrist.

There was a shriek from behind him. Shaun was back. "OMG Cyrus did you just see cooooool is that. OH MY FLUFFY PINK SLIPPERS." 

He dramatically turned to Cyrus and did an impersonation of Lewis speaking into his wrist, dropping his voice and going all macho. "THERE IN TWO. OVER AND OUT.  ALPHA CHARLIE TANGO...whatever!" Both Shaun and Cyrus burst into hysterics.

In the front seat, Lewis squeezed the bridge of his nose and looked over a Jordan. "You get used to it after a while."

Lewis interrupted the chuckling.   "Adam is looking forward to seeing you.  He's organised a little get-together tonight. Barnes, Santo, and I will be coming; perhaps the Boss and The Alpha if they finish their meeting early. The Luna will be there as well." Lewis coughed and said under his breath. "He insisted."  

"What about Constantine, he's coming, right? All the A team will be there." Shaun looked at Cyrus as soon as Constantine's name left his mouth. Cyrus never mentioned him, ever and it always struck him as weird. Saying his name out loud felt like he struck a gong in church. Cyrus didn't even blink.

"Yes, of course."  Lewis answered as they arrived in front of a block of units.  He was opening the back passenger door as Adam appeared at the entrance of the building.  Shaun was out the door and hurtling at his friend before Cyrus managed to get his seat belt off.

Shaun is big and sturdy by human standards and he used all that muscle to grab Adam around the middle and lifted him off the ground, squeezing him hard like he was an almost empty tube of toothpaste and he was squishing the last bit out.  

"It's so fucking good to see you mate.  Bloody hell, you look so much better than that sick dog that left Perth."  When he finished reshaping Adam's spine he put him down and held him by the shoulders as he looked him up and down.

"Damn. You look like a new man, fucking a Lycan God even."  He gave him a few hard slaps on the face for good measure.  Love can be painful.  "Damn, it's good to see you."

Adam staggered a little, overwhelmed by the affectionate beating he had just gotten from his human. He was all smiles, probably the happiest he'd felt in months, and if there was no one around he would have hugged his friend back.  In the Lycan world hugging, especially hugging humans wasn't a thing, so he just punched him in the stomach instead.

"Shaun, you haven't changed a bit."  Was all he could say as he grinned at his friend.  Adam was surprised at the intense feeling in his chest.  Shaun held a special place, he wasn't bound to him by a family, bond, or a vow, he wasn't interested in him because of status or rank, Shaun just liked him for what he was.   He even liked him before Adam started to like himself.

The human jumped back and straightened his collar, stood to his full height, and said.  "Dah dam....your best man has.... ARRIVED.  Can we have a drum roll please!!!!"

Lewis and Jordan stood back leaning on the car.  "Humans must be like an acquired taste, like oysters or brussel sprouts,"  Jordan said quietly to his boss.  "I haven't been around many humans but none of them were like him.  Is he odd for a human?"

Lewis tried not to smile.  "Unique more than odd."  

"I'm trying to get my mind around the fact The Guardian allowed Daniel to choose  him as the Best Man."  Jordan narrowed his eyes.  

"How did the Luna take not being asked to be Best Man?"  Jordan asks casual and looked at his boss.  Lewis raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips.  "Ahhh!  Not well."  They both stood and watched on as Cyrus walked up to Adam and gave him a manly handshake and pat on the back.

"It's good to see you looking so well.  Not just walking again but you look like the after photograph for a gym commercial."

"Look at these babies."  Shaun started to squeeze Adam's biceps.

"Let go of the guy for goodness sake.  You are getting gayer by the day."  Cyrus slapped his hands away. "Man up."

"Moi."  If  Shaun got more excited he would spontaneously combust.

"We better get you inside before you have all the Purebloods showing up on my doorstep."  Adam pulled Shaun by the arm and Cyrus followed.  Lewis and Jordan finally relaxed once they were out of sight.

"I think I can count the number of humans that have been in the compound on one hand,"  Jordan said as he sprayed air freshener in the back seats.  "Their smell is probably one of the reasons for that."

"Like everything else about them, you get used to it." Lewis straightened his cuffs.  "After a while you forget we're not the same."

Jordan gave his boss a weird look, that was almost heresy.

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