Chapter 24 - Woooof!!!!

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Theodore Baulkis proceeded to tell Cyrus a story about finding a distant family member, spun a melodramatic tale of an elderly couple wanting to be reunited with their son blah blah blah. Cyrus's found himself knee-deep in bullshit.  He had to thank his ability to dish out the stuff as he softened his features.  They morphed into a believable look of sympathy. He agreed to take the case. What else could he do? If Baulkis showed up at his office, wanting to make it official, it would be a disaster.  Not to mention his father, wanting to ingratiate himself, had already given his business card to the murdering bastard.

Once Theodore was finished and more coffee arrived Cyrus sat patiently as his father droned on, wishing the old saying liar liar pants on fire was a real thing. He would have loved the conversation to end because his father's nether regions were going up in flames. Instead, he had to listen to how miraculously, the job that he had had for the past five years, the same job his father had described as him playing at being a grown-up, was now being glorified for the benefit of the lowlife sharing their table.

However, the time wasn't a complete waste, his eyes never left Theodore Baulkis as he feigned interest in his father's stories. Cyrus took in every detail he could about the man, from the little tells on his face, to how calloused his hands were, the breadth of his shoulders, and the fact it looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days.  He took it all in, you never know when a small thing becomes important. In the end, he put them out of their misery. Cyrus looked at his watch and apologised for cutting the meeting short but he had another case to attend to. Standing up he looked perfect, a sleek young man with purpose. On the inside a little voice was saying, keep it together, it's nearly over. Theodore took the chance to escape as well, it was only James Stocland who looked put out. Theodore pushed a manila folder across the table towards Cyrus.

"This information may be of help. I have to stress...WE NEED TO FIND HIM URGENTLY." Sure you do, thought Cyrus.

"I'll do what I can," Cyrus said politely, he picked up the folder and tucked it under his arm.

Goodbyes were said, hands shaken, Cyrus walked away as fast as he could without looking like he was going to break into a run. He looked back when he reached the verandah, just in time to see Theodore pass a white envelope to his father. So that's how it is? Has it always been like this, all the years he thought his dad was a squeaky clean cop?

Once outside he called for an Uber. Being with his Father was bad enough but sitting with the guy that had tortured Shaun and Fischer was too much. Cyrus pulled out a cigarette and lit up, taking long deep drags. How such a toxic habit could provide so much comfort was insane.

"May I have one?" Cyrus jumped. He hadn't heard Theodore approaching. His accented gravelly voice would have been pleasant if he didn't know it belonged to a killer. Theodore loomed over him, damn the man was huge, tall, broad and frigg'in oozing masculinity. Cyrus imagine how they looked side by side and it made him cringe, it was a case of from the sublime to the ridiculous.

"Sure." He handed over the packet and lighter. Cyrus straighten his tie nervously and continued to puff away, praying for the Uber to arrive. They stood in silence until Theodore returned the cigarettes. He held the cigarette Bogart style.   Cyrus had to admit Theodore had presence.

"You are not your patéras. Cyroos, may I call you that?" Cyroos...hmmm if you must. Cyrus had never heard it pronounced like that before, whatever. 

Theodore cocked his eyebrow. "Just an observation."  He had dragged in one long breath and held it for ages before he blew it out the side of his mouth.  Cyrus found himself staring up at the brute's impassive face.

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