Chapter 31 - The Truth comes out in the End.

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Warning Violence.

A thud woke Theodore up abruptly. His phone fell off the couch onto the timber floor. He stared at an unfamiliar ceiling and tried to remember where he was. After two beers he had drifted off to sleep without realising and as his eyes closed he almost let himself go again. Then he remembered Cyrus in the other room. He sat up and reached for his phone, surprised to see that he'd slept for 2 hours. There were also two missed calls from Thanos. He sighed, knowing he was going to have to explain the lost time. Thanos always needed to know where he was. He sent a text to hopefully appease him until he got back.

Theodore dragged himself up and went into the bedroom. Cyrus lay there as he left him. His arms and head were covered by the sweatshirt and nothing else. He stood by the bed and looked down at the boy. By Lycan standards, he was too short, too slender, toned but with no serious muscle.   Even by human standards, he was small. The only wolfworthy part of him was his dick, the Goddess had been very generous. It was a good thing he was smart, he may survive a meeting with Thanos if he was forced to bring them together.

"Pervert. I know you're there. I heard you come in. Getting your jollies are you?" Theodore sighed. Lesson NOT learned.

"You're not in the least desirable.  There's no skin on  your bones, one fuck and you'd break."  Theodore pulled the sweatshirt down over his face.  "You're not pretty, you're not handsome."

Cyrus was about to say he was when he realised how stupid that would sound.  "At least put my pants back on, pervert." He tried to kick Theodore, who was quickly losing patience with him.  He was tempted just to hand him over to Thanos and be done with it.

"And being a smart arse when your defenseless, isn't a good idea."  Theodore pushed his face close to his.  "You've had time to think about it, where can I find Adam Fischer?  I'll let you go if you tell me."

"Fuck off."  Cyrus pulled on his wrists but he wasn't going anywhere.

Theodore held his hand in front of Cyrus's face,  He was forced to watch as one by one, each fingernail turned into a long sharp claw. "For you're information this is me being nice to you.  Imagine what I am like when I'm pissed off."  The accent was getting thicker by the second.

"I'll give you a couple of reasons to BE QUIET and just tell me what I want to know." Theodore ran a single claw down the center of his torso, from his chest to his belly, not hard enough to break the skin but to leave a red welt.  Cyrus winced in pain but said nothing.

"I could gut you with one claw." Theodore pulled open his legs and ran the claw along his groin, a little harder this time. Cyrus groaned and tried to wriggle away.  "...or I could rip open your femoral artery and let you bleed out. Slow death, not nice."

"Where is Adam Fischer?"

"Fuck off." Cyrus spat out. Tears swimming in his eyes.

"Or I could do this, which is more Thanos's style.  He doesn't mind making a mess."  Theodore's claws fully extended. Cyrus held his breath, he wished he'd kept his mouth shut. Theodore grabbed his penis and yanked it hard enough to lift his hips off the bed.  Cyrus screamed. "I could rip your dick off by the roots." He squeezed it tightly and let the sharp tips of his claws slide over it as he let go.

"Aghhastard..." Cyrus groaned, his penis ached and stung at the same time. Theodore pulled down the sweatshirt and roughly put his sweatpants back on. He shook his head in frustration.

"I have to get back to Thanos.  You've run out of chances."

"Don't leave me like this. Please.  Please." Cyrus heard the door slam shut.  

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