Chapter 54 - Horny

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I think I'll have to edit this some more but for now, it will do.  We're a little closer to the end of the story.

It's been a month since the wedding. Leaving was supposed to be a done deal but it's been postponed twice. Adam was starting to wonder if they'd ever leave. He'd thought that everything was clear-cut once Paul relinquished his guardianship. However, it became complicated when his encounter with the Tattac Guardian was found to be a case of misdirection in a bigger plan by David Frost and a few of the high-born families to try to pressure The Alpha into making contact with the Homeland. They had hopes of curbing the modernization of the Pures and restoring some of the old ways.

It was discovered that this group had been scheming against the Alpha for some time. While the pack under his rule prospered, and the low-borns, mateless and rejected mates had a better quality of life, it was not enough for the Tattac Guardian and his followers. They wanted the power and prestige that came with being a high-born of the Homeland. When the Oegenia Guardian returned with a mate, they saw the perfect chance to start their attack on the Alpha's leadership. Adam inadvertently had been the catalyst of everything that had followed

What was meant to be a simple handover to Lewis turned into a search for David Frost's supporters and their appearance before the Pure Council. Most of the elders had the same defence...they were coerced by David Frost into going along with him. Whether this was the truth or they were throwing the guardian under the bus they held firm. The Alpha and council announced they would make their findings public as soon as possible.

Adam hoped that it meant that Paul would be free to leave soon. They were barely seeing each other, with the guardian staying at the compound most nights because he was working all hours. Their new life had stalled big time. They hadn't made love properly since before their wedding. Adam was growing more restless, angry, and horny by the day. If it wasn't for Constantine keeping him in a state of exhaustion with long training and gym sessions, runs up and down the promenade, he would have made an appearance at the compound and taken Paul wherever he found him.  Even if it was on the floor of the Alpha's office.

Constantine was starting to become concerned that Adam may go into heat.  He was newly mated and unaccustomed to his body's needs, and failing miserably at not showing his increasing neediness. The were didn't dare leave him alone.  His charge wasn't known for his self-control under stress.  So Constantine stayed at the flat, sleeping on the couch,  just in case.  He was pumping him with the heavy-duty suppressants he'd gotten from Barnes. The little black pills were taking the edge off his horniness.  Unfortunately, they didn't control Adam's pheromones, which he kept intermittently releasing.  


A week and a half later the Pure Council still hadn't set out their findings. Adam was clawing the walls.  Being separated from his mate was becoming physically painful. Constantine wondered how Paul was faring.  He must be in a similar state.

When Barnes arrived before breakfast and dropped the bombshell that David Frost had been stripped of his office and banished from the compound.  His home, everything in it, and all the perks of being the Tattac Guardian ie credit cards, access to bank accounts were confiscated by the pack.  His exile was immediate.  Damien, Paul and Lewis will be escorting him to Sydney to catch a flight to the States with only a suitcase and a few personal beings.  The Council made sure that he had nothing to come back to. It stripped him of any connection with the pack, just in case he was foolish enough to think he could return.

The Guardian's supporters were luckier.  They were given the choice of leaving the compound or paying huge fines, which would cripple their family's finance for a generation.  All decided it was better to remain members of the Pure and rebuild their fortunes.

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