Chapter 49 - Tough Choices.

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Another chapter closer to the end of Kink.

There was something menacing about the sound of the Guardian's precise footsteps on the parquet floor. The even click click click of his stride was like a warning of approaching danger. He made his way from the front of the main house, down the hall to the Alpha's office on the first floor. Everyone he passed sensed trouble brewing, they said polite good mornings or nodded in his direction. Paul didn't respond. The Guardian wasn't the most approachable person at the best of times, at that moment he practically had a sign flashing over his head that read "Don't talk to me."

He was sure a fresh batch of rumors was doing the rounds of the building and didn't want to be stopped by the braver gossipmongers digging for updates. He quickened his stride a fraction. Since he'd come back with a mate, he and Adam had become the targets of malicious stories. Paul had done his best to shield Adam from the cruelest comments about his appearance, or the lewd guesses about their sex life. What's the term humans use, fake news? Most of the stories were so off the mark that he wondered how Lycans, who were vastly superior and far more evolved than humans stooped to their level by cutting down someone with whispers.  In the months since he returned he'd experienced a fraction of the disdain Adam had received his entire life. He wondered how his mate had endured it.  It shouldn't have bothered him but the desire for payback was growing.

Paul straightened his shoulders and ran his hands down his suit making sure it fell perfectly. He was preparing himself for a difficult conversation and he wanted a clear mind for what was to come.

He thought of removing his dark glasses but pushed them a little further up his nose instead, he remembered the dark circles under his eyes and didn't want to give the gossipers any more ammunition. He turned to go upstairs when someone, in just as much of a hurry, started coming down. Paul recognised the light impatient steps. They were taking two steps at a time in their rush to get downstairs. He looked up just in time to meet Virgil on the landing between floors. He skidded to a halt in front of the Guardian.

"Well look who it is...." Virgil was wearing an oversized green sweatshirt that almost matched his eyes, black skinny jeans and runners. His dark blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he looked just the same as when they first met.  He had a tiny blue backpack decorated with purple dinosaurs swinging from his arm. He managed to be hot and cute at the same time. But if you thought this disarming young man was all sweetness and light you'd be wrong. Virgil was a few inches shorter than Paul, not as broad around the shoulders or as muscular but that didn't stop him from standing angrily in front of the Guardian, hands on hips, ready for a fight. "Care to explain the disappearing act."

Paul was in his black suit which meant he was in Guardian mode, the Alpha's unflappable PA mode, but he did mellow slightly for his friend.

"No." Next second Virgil put his hand up to Paul's face. "Don't speak. I haven't time to listen to your pissy excuses anyway. I have to get Boo and Rufus to the doctor. The little shits ate an entire pavlova between them yesterday and now their suffering. Which means I'm suffering."

Virgil flung the backpack over his shoulder.  "I'm traumatised for life, I'll need therapy after this.  Have you ever experienced explosive diarrhea?  It went on and on.....OMG."

 Virgil's face scrunched up in disgust. "What can come out of a toddler's arse at the speed of sound can't be described in words." He took a breath, he was on a roll. "....and then there's the vomiting." 

He lifted his sweater to his nose."Damn...I'm offending myself." When the tirade finished Virgil took a breath and headed for the stairs, then turned to look up at Paul.

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