Chapter 37 - Stay with Me

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More Sex...sorry not sorry.

They've been acting strangely all day.

"Yep!" Shaun and Cyrus watched Barnes and Santo leave the apartment ready for the next sweep. "The weather is foul out there but they're so glad to get out of here." The two humans found the whole thing hilarious. "Paul and Adam's love fest upstairs is driving them nuts."

"That was very diplomatic of you". Shaun smirked. He could have called it a hundred other dirtier things than love fest.

"Barnes said.." Cyrus was sitting on the floor, his legs stretched out underneath the coffee table. He looked even more boyish than usual. His clothes weren't spick and span, no starched shirt instead a huge red hoodie and sweats, and they were just as rumpled as Shaun's. They looked more like teenagers having a sleepover than a couple of guys in hiding from a pack of evil Lycans.

"Barnes...the font of all knowledge and house gossip?" Shaun's grin got bigger. He was listening while flicking from one movie to another on Netflix trying to find something to watch.

"Correct." It was Cyrus chuckled. He was reading at least trying to, his mind was on other things. "...the guy just can't help but turn every conversation into a lecture. I think he secretly loves educating us inferior humans about all things Lycan. I was saying, according to the Oracle of Barnes the reason everyone is TENSE is that they are both high-status Pureblood Alphas, and combined they are a testosterone Mt Etna, currently it's erupting on the 16th floor....they are feeling the shock waves."

"Erupting...I like your choice of words." Shaun settled on Zombieland, you can't go wrong with Zombieland. It guarantees satisfaction. "By tense you mean horny right?"

"Also correct. Have you noticed they're all popping those little black pills like there M & M's? They're suppressants to dull their libido. I feel sorry for the poor bastards, I wonder what secondhand horniness feels like." Cyrus put the book aside, Psych 101, working out Theodore and Thanos was going to take more than a quick read. He continued, feeling like the subject needed to be pocked a little more.

"All the Oegenia Team take them so they stay focused on work without distractions, it's part of the job description."  He stopped to think about it. "I wonder if their family jewels wither up from lack of use. If they're all walking around with dried-up prunes for testicles."

"Over sharing mate." Shaun scrunched up his nose. He settled back in the armchair and Cyrus scooted up on the couch next to him. Between them was the coffee table, cluttered with cans of coke, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and a couple of packets of doritos. "I never thought I'd be happy being ordinary."

"Constantine had a mate so I'm not sure why he's so wound up. He keeps disappearing." Cyrus looked over at Shaun but didn't get a reaction. "You heard that rather tragic story right?

"Yep."  Cyrus looked at his too-blank face.  He had his suspicions that something had happened between the two but Shaun wasn't sharing.

Cyrus changed tack.  "Can you imagine some poor bastard bumping into him if he's prowling the halls of the hotel?  Especially if he's growling under his breath like he always does when he's pissed."  They both burst out laughing.   "OMG, I can picture that in my head."  

"He's probably gone up to the roof to avoid humans.  He seems to dislike our kind more than the others. "  Cyrus's laugh gurgled down to a cough. He threw that in to see if it irked Shaun, but his face stayed glued to the TV screen.

Lewis wandered out of his bedroom and went for his hourly trip to the kitchen to make a coffee. He gave them a nod on the way back. The two humans waved back.

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