Chapter 55 - Almost at the finishing line.

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The first thing Constantine did when he got home was shower, ridding himself of Adam's scent that covered his clothes and body. He was collateral damage when the explosive release of pheromones hit. It was hard to relax after the chaos. Seeing his charge in such a distressed state had unnerved him, and fearful that without him by his side, he'd end up in danger. It revived his guilt at leaving his charge in the care of Paul, mate or not.

Once clean and his skin free of the sizzling sensation that had vexed him all morning, Constantine sat on the couch and collected his thoughts. He found himself staring into space contemplating every possible version of his future, a time when he wasn't a Bound Wolf of the Fischer family. 

Eventually, he had to concede that he had no control over his future, his emotions, or anything else.

He drove down to the river for a long run hoping to exhaust himself to the point where his brain took a break from torturing him. The fact was, whatever happened from that point on was up to the Goddess's goodwill, he was in her hands. Constantine ran until his legs turned to jelly.

Back home he ate whatever was in the fridge and went to bed. That was the biggest decision he made all day.

An hour later he was still fidgety and staring at the ceiling.  As tired as Constantine's brain wouldn't give it a rest. His thoughts went back to Paul and Adam. Had they worked off their frustrations without destroying another apartment? Would their flight to London in a week's time get canceled...again?  

When his thoughts turned to packing up his own place, he realised there was almost nothing he wanted to take with him. It was going to be a fresh start. Cyrus and Shaun were waiting for him. It was the only thought that gave him  any respite from all the dramas.

Each week Constantine called to update them on what was happening on the East Coast, and Cyrus would keep him posted on what they were up to in their preparations for his arrival. While he was spinning his wheels waiting for the Pures to settle down, the two humans were busy getting their new venture on its feet.

They'd found a small warehouse which they were in the process of painting and renovating. Offices upstairs and the training area, which would be Constantine's domain was downstairs. Once everything is up and running he would be in charge of the physical training of the bodyguards, humans. Constantine found that hilarious. At least that was one thing falling into place in his life.

Another hour and Constantine felt like he was going stir-crazy. Checking the clock, it was nearly 1 a.m. He calculated the time difference between Sydney and Perth, propped himself up in bed, and reached for his phone.

"Hi, it's me." Constantine smiled when he heard the excited reaction of the person on the other end. "Hi Shaun, how..." He didn't get to finish the sentence. With no preamble from the other side, he was asked when he was arriving.

"Soon actually. As of today, I am an unemployed Bound Wolf and I'm planning to fly back in a week or so."

He heard cheering from the other end and Shaun calling out. "Hey Cyrus. Constantine says he'll be here in a week." There was more mumbling that Constantine didn't catch and then his phone started burred. Swiping the screen two grinning faces, squashed together, appeared on the screen.

"Hello, Cyrus." Constantine tried not to smile and spoil his surly image but he was pleased to see their faces. "It won't be long now. I'll be there once I pack up and see Adam and Paul off."

Cyrus brandished a paintbrush. "I'm just about finished painting upstairs. This arsehole over here is utterly useless except for bringing me cups of coffee. I wish you were here now, an extra pair of hands would be appreciated."

"Geez you're still bitching 'cause I left a couple of streaks on the wall. Who the hell would notice? Stick a painting over it for fuck's sake if it bothers you that much."  Shaun and Cyrus were nose to nose on the screen arguing fiercely over nothing, as usual.

"I would notice.  I would know they were there.  I'd see them every time I walked into the room."  Cyrus was a perfectionist with a reckless idiot as a business partner.

"You're a pedantic, nitpicking black hole of an arsehole."  Shaun parried. They forgot about Constantine for a couple of minutes while they debated who was the bigger arsehole.

"Well if you two want to argue I won't tell you the latest gossip." There was immediate silence.

"Tell us everything." Two faces moved closer to the screen.

They ended up talking for a couple of hours. Constantine explained the Pure Council's sentencing of David Frost and his supporters, and his departure that morning.  The humans loved all things werewolf, they couldn't get enough of it. it was better than any soap opera or reality show.   Somewhere along the way Constantine dropped in the fact that Adam had gone into heat which suddenly had Shaun squealing like a girl.

"That's when you get all uncontrollably horny and bonk anything that moves..right?"  

"More or less," Constantine said with a straight face.

"You managed to get away with your arse intact I hope,"  Cyrus added with a smirk on his face.  Shaun punched him in the shoulder.

"His mate was there to help him out."  Constantine pursed his lips tightly, it was getting harder to keep his poker face.

Cyrus rolled back out of the screen, laughing his head off.  The were could hear him saying "HELPED HIM OUT."  His laughter turned to choking giggles.  "Too funny."

An hour later they said their goodbyes and as Constantine put down the phone he felt relaxed for the first time in days. He curled up on the couch and slept like a baby.


It took two days for the heat to pass completely. It left Adam feeling full of energy and Paul exhausted. Trying to satisfy his mate for 48 hours straight was an experience Paul didn't want to repeat too soon. The heat had no negative effects on the person having it, the same couldn't be said for the recipient of their partner's insatiable desire. There were parts of his body that wanted to disown him, walking was agonising. Paul wouldn't have been surprised if he dislocated a hip. And the scratches and bites all over his body, although healing quickly, still stung and ached when he tried to clean himself.

As Paul walked out of the bedroom after showering and dressing for the first time in days, he was peeved at how upbeat Adam was, while he felt worn out. He could hear his mate humming happily to himself and walked gingerly to the kitchen counter.

"Good morning sweetheart. Someone looks happy." Adam looked over his shoulder, and winked at Paul, giving him a sly smile. The expression on his lover's face made Paul catch his breath, how did he end up with such a beautiful man who brought not only his heart but his body back to life?

"Who wouldn't be? We fucked a months worth in two days. The world could end today and I'd die happy a happy Lycan." Adam's smile almost split his face in two, he was on a euphoric high. He placed a plate piled high with scrambled eggs and bacon, and a mug of coffee in front of Paul. It smelt heavenly, Paul couldn't remember when he'd eaten last.

Stretching leisurely Adam arched his back like a contented cat, or wolf in his case. With his mind and body content after their lovemaking, he accidentally released pheromones that filled the room with a warm, soothing calm that settled on Paul.  He let out a long sigh and soaked it in. 

"It was just what I needed." Adam's T-shirt lifted exposing his abs and the top of his v line above his loose-fitting sweatpants. Paul couldn't help but admire the perfect form of his mate as he tucked into his food.

Adam walked around the kitchen counter and gently massaged the knots out of Paul's shoulders and kissed his cheek.  But as they say, there's no rest for the wicked and Adam had plans for the day, lots of them.  "I called Constantine and he's bringing over cardboard boxes for us to start packing. I've got a list of things that we need to work out.  So eat up. We've got lots of catching up to do."    

He gave Paul a firm pat on the arse as he walked away, happily humming to himself and looking like a man on a mission.  Paul groaned quietly and decided he'd have breakfast standing up.

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