Chapter 14 - Side Chosen

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The abrupt rap on the door startled Lewis. He was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling trying to focus. He liked things to be orderly and that included his thoughts.

"Come in." Before he got the second syllable out Barnes rushed in.   Lewis rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed running his hands through his hair. It looked like the day was going to blend into the next, one schemozzle after another. He looked up at Barnes with a frown. "What is it now?"

"I'm not sure if you want to know but Fischer and Rizzo have come back. They just hit the outskirts of the city. As far as I can make out they are heading for the human's house. They should get there in about 20 minutes."

Resting his head in his hands Lewis took a minute to consider their next step. In all the years of training, he followed protocols to the letter, and never questioned an order.  Nut this mission wasn't clear cut, the many grey areas.  Ignoring the possible outcome of the brothers' meeting, was tantamount to abetting murder as far as he was concerned and it didn't sit well with him.

Santos pushed past Barnes. He was carrying his laptop and watching it while he spoke. "The security guard has been gone a long time from his desk.  The last I saw of him he took the elevator to Fischer's floor. I think he may be letting himself into his apartment."  He gave Lewis a brief look then went back to the screen.    "Hang on he's back, what's he carrying?  

The security guard was piling stuff behind the reception desk.  Barnes joined Santo, frowning at the screen.

"They're sleeping bags, aren't they? And that looks like one of those  pop-up tents...maybe?" Barnes tilted his head and pointed at something. "What the hell, he's decided to go bush all of a sudden?"

"Sir, it does look like ....camping equipment.  He's making a second trip upstairs." Santo looked up from the screen confused.

Lewis was getting sick of these plot twists. He slapped his thighs and got up. "Forget about him for the moment.  We have no weapons but we brought collars, didn't we? How many have we got?"

"We have two collars and two pelt traps the sort we normally use for prisoners, they have the wrist and ankle straps. But they are useless unless we can overpower them."

"Is that all?" Both Barnes and Santo nodded. When they left ... he'd decided that this mission didn't warrant bringing any weaponry. He wanted to kick himself.

"Ok, pack those up and both of you go to the human's house. I want you close enough to watch anyone leaving or entering the house but out of sight and out of range of your scent being picked up. DO NOT engage with either group. Make sure you take your scent suppressors with you. If you are spotted leave immediately. Am I clear?"

"Crystal, Sir." They answered in unison.

"Santos keep watching the security guard and let me know what he's doing."

"You're not coming with us, Sir?" He asked as he backed out of the room, his eyes glued to the computer.

"I have something to do here first, then I'll join you." Lewis started to button up his shirt and went looking for his tie. The other two moved around the apartment quickly collecting what they needed.

5 minutes later they were ready to leave. Lewis reminded them. "Do not approach either party and make sure they don't pick up your scent. I'm going to call the Boss and if he says we fall back, that's the end of it. We will let nature take its course."

They opened the door to find a young man blocking their way.   Lewis and Barnes dropped into a fighting stance.  It had been a long day and it would have been a pleasant release to rip someone's head off.  But their low growls stuttered to a stop, they both sniffed the air and realised their mistake.   It was a human.  They straightened up and glared at the guy instead.  Santos was in the background still clutching the laptop.  His eyes jumped from the screen to the door.

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