Chapter 58 2 Days 3 Weeks and 3 months - Unexpected Complications Part 2

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3 weeks  London

Paul tried to roll over in his sleep, accidentally aggravating already tender back and hip muscles and joints. The sudden pain woke him up with a start, freezing him into position, lying prone on the bed. He had no choice but to wait it out. Every nerve ending in his hips sparked as if his skin was being scorched from the inside.

Paul gripped the pillow with both hands and pressed his face into it stifling a long pained groan. His lower back muscles twisted a little more, sending sharp pains shooting down his legs until his toes curled. His body was never meant to bend the way it had the previous night.

What had gotten into Adam?  He wasn't in heat, but his lovemaking had been relentless.  Paul had no idea what had caused him to come home, frantic, and dragging him off to bed as ardently as if it was their first time. There had been no time for questions let alone answers. Up until then, the day had been nothing special, quiet and peaceful.  They'd decided to stay home because it was raining.  Late in the afternoon Adam realised he was out of stamps and went out to buy some.   He returned home...a crazy person. 

Paul licked his lips, remembering the pleasure had been intense and how he'd wholeheartedly surrendered to it, not questioning any of his mate's demands.  Adam's desire had been palpable, a tenacious craving that took a long time to quench. Paul was surprised he'd come dry twice from Adam's single-minded domination of him, satisfying needs he didn't even know he had.  His new life meant that he wasn't the one always expected to be in control.  Paul willingly handed over the reins to Adam on a lot of things, especially sex.

He broke out in a sweat, as another wave of cramps ran down his legs and hips. All Paul could do was continue to clutch and bite the pillow, and pray to the Goddess for mercy.  She was in a sadistic mood. His agony intensified when drops of sweat slipped between his cheeks and stung his swollen hole. Paul held his breath until the burning pain passed, jumping when a warm hand gently started to stroke his back, curving over his arse and back up again. "I'm sorry." The bed dipped and Paul winced when the mattress tipped him a little to one side and twisted his hips.

"Auff."  His breath caught in his throat.  Wincing at the pain the slight movement caused. Paul turned his head to look at Adam through watery eyes.   "I'm OK.  I've learned you only have two settings fast and furious."  He smiled at his handsome mate whose face was full of concern.  Adam's frown deepened.  "Be a sweetheart and get me a couple of hot packs for my back."

Adam slowly eased off the bed feeling as guilty as sin.   He'd panicked, and in his rush to reassure himself that nothing could touch their happiness had been too rough with his mate.  The smart thing would have been to tell Paul what happened but he hadn't been thinking straight.  The familiar helpless panic he'd felt all his life took over and all he wanted was Paul, to be inside him.

As the microwave whirred, Adam got a bottle of water and some Panadol.  He swore at himself under his breath, it had been a knee-jerk reaction and he was annoyed with himself for letting the old insecurities take over. He stared at the pack of stamps that lay on the kitchen bench and wished he hadn't gone out.   His trip to the post office could have waited.   


It was raining and an icy wind was blowing up the street as it usually did.   Adam held firmly on to his umbrella refusing to let the wind take it.  Inside his coat pocket, his hand was holding a small pack of stamps, itching to put one on the postcard waiting at home.  He was looking forward to sending off this particular card, it was of Neal's Yard.  It was a bright colourful image of the courtyard in the evening with the lights on and patrons sitting around enjoying their meal.  The place had become a favourite place for Paul and him to eat and he wanted to share it with Shaun.  Adam was looking forward to seeing it in the warmer summer months when it will be bustling with tourists just like in the postcard.

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