Chapter 29 - My nose knows.

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"The little bastard fooled me." Theodore was standing in the back parking area of Shaun's apartment building. He paced up and down the concreted area for a long time, his face tilted up and his nostrils flaring. He sniffed the air continuously. Theodore circled a spot and stopped. It was faint but it was definitely Cyrus Stocland's scent....and Adam Fischer's. It was pointless going into the building to see if it lingered in there. The interior smelt only of smoke, everything else had been wiped clean by the fire.

The minute he met the boy he'd felt on edge. Theodore thought it was because he reminded him of someone he hadn't thought about for a very long time. His youthful face and prim and proper appearance had distracted him. It was only later he realised the reason he'd felt a sense of deja vu...had been his scent.

Patiently, Theodore retraced his steps from the moment they arrived. As he strolled the length of the arrival terminal in search of one particular scent, thousands of others floated around him. Finally, he identified the one he was after and found the spot where he had leaned on the wall, leaving a strong impression behind. He followed it out of the building but lost it in the car park.

The next stop was Adam's apartment. He didn't need to go any further than the car park to pick up the faintest traces of Cyrus in a couple of locations around the back entrance to the building.

It was Shaun's apartment building that confirmed he had followed them there. It was a big leap but Theodore was certain Cyrus, was involved in freeing Fischer. Theodore was also certain that a third party was involved. Someone had hired Cyrus to watch Fischer. They also knew of Thanos's arrival, which had been kept secret, and sent him to report on their arrival. He, or more likely they, had retrieved Fischer before Thanos finished him off.

"The little bastard." Theodore smiled, he was impressed. It didn't change the fact that he may have to kill him in the future, but he was impressed with the little human. He had played the cool, dutiful son taking on a case for his father's sake flawlessly. There was more to the human than most of his species. His calm cunning was wolfworthy. However, it did piss him off that he had happily handed over all the information they had, even their location. He pursed his lips and considered what to do next, whether to tell Thanos straight away or check out the boy first. Theodore could quietly work out who the third party is before informing his Master. It was pointless sending Thanos into a rage without having any answers to placate him.

If he was careful there might not be a need to kill Cyrus if he can get the boy to give up where Adam is hiding and who hired him. The human was the last of Thanos's problems, he could accidentally on purpose let him slip away.  He would have one less death on his conscience, even if it was only a human.

Theodore walked to his car tossing up his next stop. He ended up heading for a surprise visit to Stocland Senior. It was obvious that there was no love lost between father and son but as his father seemed to enjoy bragging rights to his son's success he could at least get his home address from him and pay the boy a visit.


Theodore arrived at the door of the Stocland house, late in the evening, he hoped to catch Stocland Senior by surprise, making it easier to quickly get the information he wanted and leave. Unfortunately, he didn't realise the human liked holding court any time of the day or night.

He was ushered into the lounge by the pale lifeless female he learned was his mate. Theodore was used to powerful Lycans and their ways, so it amused him to see this delusional human in his wheelchair, playing at being a despot on his throne.

The human looked exactly the same as when they met the previous day, he was dressed in a starched white shirt and tie, and trousers with sharp straight creases, and not a hair was out of place. After the initial greeting, the obligatory offer of a cup of tea, which he declined.  Once Theodore was settled, Stocland grinned like a Cheshire cat. He had an audience and he was going to milk it.  Theodore forced a smile and reminded himself that they were back in the homeland and he couldn't disembowel him because he was annoying.  

"I'm so pleased you're visiting so soon." He went on to inform Theodore that three of the four weapons he'd asked for had arrived. Stocland rang a little bell that hung from his wheelchair and the living ghost appeared. He gave her instructions, and she left silently and returned with a small tote bag. She was gone again by the time Theodore lifted his gaze from the bag she had left at his feet.  After that, the self-aggrandising started. His monologue covered everything from his ability to get Theodore anything he wanted, he emphasised anything, to the state of the current police force in Australia. 

Theodore's face remained impassive, as the bragging continued. He imagines turning Stocland into a pinata and hitting him so hard that his insides became outsides. When his patience finally ran out his eyes turned cold, which should have been a clear warning to stop speaking.  Unfortunately, the human didn't see it or didn't heed it, either way, the brag fest was about to end.

"Mr. Stocland," Theodore said. His alpha voice moved between them like an onrushing tsunami, by the time it reached the pompous arse in his wheelchair, Stocland's voice stuck in his throat and his perfect posture crumpled. "You can help me with one more bit of information. I'd like your son's home address. Please." The last word trailed for longer than it should, and his accented voice which already had Stocland Senior feeling like he was in his crosshairs, dropped a notch in coldness. "Αυτό δενείναι πρόβλημα, έτσι δεν είναι;"

"It is not a problem, no? I need to deliver some paperwork to him urgently." There was a  look of suspicion in Stocland's eyes but his resistance faded quickly and he told him the address. Theodore thought if he had any misgivings that he may be endangering his son, he ignored them for the sake of future business dealings with him. As humans went he was somewhere near the bottom with the dreggs.

Having got what he wanted, Theodore didn't give him a chance to restart the bragging. He was standing, wishing him a good evening, and striding out the door with the tote bag slung over his shoulder before Stocland could utter another word.


Cyrus walked into his apartment with a smile stuck to his face.  It had been there all day.  It was possibly the best day ever in his life.  His mind was spinning with all the information he was given about Lycans and werewolves.   Barnes and Santos patiently answered all his questions until he and they were exhausted.  Some things made no sense at all, the concept too bizarre for his human brain to get around, like the mating bond.  Shit, that made no sense at all.  Other things were so superhero-ish, like their hearing, speed, strength, and longevity, he wanted to be one.  

It was all fascinating, a world so different from his own had opened up to him.  Cyrus had to admit the moment he saw Paul transform before his eyes had been a shock to the system, it was also the most exciting and wonderous thing he had ever seen.   He had spent the day getting to know the group, the original team of Lewis, Barnes and Santo who had employed him; Adam Fischer and Constantine Rizzo were the targets, Shaun a boring human like himself.  Then there was Paul Holt, who's an Ogeneia Guardian for his pack.  He told himself he had to write it all down before he forgot any of it.

Cyrus dropped his backpack at the door and pulled out his cigarettes.  He lit one up and headed straight for the kitchen without bothering to turn the lights on.   He opened the fridge, grabbed a can of beer, pulled the tab and chugged down most of it in one go.  

Then the kitchen light went on.  

He turned in time to see Theodore rushing towards him.  The next minute his huge hands were grabbing his shirt and lifting him off the floor.  With one heave the Lycan through him across the room onto the couch.  The air was knocked out of him as he bounced onto the floor, his head hitting the armrest as he fell.   Cyrus tried to scramble to his feet only to be pushed back down.  Theodore pressed his knee into his stomach and wrapped around his throat, immobilising him.  The Lycan pushed his face close, sniffing. ''I can smell them all on you.  What have you been up to  mικρό αγόρι?''  

Theodore watched as the soft youthful face was now turning crimson from lack of air. ''I don't like being tricked.  You're going to tell me where Adam Fischer is.''   Cyrus's hands pulled desperately on Theodore's thick wrists, trying to free himself.  He could barely catch his breathe as the hands squeezed tighter and the knee ground into him painfully.  He stared into Theodore's eyes, thinking they may be the last thing he sees before he dies.  His grip on the Lycan loosened then  his hands fell away as he lost consciousness. 

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