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Julia was throwing Melody a pool party in their backyard for her second birthday.

Steve was in charge of inviting the guest.

He invited the older teens, who were excited about the pool party. In August, they were going to start their third year of high school. They weren't so little anymore.

Steve invited Melody's new friend she made at the park a few months back.

He also invited a few of his older friends.

Julia was decorating the backyard. While Steve was taking care of Melody. The two-year-old was ready to go in the pool. She enjoyed the water. She wanted to jump in the pool without supervision.

Steve went to the pool with Melody. The girl was happy and splashed everywhere. She wanted to swim around. Holding her close to him, Steve moved around the pool while she pretended to swim.

Thirty minutes later, people started arriving.

Melody's new friends she made in the park went to her party.

The three kids were thrilled once they saw the pool.

Jasmine skipped while holding her mothers hand.

David held his younger brother's hand as both boys walked fast. The young boy Eric had turned two just a few weeks ago, Melody was now the same age as him. When Melody noticed Eric, she smiled fondly at the boy and wanted to swim toward him. David's mom helped the two boys into the pool.

While the other kids were in the pool, Jasmine was more interested in the chips that were on the long wooden table. The pool could wait; the girl wanted to eat first.

Ten minutes later, Robin arrived alone. Robin was no longer dating Vickie. They broke up early this year. They were sadly growing apart. For college Vickie went out of state while Robin stayed in Indiana.

She was sad at first; it was her first big break up, but she dried her tears and tried again.

In college Robin met a lot of cool people. They were different, and others were like her. It was different from the small town of Hawkins. She was sure to make weekly phone calls to Steve and Julia to update them on her romance life. Steve was very interested and had a few opinions of Robin's dating life.

After Robin got into the pool, she splashed water on the birthday girl and her father.

Soon after, Mike and Will arrived with Nancy. Nancy and Jonathan were going strong, they were still dating, and they were now living together.

They recently opened their own little business. Nancy was the reporter while Jonathan took pictures of the cases. They did small things like report on car crashes, stolen mail, and right now, they were investigating a recent fire. It was the fifth fire in two weeks, and many believe they were dealing with a pyromaniac.

Nancy wanted to get to the bottom of the investigation. Their lives were busy, and Nancy loved every minute of it.

Nancy placed Melody's gift on the small circular table that was outside. Jonathan greeted Steve and sat on a chair. Will followed his brother and sat on a chair near him. He smiled at Julia and waved at her.

Nancy sat on the edge of the pool in front of Jonathan. She took off her shoes and put her feet in the water.

Robin and Melody were still splashing everywhere; they even got Nancy. The young woman didn't want to get wet, but thanks to the girls, the top part of her summer dress was now wet.

Mike stood awkwardly by the edge of the pool. Julia greeted him, and Robin yelled at him to get in the pool. He reluctantly agreed.

Mike and Eleven were taking a small break from their relationship. They were still friends; the pair had classes together in school they couldn't ignore each other forever. It was a little bit awkward at the beginning of the break up, but now it wasn't awkward between them.

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