Chapter two

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Nathanial paced in his living room while I stared at the ground and gripped my hands together so hard, that my knuckles turned white

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Nathanial paced in his living room while I stared at the ground and gripped my hands together so hard, that my knuckles turned white. But this pain was all too little to cover what was going on inside me

"And you are sure this is Carlo?"

"Who else would want to meet with me and then sign the paper with CC?" I glanced his way and saw him stop in front of the window before sliding his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"Go see him-"

"Nate, I have bigger problems than-"

"I said go see him," he turned his eyes to meet mine. "I'll be on the lookout. We have to be realistic in that we clearly won't find her with the snaps of our fingers. It's not that easy, Nico. And whoever has them knows that we'll do anything."

"I swear to fucking gods if this is about trying to blackmail me into giving them money, I will lose it."

"There's more in mafia than money, Nicolas. Even with the lack of evidence and trace, I can tell this is the job of someone we know."

"You had security here during the three years, right?" He nodded, averting his eyes away from me.

"I don't think it was a stalker. Well, not one of those professions, at least. They might have stalked Bri for some time, but I sincerely doubt this was the job of an actual maniac," Nate suggested. I had this idea myself, but I couldn't say I still believed every possible outcome. "But they've been good at keeping Brielle from harm while you weren't here, apart from Carlo approaching her. Although that wasn't necessarily to harm her physically," sighing, I looked around the dark room, feeling my eyelids become heavier with each passing moment.

"I know it cannot be Rodger's fault," I muttered. I knew the man all too well and trusted him after the many challenges we had both faced over the years. But what if he was working with someone?

"He's still unconscious," Nate said. "We can try and question him after he wakes up, but something tells me he won't remember anything." Small steps down the stairs caught both of our attention.

Amelia walked down, holding the railing as she observed us. She was dressed in sweatpants and a black shirt, which may have been Nathanial's. She smiled towards me through the uncertainty in her eyes and looked at her husband.

It was evident she made him calm, as his muscles seemed to relax the moment he noticed her. And now that she was carrying their child, I knew he was significantly more careful to have her around.

I knew I would be if I had been there with Brielle from the start.

"Are you alright, princess?" She smiled and nodded, holding her hand against her stomach. She was in her second trimester, as far as Brielle had told me, and was already showing. "Did I wake you?" He asked as he neared her before placing his hand on her waist. I had lost track of time already, but it was way past midnight. Even so, it seemed I had aged a century.

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