Chapter fourteen

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I woke up after my alarm went off the second time

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I woke up after my alarm went off the second time. Evara was still sound asleep, sprawled across the second half of my bed, drooling on one side. I smiled before placing a kiss on her head and getting out of bed.

After a little over three hours of sleep, I knew I had much to do. Nate was going to come here soon and besides that, my mother would meet her grandchild. First and probably only one.

I quickly changed into some black pants and a grey sweatshirt before I put on some sneakers and spritzed a little cologne on myself. Once I was back in my bedroom, I looked at Evara again before approaching her side of the bed to cover her with the duvet. I didn't want her to get cold even if she looked like she was having the best kind of sleep one could have.

I left the bedroom after turning the baby monitor on, which stood on the nightstand, and headed towards the stairs. I could already hear Greta's voice along with Giovanni's as they spoke about something I only comprehended once I was on the first floor.

"Good morning," Greta said, making me smile slightly.

"To you too," she nodded once before returning her gaze to Gio.

"Best case scenario, we get a day without being recognised or even traced," I tucked my phone into the pocket of my pants, making sure the sound was on if Evara suddenly woke up and made a noise.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I neared them.

Giovanni was dressed in his usual all-black suit, scratch the jacket, and had his hair in a lower bun. He looked more rested than I'd seen him be before he left for Sydney, about a week ago.

"We have to get to Spain," Gio said.

"It's a shitty plan if I'm being completely honest but it's the best one that we can come up with," Greta followed up. "We don't have a ton of time and if we continue sulking, we will never get to her."

"So, we go to Spain without even a clue as to where they are?" Greta looked at her laptop and shook her head.

"Not entirely," I moved closer to get a better look at the screen. "I have been monitoring the entire globe or more precisely North America for the past week. But that hasn't given us any luck as we have recently discovered that she is indeed not there," she moved her map onto Europe and zoomed in on the Spanish lands. "And once you informed me about the possibility of her being here, I've recorded a few transmissions made at about the same time you received the messages last night."

I was astonished at the work this woman was able to do. Even while sleeping, the computer did the work for her by collecting the data she had programmed it to take.

"I'm making a rough estimate as the data isn't accurate to the precise coordinates but I think we can manage to find some space that could potentially be the right location," I looked at Gio who seemed to be thinking over the plan a million times in his head. Having all of my most trusted friends' insight was the best part of my job. They made it all so much easier.

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