Chapter thirteen

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I stood in the kitchen in the middle of the night, sipping a glass of cold water

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I stood in the kitchen in the middle of the night, sipping a glass of cold water. Staring through the window, I admired the quiet night in the city yet felt the tightness in my chest as I remembered what situation I was in.

I missed Brielle more than anything. Even more than I missed her when she disappeared three years ago. I guess this was far different since now I knew she was in the wrong hands and could be harmed at any moment.

The doctor managed to extract the bug from Evara after putting her to sleep for half an hour. It was painful to watch, but I couldn't let myself leave her side. I promised her I wouldn't and I wasn't about to lie to my daughter.

Everything seemed to slow with the lack of sleep I was acquiring every night. I barely slept for two hours at best and tended to spend my time during the night in the kitchen or the gym. I began thinking about heading to the estate and having a swim in our indoor pool but that would give me more pain than relief.

And now I started thinking about possibly building a pool here in the apartment. I knew that it was possible but it would take time and that was something I did not have even with all of the money I had.

I leaned against the kitchen island, staring through the window at the dark and cloudy sky. I hoped that wherever she was right now, she wasn't hearing any storms on the outside or even lightning and had some peaceful sleep even with the chaos going on around her. Right now, it was all I could hope for.

My phone buzzed on the counter and my heart skipped a beat when I saw the recipient.

Unknown: I hope you realise what you have just done, right?

Nicolas: You put a fucking device in my daughter that could detonate at any time

Nicolas: What else was I supposed to do?

I was grateful that the doctor, working for both the Basile and Salucci, families was skilled and acquainted with the methods of the Spanish mafia. After all, we did hire him after he was thrown out of Bráulio's estate for refusing to kill some prisoner who had essentially done nothing wrong. We never looked more into this but we were welcoming to Fernando. We had one up them and it was something to be grateful for.

Unknown: You really think that having Fernando in your court will help you?

Nicolas: I don't need a doctor to kill anyone for me, I can do that on my own.

Unknown: Isn't that the truth?

I had no idea what he was trying to tell me by using those words but I let it slide. I didn't need to get into another argument with him just to hurt my wife in the process.

Fuck, fiancé.

But it didn't matter. She'd been destined to me long ago and this title was just that.

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