Chapter nine

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"How could everyone find out?" I thought out loud as I paced in the dining room while Greta continued her work

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"How could everyone find out?" I thought out loud as I paced in the dining room while Greta continued her work.

"Many ways, Nico. It could've been Eduardo or even just some dumb rumour that began to spread," she said before beginning to type something frantically on her computer. "Who told you?" I glanced her way.

"What do you mean?"

"That Carlo found out?" I rubbed my jaw as I paced.

"Someone I am working with," Greta looked up from her screen and grimaced. "It doesn't matter, Greta, I promise."

"How do you know that that person isn't an accomplice of someone else?" She asked.

"Because we both want the same thing, let's just put it this way," I turned to face the windows.

If Carlo found out only a few days ago that meant that he wasn't entirely responsible for Brielle and Evara's abduction. Unless they were all lying to me, but I scratched that thought for now. Who I was working with wasn't anyone's business yet. I couldn't trust this coming out at any cost and put my own life on the line.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if Carlo found out what I had decided to wind myself in. Or rather who I decided to work with.

"Alright, what about these?" I walked over to her and looked at the screen.

The footage showed Oliver walking over to where the back exit was, with a phone in hand. He answered the call but it was unclear who it actually was. Greta put the two separate videos one next to the other before we observed how it changed.

It seemed like whenever Oliver said something, the man in the black vehicle stayed silent. When he spoke, it was Oliver who kept silent.

"Want to bet he actually is involved?" She teased before I could feel my blood begin to boil.

"But it doesn't make any fucking sense," I walked away from her, running a hand through my hair. "If Carlo found out just days ago about Brielle and Evara, then he had no reason to recruit Oliver. He couldn't have known about his connection to her and thus me," I thought out loud.

"Maybe we're thinking into this more than we should," I glanced back at Greta. "Maybe this isn't Carlo's job, Nico. Maybe they want us to think that."

I thought long and hard about the possibilities but nothing came to mind. The only way that Oliver could be tied to this was through Carlo. Or even Colson but even he was involved with Carlo. If this was really just a way to throw us off track, it was fucking working.

"Oliver was an intern at Marion years ago. Then, when everyone begins to speculate about the possible merger of Marion and Caruso Corp., he leaves and becomes an accountant at the Matrix," I faced Greta. "Make it make sense, please."

"Maybe it really is a coincidence and I know you don't want to hear that," she said. "Oliver could be involved but that doesn't mean he's entirely to blame."

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