Chapter eleven

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I sat in my office back at the estate, looking through some paperwork, when the door opened and Allegra walked right through

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I sat in my office back at the estate, looking through some paperwork, when the door opened and Allegra walked right through. Her dark hair was messy, for the first time, making me think if she had just gotten out of bed.

"You are a piece of shit," she said in Italian.

"That doesn't concern me one bit," she slammed her hand against the desk, making me glance down at it. "Neither does that."

"You were cheating on me!" She yelled before a laugh broke loose from me. "This is funny to you? I devoted my life to fit yours, yet you stab me in the back?"

"I have bigger problems right now than to burden myself with your own," I said, returning my attention to the papers in my hand.

I was trying to find more out about the possibility of Bráulio's involvement here since I still found it weird that he would stoop to such a level to get Oliver on his side. It didn't surprise me, but I did feel like there was more to the story. For the past two days, I didn't get a single message from Bráulio which made me wonder if I would have to start the conversation and negotiate some kind of deal.

What I couldn't believe was that he would do all of this just because I didn't give him easy access to Matias.

"Right," Allegra said, chuckling. "You have your whore to get back to," I glanced up at her as I let her lash out every single drop of emotions that she held. "Why did you even need me then if you just got her back with the snap of your finger and then managed to secure your place as the don?"

"Careful how you speak to me under this roof, Allegra. You said it yourself that I have taken my father's place," I looked back down at the papers.

"I hope you understand that more than half of your family has turned on you, Nicolas," she said, her voice hushing. "And I hope you understand that everything would've been different if I was with you."

"Is that all?" I looked at her and waited for a reaction.

"How long would you wait to tell everyone she is pregnant?" My stomach turned but I didn't let that get the best of me. "How fucking long have you been fucking her behind my back!"

"That does not concern you!" I shouted, making her flinch. "I think that you have overstayed your welcome, Allegra. I will have my men escort you out, or can you do it yourself?" She stared at me almost wide-eyed before pointing her pointed finger at me.

"My father is fuming about this-" I smiled.

"I find it hilarious that you have to go and ask your daddy for help," I mocked her. "If I truly meant so much to you, then leave. I have other things to worry about."

"Like a fiancé that is carrying your child?" I frowned before dropping the papers onto the desk.

"Where on Earth did you get that from?"

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