Chapter twenty-four

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I sat on one of the beds as Carlo spoke on the phone to some investor that was about to withdraw from the company

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I sat on one of the beds as Carlo spoke on the phone to some investor that was about to withdraw from the company. Caruso Corp. was diminishing at rates faster than the speed of light. It was a pleasant sight to see but it was uncomfortable to relish in the contentment when William was gawking me from the corner of the room.

Greta had left about half an hour ago to pick up some supplies for our escape although she told the two men she was out to "observe". I wondered if Carlo would be surprised to find out his daughter was working with Nicolas.

"I know, Jonathan. I've been trying to get back to you but-" he seemed to be cut off. "I know," he kept repeating, as he ran his hand through his hair. "How about we wait for another week or so? I'll try my best to sort the deals and I guarantee you that benefits will follow." William seemed to be smiling as he listened to Carlo speak on the phone. "I can assure you that Bráulio poses no threat to us anymore," I glanced his way, thinking back to the man who had taken me from my home along with my daughter. Whatever sick plan he was attempting to go through with, I knew it deep within me that Nicolas had little to nothing to do with it.

"Alright, Jonathan. Be assured that I will do my best to go through with this promise," he smiled and ended the call before breaking the news to Will. "He said he'll wait if we take the damned fish place they have at the coast then we have ourselves a long-term deal with him."

"It'll be impossible to take."

"Not when he is distracted. Besides, Mattia will help us cover it," I stared almost wide-eyed at Carlo who looked at me and smiled. "Isn't it great? Your lover's best mate turned his back on him. Did you know that? Or were you too busy sucking him off to care?" I would've bit back but my mouth was taped shut. I rolled my eyes instead before the two continued speaking business.

"I'll take care of the place," William said as he stood up. "I just need to get the funeral over with and then we can continue."

"Don't grieve too much, Will. People come and go, especially when involved with crime," Carlo said and sat down on a small couch in front of the bed I sat on. "I lost my son and couldn't care less."

"Yeah, maybe because he actually despised you and worked against your plans," he slid his hands into the pockets of his black pants and looked back at Carlo. "Colson was a gem in my plans. The greatest pawn I could've ever asked for. And his mother is beyond devastated. He's my son, Carlo. I have the right to grieve."

"Such a shame he was so brutally murdered," Carlo mused.

Yeah, murdered because he had thought he could outsmart Nicolas, I thought.

William sighed and nodded. "Anyways, keep an eye on your little girl," he said as he walked towards the door. "I wouldn't want someone who has bitten you in the back to do it all over again," he left the room with a loud slap of the door closing shut.

"How did you get so wound up in this, Brielle?" Carlo broke the silence after a few minutes. I couldn't answer but it seemed like he wasn't even expecting me to. He was just speaking to himself. He chuckled before speaking again. "It's ridiculous to think that this is how your life will end. Let's be honest, Nicolas is fragile when it comes to you," he mused, keeping his back aimed at me. "He won't realise he's being fucked over and he certainly won't be quick enough to act when I do send him a piece of you." My heart began to race as I was forced to listen to his thoughts being presented to me against my will.

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