Chapter twenty-eight

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I lay in our motel bed as I stared at the ceiling and felt a sense of ease wash over me

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I lay in our motel bed as I stared at the ceiling and felt a sense of ease wash over me. Tomorrow we would attempt to cross the English Channel and make our way to France, which was one step closer to home.

Greta was outside, having a smoke and thinking through the entire plan she had constructed for my escape.

The motel room was much cleaner than I had expected. Growing up with poor films back in the US, my perception of these crappy motels was not the best. I had expected to walk in and see roaches and stained furniture but instead, was faced with a neat room with subtle decorations and real plants, placed around the entirety of the bedroom. There were two beds and a small couch with a TV across from it. A window opened up a view to the highway which was starting to annoy me due to the immense amount of sound.

"I don't know how they do it," I was startled when Greta waltzed into the door so abruptly. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as she walked across the room and laid down on the couch.

"Who does it?"

"The people here, Brielle. I couldn't even smoke in peace. I had to listen to cars and their motors going a hundred kilometres an hour.

"They have to make money somehow," she met my eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, you've grown up outside of the wealth," I almost rolled my eyes.

"We were comfortable and I never cared much for the money. Please tell me that you don't think less of me because I didn't grow up in a family of CEOs," Greta laughed and shook her head.

"If I had thought of you as lesser than me, I wouldn't have helped you," she paused. "It would be out of my character to aid someone who was "lesser"," I smiled and laid back down on the bed. "It's still remarkable how you've wound up in this mess."

"More often than that, I think of the odds that Nathanial is connected to Nicolas so closely. That is far harder to comprehend."

"He's married now, isn't he?' I nodded, though I doubt she saw that.

"Yeah, her name's Amelia. She's pregnant with their first right now."

"Oh, wow. I never pictured Nate as a father kind of man," I smiled.

"No one did. But he's more than suitable. I mean, if you had seen the effort he put in when taking care of Evara, you wouldn't be that astounded," I explained. "Any news on your father?"

"Not really."

"Did you kill him?" she laughed at my question.

"No, hell no. You think that after everything that man caused me, I would let him go so easily?" I turned my head to see her but only saw the side of her face as she now stared at the wall opposite her.

"What did he do to you? I know it may be slightly personal but-"

"My father killed my son," she said, taking my literal breath away. "It was now years ago but I lost the one person I loved more than anything in this world and then I had to make the decision to leave my entire life behind. One I worked so hard to build away from my biological family." I sat up in bed, catching her attention. "What? You really thought I cared about my father?"

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