my love

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she didn't deserve me.

anyone but me.

i was cursed.

i was a cold-blooded killer.

i didn't have a soul, a heart.

i was empty.

when i saw her, she captivated me.

i had to run.

i could hear the pain in her whines and her howls.

it pained me but i did what was best for her.

i stayed away.

i've known she was my mate for the past... 18 years.

as soon as she was born, she was revealed to me by selene. i watched her, made sure that she was always safe and protected. i never revealed myself to her until today, when she was alone and vulnerable.

i could've taken her but i debated against it.

that would've caused a whole lot of unnecessary attention.

i let her know that she found me and i found her.

that was her sign to not let anyone touch what's mine.

i watched her from afar as she hummed to the music that was playing from her earphones. she sat in front of her vanity, journalling.

i smiled at her but i quickly let it fall.

no emotions.

i uncovered my scent and immediately, her head perked up and she looked through her window. i watched as she sniffed out my scent and opened her window.

she stuck her head through and i smirked as she climbed down from her window carefully, her nightgown flowing off of her body due to the gentle breeze that blew.

she landed on the ground and i watched as she headed in my direction.

i walked away, knowing that she'd follow my scent.

i walked back to the pond where she first met me and i heard her quick footsteps following me.

I hid and covered my scent.

i watched as she came into the opening.

"hello?" her soft voice called out into the clearing.

"snatch her and keep her as ours," my wolf urged and i rolled my eyes, "hide her."


"are you there?" she questioned and i didn't reply.

"please respond."

"answer her, idiot!"

i watched as she moved towards the trees trying to sniff out my scent and i uncovered my scent for a quick second and then covered it back.

"ah-hah!" she exclaimed and ran towards the tree i was behind but then i teleported across the pond. she pouted in disappointment and i uncovered it once more and then covered it.

i repeated that a few times with her chasing me.

"hey! that's not fair!" bethany stomped like a child and i smiled.

"why aren't you revealing yourself? you can see me but i can't see you."

"i apologize for that, my love, just not yet." i responded, still looking at her from the place i stood.

bethany froze and she looked in my direction. this time, i didn't move away.

"in due time, i'll reveal myself to you." i promised. just not right now.

bethany started walking my direction and i didn't move, wanting to feel her close to me. i wanted to feel her body heat.

bethany soon stood in front of me.

we were face to face and she looked up at me.

my green eyes peered down at her as she looked up at me with her brown ones. i gave her a smile and placed my hand on her cheek.

sparks danced on my skin and i almost jerked away due to how it made me feel. good.

bethany leaned into my palm and her eyes fluttered shut. the smile stayed on my face as i looked down at her.

she's so pretty, so breath-taking.

bethany opened her eyes.

"remove the cape." she whispered.

i shook my head and lowered my hand from her cheek, stepping back. my wolf was getting very territorial and he wanted us to take her right there under the full moon, marking her and letting us become one but i couldn't.

not without her consent.

not without her wanting it.

without saying anything, i stepped back into the darkness watching as her face fell. i let the darkness engulf my body and i teleported.

i'll come back for you, bethany.

you're mine.


I CANNOT BELIEVE IT WASN'T PUBLISHED?? its the next chapter after 'guests'

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