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"caroline? since when do you have black hair?" and green eyes, i asked her.

she laughed and looked at me fully.

"since never!" she pulled off the wig and her blonde hair flowed over her shoulders.

i could feel the anger in me but nothing could surpass the disappointment and sadness i was feeling.

i thought it was...

her scent lingered in the air and that was what confused me.

did caroline know?

was my mate caroline?

no, no, it couldn't be.

i looked at caroline's eyes. they were plain brown.

it didn't look like she was wearing contacts.

"caroline, i have a question." i brought up, "have you found your mate?"

"no." she shook her head and discarded the cape, "have you found yours?"

"yes but–" i stopped myself. I just made two mistakes.

one, i told her i found my mate. caroline is a blabber mouth. she'll most likely already have this information spreading.

two, i was just about to tell her that i thought she was my mate.


caroline's eyes widened with excitement and she did a little dance.

"is it a she?"

i nodded slowly.

"oh, my gosh! can i meet her?"

"no. most definitely not," i shook my head, "plus i was just joking. she's in my imaginations." i smirked and caroline's smile dropped.

"you tricked me!"

i laughed and caroline stomped and huffed.

"i don't know why people get so excited about me finding my mate anyways. it's not like it's gonna happen. they're not in the pack and im not searching out of the borders for them." i said and caroline shrugged.

"it's worth getting my hopes up for it. you're like one of the few who haven't found their mates in the pack." she said, "me included."

i laughed and caroline smiled.

"you know i once thought we were going to be mates. i fancied you." caroline said and my eyes widened.

she did what?!

"you fancied me?" i asked in shock and caroline nodded.

"you were – are – beautiful. you caught my eyes," caroline said and i stared at her in shock, "i mean i kinda still fancy you."

a loud growl interrupted our conversation and we turned in fright to look at where the sound came from but we saw no one nor smelled no one.

that's weird.

i turned back to caroline.

"im sorry but —"

"i know, i know. you don't feel the same way towards me and you think of me as quirky and bitchy and spoiled. i know, bethany."

i gave her a grim smile and she looked down towards my breasts and then her eyes trailed down my body. i snapped my fingers in front of her eyes and caroline quickly looked away.

"i apologize."

i nodded.

"it's o–" just then her scent hits me like a brick wall and my wolf got excited.

"she's here."

just then, caroline started choking. i gasped and rushed to her aid. she claws at her neck like there was a hand choking her.

"get away." my wolf said calmly, "she's angry."

"at us?"

"no, you idiot." my wolf snarled.

it didn't feel right to leave caroline choking here to her own death but if what my wolf said was true then it's best to.

"don't kill her," i called out to my mate, wherever she was.

"why not?" she whispered in my ear and i froze.

upon her arrival, the skies became dark and the forest started to become shadowed once more.


"b-because," i stuttered.

i could feel her body heat radiating on to mine and it made me want to push my body against hers. my body was calling out to hers.

caroline stared up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to make it stop. her skin started to become pale and i could see the life draining from her eyes.

"stop! just stop!" i pleaded. i turned to look at my mate but only came in contact with her hooded face, "why are you doing this?" i cried.

her tongue darted out to lick her lips and she looked down at me, her green eyes staring into my soul.

"you're mine, bethany."

the way she says my name has my stomach turning and butterflies flapping their wings.

i love the sound of it coming from her tongue.

say it again.

"please stop it. she's dying." i begged and my mate took a deep breath and caroline stopped choking. she was only left panting behind us.

"thank you."

suddenly she let out a sharp gasp and her eyes widened. her eyes fell to her stomach and i looked down at where there was a blade sticking through. i gasped in terror.


she pulled out the blade through her stomach, the entire thing coming through her stomach. she dropped the knife and suddenly those green eyes that i came to love disappeared.

they became the color of her cape – pitch black.

before i could blink, she disappeared from in front of me and i looked and saw her with monjay pinned to a tree

what's it with her and choking people?!

monjay gasped for air as she squeezed his throat tightly.

his feet dangled off of the earth as my mate held him high, her growls sounding angrier and angrier as time passes.

"bethan–" his voice trailed off in my mind and i started to panic.

no, no, no.

yes, yes, yes. my wolf chanted.

she needs to stop!

i don't even know her name to say stop.

i grabbed the knife on the ground that was covered in her blood and i did the only thing that i could think of.


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y & z 💅🏾

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