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bethany fell asleep four hours into the night. she was soundly asleep, dreaming about unicorns and their beauty, their shiny horns and their fluffy fur. 

her door rattled.

being so deep into her sleep, of course she didn't hear.

it kept rattling roughly until it broke down. the heavy door collapsed onto the ground and that woke bethany up in fright. her heart beats rapidly in fright as she stared at the source of the sound, the door on the ground. her eyes fell to the cause of that. 

the beast that stood out the door, its golden eyes painted to her figure.

bethany sat up in fright. 

it was tall. 

it walked on dropped on its four feet and stalked towards bethany like its prey.

bethany realized that it was serena but that only heightened her heartbeat. in an instant, death had bethany pinned above the bed. her beast stood on both feet, snarling loudly in her face.

beth could see the blood coating the fur around death's lips and she swallowed harshly.

she couldn't move in that moment.

she froze.

she couldn't scream, nothing.

death's eyes softened, a bit of recognition coming to her. immediately, it went away.

her jaws enlarged and she used her magic to tilt bethany's neck towards the side, giving her more access to her flesh. death's sharp fangs clamped down on her neck, sinking deep into her skin.

bethany's jaws fell as she let out an ear piercing scream. she tried to fight against serena's beast but was immediately restrained by magic.

her screams were heard all over the castle and that could only mean one thing.

serena's beast was loose.


verena barged into the room in panic. she saw serena's naked body on the ground accompanied by bethany's pale one. at the moment, she didn't care about serena.

she quickly rushed towards the girl with an aching mark on her neck and green skin. she grabbed up the girl and lifted her bridal style.

"prepare the queen's suite and have the best doctor's ready when i get there." verena yelled in the mind link at the doctors.

she used her speed, going as fast as she could to get bethany to the medical floor.

everyone saw bethany and knew what happened immediately. it wasn't the first and surely won't be the last. this was the worst they've ever seen, and someone alive.

verena placed bethany on the stretcher and the witch nurse teleported them to the queen's suite and started getting to work. even with no clue of what to do to stop the venom, they were going to do everything they could to save their future queen.

verena teleported to serena's room and grabbed her sister in anger and punched her in the face. serena's eyes fluttered in confusion as the punch felt like a pinch to her.

"you fucking bitch! your wolf was supposed to recognize her!" verena yelled and punched her sister again, this time with flames sparking from the tips of her finger. the burn mark of knuckles were left on her cheek and that woke up serena.


"huh?" verena mocked and she dropped her sister, "how didn't he recognize her, serena?" she asked softly, all the anger diminishing from her body.

serena was still confused but with brief memories of when her beast attacked bethany, she was not confused anymore. her face fell and visibly paled.

she then held her head down in shame.

at that moment, verena knew that the attack on bethany wasn't an accident.

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