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Elliot stared at Evie, waiting for her to say anything at all

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Elliot stared at Evie, waiting for her to say anything at all. her mouth hung slightly open, her eyebrows were raised and her faced showed a bunch of expressions all at once.

"i know.." Elliot sighed, shaking his head as he was full of disappointment, regret and guilt.

He had just told her everything that she had missed in the time she hadn't been around him, Jules and Rue. Rue had a suitcase full of drugs, him and Jules had kissed, and they were planning on telling Leslie about Rues suitcase.

Evie almost felt at a loss. a part of her wished Elliot hadn't told her any of that, because now she felt like she was in the middle of it all.

She was close with Elliot, he was one her closest friends. she told him almost everything, and she liked that he trusted her enough to tell her most things that went on with him, as well.

She wasn't as close with Jules, however. she had mixed feelings for the girl. she just thought she had a bunch of secrets, and that she didn't seem so loyal. the whole thing with Cal also threw her off.

And she loved Rue, sober or not. Evie looked past Tues drug addiction, and loved her for how she was. there was a time when Rue and Evie were extremely close, and hung out all the time. they had grown apart, but Evie still loved the girl just as much.

Evie licked her lips, clearing her throat as she thought about what to say. "where'd she get the suitcase?"

"some drug dealer. she was supposed to sell them— at the time it sounded like a good plan." Elliot shook his head.

Evie sighed, "i thought you had a crush on Rue.. why did you kill Jules?"

"i did." Elliot shrugged, "i have a crush on Jules, too, i guess."

Evie shook her head, laying her head back on Elliot's bed as she thought to herself. "i don't think you should tell her mom." she turned to glance at him, "it's not right."

Elliot simply nodded, listening to opinion. part of him didn't think it was right, either. but he also didn't want Rue to kill herself, and so he thought telling her mom was the best option.


Evie had walked all the way from Elliot's house to Fezco and Ashtrays. she had hopes that she would be able to clear her head, and not feel so overwhelmed with everything Elliot had told her, as well as Maddy.

she debated telling Rue that Elliot and Jules were planning on telling her mother about the suitcase, but hoped Elliot would listen to her advice and not go through with her.

Rue was hard headed, and she wouldn't listen to anyone's advice. she would get sober, when she wanted to get sober.

Evie felt as if Rue should be able to make her own choice. she thought Elliot and Jules telling Leslie was simply wrong, as Elliot had done some of the drugs with her— and it just felt messed up.

she wondered if the drug dealer Rue had went to, was the one they had met on new years. she prayed it wasn't, as that lady scared Evie. she seemed very serious, and she wasn't sure what would happen to Rue if she messed up whatever plan she had before.

Evie blew out smoke, rubbing her temple as she tried to make her head stop hurting. she hated that she always made everyone else problems, hers.

she raised her hand once she reached Ashtrays door, knocking on the door before slightly stepping back.

soon after, the door swung open and she was met with Faye. Faye's lips turned up into a smile when she saw Evie, "oh, hi!"

"hi, Faye." Evie smiled, following behind her as she walked off to let Evie in the house.

"hey, kid." Fezco waved from the couch, his head slightly lifting. "you good?"

she nodded, sending him a wave back as Ashtray walked down the hallway, his eyebrows raising. he noticed Evies stressed expression, and how her hand was tapping on her leg.

"hey, ma." he spoke, wrapping her in a hug as the two walked towards his bedroom.

"you good?" he asked, glancing at her as she sat on his bed, immediately laying back with a sigh.

she hummed a yes, nodding slightly as she cuddled one of his pillows. "we should watch a movie."

Ashtray chuckled, "okay." he shrugged, laying beside her. he handed her his remote, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer.

she put on pitch perfect, tapping her finger tips on his stomach as she laid her head on his chest. she bit on her lip, before beginning to tell him basically everything Elliot had told her.

Ashtray simply listened, twirling a piece of her hair in between his fingers. "are you gonna tell Rue?"

"i don't know, i'm hoping Elliot won't tell her mom." Evie spoke lowly.

Ashtray hummed, "yeah, she came in here the other day.. tried takin some of grandmas pills and pushed Fez into the wall— i don't know, some crazy shit."

Evies eyebrows furrowed, "what?" and Ashtray only nodded.

she shook her head, "i hope she gets better." she spoke, barely above a mumble.

"don't worry about it, ma." Ashtray spoke, "she'll be fine."

Evie hummed, glancing at her phone as it pinged. she felt her heart slightly drop, her eyebrows furrowing.

Braylee 💘

Braylee 💘
can we talk?

SLUMPEDDPim gonna make a book about twd idc if it flops

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im gonna make a book about twd idc if it flops

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