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It's been two months since Ishita moved to the hostel. And she finds herself successful in her every interest. Whether it's academic concern, or making a couple of good friends. She's determined to make full use of her youth. So that she won't have any regrets later. 

With the usual good mood, she arrives at the university premises to attend her lectures. 

The day starts with a noticeable absence of the fresher boys in lectures. She and the girls exchange concerned glances, realizing that an entire group of students seems to be missing from their usual academic routine. 

As the day progresses, her initial concern grows into a deeper sense of apprehension. She can't shake the feeling that something unusual is happening, especially considering the consistent absence of Siddharth and his friends. Because she heard some physics majored girls talking that he's absent today. She herself noticed Raj's absence in life science department. 

Her friend, Priya suggests to ask her warden about it. But obviously they didn't, because they don't have any answer for her cross questions. 

Memories of chance encounters with Siddharth flash through Ishita's mind. She recalls the times they ran into each other unexpectedly—perhaps in the library, during university events, or in the cafeteria. These moments take on new significance as she wonders if there were subtle signs of distress that went unnoticed.

The entire day's distress comes to an end at the end of her lectures. Upon spotting Siddharth in the university canteen, there's a fleeting moment of relief that washes over her. The worry that had gripped her throughout the day subsides as she sees him, seemingly unharmed at first glance.

However, this relief is short-lived as she and Priya walks up to them and takes a closer look. The atmosphere shifts from initial comfort to concerned apprehension when she notices the red finger marks on Siddharth's face and Raj's face. A knot tightens in her stomach as she realizes something distressing has occurred.

She and Priya sits across them. 

" Hey, guys? Is everything okay today? You boys didn't attend any lectures. " Priya asks them. 

Sid clears his throat and nods," We're fine. Just...a bit of heat against our seniors."

Ishita couldn't hide her worry anymore as she asks," Did you guys have a fight?"

Sid shakes his head,'" No. It's not some fight.."

" Then what is it?", Priya asks Raj. 

" Our warden.." He mumbles. 

" Your warden, MR Verma slapped you two?" Priya freaked out a little. 

" That was just a misunderstanding." 

while the other two, Ishita and Sid are communicating through their eyes. When heir eyes meet, there's an unspoken exchange of understanding. Ishita's gaze conveys both concern and a silent inquiry, seeking to comprehend the events that led to the visible marks on his face.

Ishita observes Sid's response, looking for cues about whether he wants to discuss the incident or if he prefers a moment of quiet companionship. Her empathetic gaze seeks to offer comfort and reassurance in a situation that seems to have left a mark not just on his face but also on his emotional well-being. 

" A couple of senior boys from the ground floor of our hostel building came to our floor and switched off the water supply button. So there was no water in the tank in the morning. And the hostel manager schooled Mr. Verma. He didn't know who did that and thought we'd done that because the switch to water supply is on a wall in front of our room. So he slapped us. Later we found out the real culprit, so he got angry and said the guys can bunk today's lectures and he'll handle the rest. The chancellor called him asking to attend here so here we are. Those three 2nd year students and their warden are paying the price while we're free to go." Raj concludes this long story. 

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