54. Testing Times

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As Ishita continued her work in the temporary medical tent, the sudden rush of chaos caught her attention. Four or five firefighters hurriedly ran past, carrying drilling and cutting machines. Sensing the urgency, Ishita glanced at her associate doctors and said, "Looks like something serious. Get ready, girls." The medical team nodded in acknowledgment, preparing themselves for the imminent influx of emergency cases.

In the midst of this, Dr. Mira approached Ishita with a nurse by her side, both wearing tense expressions. Ishita, curious and concerned, inquired, "What's the matter? We're about to have our hands full in a few minutes." 

Dr. Mira hesitated before revealing, "Dr. Raichand, we heard that some rescue officers are trapped. We don't know how many or how bad. We overheard the firefighters talking while running at the collapsed debris site."

Ishita's heart quickened at the news. Her close relationships with almost every firefighter in Siddharth's team, coupled with the fact that her husband and Shraddha's husband were part of that team, intensified her concern. Acting swiftly, she pulled out her walkie-talkie and pressed the green button, signaling, "Dr. Ishita here, over." Despite the successful delivery of the message, there was no response on the other end. She repeated her signal twice more, only to receive radio static in return.

As Ishita continued her work, she suddenly heard the approaching footsteps from behind. Her heart raced with worry as she turned to find Anuj, accompanied by another firefighter. Anuj, his safety helmet hanging on his shoulder, sighed and addressed Ishita urgently, "Bhabi, you need to come with us. We may need another nurse with you, though."

Ishita's senses were on high alert, and she asked hurriedly while collecting the necessary medical supplies in a box along with her stethoscope, "Hey, is something very serious?"

 Anuj hesitated before responding, "It's Captain. Bhaiya." 

Ishita's hands paused, and she turned around, a mix of anxiety and disbelief on her face. "What? Who? Sid?" Anuj and his colleague nodded, avoiding eye contact with her. She released a shaky breath, denying herself to believe anything worst. 

Anuj, feeling the weight of the news, said, "We can't move him. He needs painkillers so that we can...cut the bars."

Ishita's eyes widened at the revelation. "Bars?!" Her heart seemed to stop, and she looked at Dr. Mira, who nodded in acknowledgment. Without wasting any time, both doctors followed Anuj and the other firefighter toward the collapsed structure.

As Ishita arrived at the fallen structure, the urgency and somber atmosphere were palpable. Her eyes immediately fell on Rishi, sitting away from the structure, visibly distressed. A couple of firefighters tried to talk to him, but his gaze remained fixed on the ground.

Anuj led her towards the collapsed structure, Ishita found herself descending into the depths of the collapsed structure, guided by the focused beams of flashlights. The firefighters worked swiftly to set up a hand-run crane, ensuring a precarious descent into the heart of the wreckage. Anuj, wearing a safety belt, was the first to brave the descent, disappearing into the ominous darkness below.

Following Anuj's descent, Ishita, donned in a safety belt and helmet, prepared herself for the treacherous journey into the confined space. The firefighters assisted her as she descended, carrying with her the essential medical supplies needed for the critical situation that awaited below.

Upon landing beside Siddharth, Ishita was met with a heart-wrenching sight that she struggled to process without breaking down. An iron bar had pierced Siddharth's left thigh just above the knee, and it had gruesomely passed through, leaving a brutal wound. The severity of the injury was further emphasized when she noticed another iron bar piercing his back, just above his waist.

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