45. Fear Of Losing Her

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As the sun dipped below the city skyline, casting warm hues across the urban landscape, Siddharth stood patiently in front of City Hospital, waiting for Ishita. The city lights flickered to life, creating a vibrant backdrop for the unfolding evening.

Meanwhile, inside the hospital, Ishita concluded her shift and bid her colleagues goodnight. With a satisfied smile, she walked towards the washroom to freshen up before heading home. As she splashed cool water on her face, Dr. Mira, a fellow colleague, walked in, catching sight of Ishita's radiant expression.

Noticing Ishita's content demeanor, Dr. Mira couldn't help but inquire about the source of her joy. "Dr. Raichand, when are you going for your honeymoon?" she asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Ishita, still beaming with happiness, chuckled at the question. "I can't get breaks from the hospital, and my husband's department isn't allowing day offs. So, we're planning to have a trip next month. Let's see how it goes," she replied, her tone a mix of optimism and practicality.

After the brief exchange, the two doctors prepared to leave the hospital, the dimly lit corridors echoing with the sounds of footsteps and distant chatter.

Amidst the bustling hospital lobby, Ishita and Dr. Mira were about to exit when a sudden commotion drew their attention. The distant echoes of raised voices emanated from the emergency ward, prompting Ishita to quicken her pace. Concern etched on her face, she followed the sounds to investigate the cause of the disturbance.

As they reached the emergency ward, the scene before them was nothing short of chaotic. A distressed man, holding a couple of tubes containing anesthesia drugs, stood in the middle of the room. The medical staff, alarmed by the situation, cautiously surrounded him, attempting to defuse the tension.

The man, clearly agitated, brandished a pair of scissors he had grabbed from a nearby table, using it as an improvised weapon. His erratic behavior and the potential danger he posed created an atmosphere of tension and urgency among the hospital staff.

The emergency room buzzed with tension as chaos unfolded. Ishita, aware of the danger, approached the agitated man with a firm but empathetic tone, attempting to reason with him."  Sir, you cant take this."  Her plea fell on deaf ears as the man, still wielding the scissor, remained defiant, his desperation evident.

Undeterred, Ishita persisted, urging him to reconsider," Sir, you might hurt anyone here. Please, put that down."  In a sudden and violent turn of events, the man lashed out, swinging the scissor dangerously. Ishita, in a split-second reaction, raised her hands in defense, but the sharp edge of the scissor left a painful gash on her cheekbone, just below her eyes.

A collective gasp echoed through the room as Ishita yelped in pain, her hands instinctively reaching for the wound. The onlookers, including staff and patients, reacted with horror at the sudden act of violence. The chaotic scene intensified as the man, fueled by desperation, prepared to strike again.

However, before he could inflict further harm, a swift figure entered the fray. Siddharth, with a determined and protective demeanor, rushed in, swiftly twisting the assailant's arms and subduing him on the ground. The security personnel, arriving just in time, apprehended the man, leading him away from the scene.

Siddharth's eyes, initially focused on restraining the assailant, quickly shifted to Ishita's injured face. Fear and concern filled his gaze as he rushed to her side, oblivious to everything else.

Siddharth rushed up to Ishita, his eyes widening with concern. "Oh god, it's bleeding," he exclaimed, gently cupping her face. Ishita winced but managed a small smile, appreciating his worry. He guided her to sit on a nearby bed as Dr. Mira hurried over to attend to the wound.

Siddharth's eyes followed Dr. Mira's actions, his concern etched across his face. "Does she need stitches?" he asked, seeking assurance for Ishita's well-being. Dr. Mira, focused on her task, shook her head reassuringly. "No, it's a very small cut. Just a plaster is enough," she replied, her experienced hands applying disinfectant to the wound.

Once the treatment was complete, Dr. Mira handed Ishita a tetanus shot. "Take care, Dr. Raichand," she advised before excusing herself, leaving Ishita alone with Siddharth. As they walked out of the hospital room, Ishita sensed Siddharth's unusual silence, and the air between them became charged with unspoken questions.

The cab ride home felt unusually long, each passing moment marked by an unspoken tension. The city lights blurred outside the window, reflecting the uncertainty lingering within their thoughts.

They reached home, and as Siddharth opened the front door, Ishita hesitated to enter. Siddharth turned to look at her, sensing her reluctance. With narrowed eyes, she declared, "I'm not moving if you don't talk to me." Siddharth let out a sigh, realizing she needed an explanation.

"I should've been quicker. I heard some noise. When I walked in, I saw you approaching that man. What was in your mind? Do you realize what could have happened if that scissor..." He paused, unable to articulate his fears. With another sigh, he walked inside, leaving Ishita standing in the doorway.

Ishita, understanding Siddharth's concern, took a moment to collect her thoughts. She knew he was worried about her safety. Finally, she followed him inside, quietly closing and locking the front yard door behind her.

She walked into the bedroom to find Siddharth already changed into different clothes, seemingly ready for bed. With a sigh, she went into the closet to change as well and then laid down next to him. Propping herself on her elbow, she looked at Siddharth and spoke reassuringly, "Sid, come on. It's a small injury. I know you're worried about me, but it's not like I was gonna die..."

However, before she could finish her sentence, Siddharth's mind went blank, and he lost his composure. He interrupted her, flipping her as she lay on her back and pinning her shoulder against the bed. His glare was intense, unlike anything she had seen before. She closed her eyes, taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor.

The room was filled with a charged silence until Siddharth's hot breath on her face prompted her to open her eyes. In an instant, his rage transformed into a vulnerable plea. His intense gaze softened, revealing the fear and pain beneath. He spoke with a husky and breaking voice, "You're not allowed to say that, you understand? I've lost enough people, not anymore. I don't want to have a mere nightmare of losing you..."

She saw the real fear in his eyes and softly said, "Sid," but he interrupted her," Do you understand?"

 His intensity fading as her fingers found his earlobe, gently caressing it. She looked at him reassuringly, "Sid, I'm not going anywhere, honey."

He swallowed a lump, his anxiety visibly easing. "I won't let you," she responds with a smile. Suddenly, he leaned down and placed a kiss softly over her wound, his lips tender against her skin. "Don't get hurt here," he murmured. Then, he kissed her forehead, whispering the same words. He planted gentle kisses all over her face, repeating the plea, "Don't get hurt there."

His lips moves to her neck, shoulder, still repeating the phrase, ' Don't get hurt'. The air added a tension as he began to remove her top, then removed her undergarments. Showering kisses, repeating his heartly request not to get hurt. 

She reached out to take his shirt off as well, and that's how their first intimate exchange takes place, having fear and vulnerability of losing each other, and a deep assurance of not leaving one another. Their love blooms as they took their relationship to next level, under the dim light of the room. Their names falling from each other's lips like a prayer as their bare bodies moving in synchrony. 

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