6. The Victorious Proposal

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The celebratory atmosphere on the football field reverberated with cheers, laughter, and the jubilant exchanges of victorious teammates. Amidst the joyous chaos, Siddharth and Ishita found a quiet corner, their smiles speaking volumes as they exchanged a glance filled with shared triumph.

As Ishita held up the sign board with "the 1," her silent request for Siddharth's autograph hung in the air. However, Siddharth, brimming with newfound confidence, denied her request with a playful smile. "I don't want to give you any autograph. I want something else," he declared, catching Ishita off guard.

Confusion flickered across her face as she looked at him, wondering about the unexpected twist in his response.

 The air buzzed with anticipation as Siddharth's smile grew wider, and he dropped the bombshell, "Ishita, go out with me when I win the golden gloves among the goalkeepers after winning the championship." 

The football field seemed to hold its breath for a moment, and then, like a burst of confetti, the reactions of teammates and friends unfolded. Siddharth's teammates, initially caught off guard, erupted into a chorus of cheers, claps, and wolf whistles. 

Ishita's friends, standing nearby, shared a collective gasp followed by gleeful laughter. Their eyes widened in surprise, and whispers of excitement rippled through their group. Ishita, still processing Siddharth's unexpected proposal, found herself enveloped in the infectious joy radiating from her friends.

 " Say yes! Say yes!" His teammates cheered from behind. 

As Siddharth's unexpected proposal hung in the air, Ishita found herself caught between a whirlwind of emotions, each facet of her personality chiming in with its own response.

On the gentle and funny side, she couldn't help but be amused by the playfulness of Siddharth's invitation. The way he had deflected her request for an autograph and turned it into a lighthearted proposal spoke volumes about his sense of humor and the unexpected twists he could introduce into their interactions. The proposal itself, delivered with a confident smile, tugged at the corners of her own lips, revealing the shared laughter they had experienced in their moments together.

Yet, beneath the lightness, there was a mature and intelligent side to Ishita's contemplation. She reflected on the moments they had shared—times when laughter had intertwined with deeper conversations, victories on the football field had paralleled personal triumphs, and the simplicity of their connection had blossomed into something meaningful.

His proposal, though delivered with a touch of humor, carried the weight of intention and sincerity. The idea of going out with him after winning the golden gloves spoke not only of shared triumphs on the football field but also hinted at a mutual recognition of each other's personal goals and aspirations. But, still, there is a little bit hesitation. 

On one hand, Siddharth's charm and the shared laughter they had experienced made the proposal inviting, creating a magnetic pull toward the prospect of a romantic journey. Yet, on the other hand, the weight of future uncertainties pressed on Ishita's mind.

She contemplated the path ahead—the looming responsibilities, academic pursuits, and the uncharted territories of post-university life. A moment of introspection brought forth the awareness that the joyous celebration on the football field was just a snapshot in time, and the decisions made in its aftermath could ripple into the future.

Siddharth, attuned to the nuances in Ishita's gaze, observed a fleeting hesitation. In that moment, his confident demeanor softened into a quiet understanding, recognizing the depth of her contemplation. It was a subtle acknowledgment that the joyous proposal carried with it considerations of a more mature and nuanced nature, inviting a thoughtful response from Ishita.

As Ishita hesitated, a hushed pause enveloped their immediate circle of friends. The jubilant cheers and laughter momentarily subdued, replaced by curious glances exchanged between them. Siddharth's friends, initially caught up in the celebration, now watched the unfolding scene with a mix of anticipation and quiet understanding, creating a brief, contemplative moment in the midst of the joyous chaos.

He hides the little hurt in his eyes, and forces a smile," Hello. I'm not asking for marriage. It's fine if you don't want to. You don't have to-"

" I want to. I will go out with you." She quickly backs her answer. 

The hesitation, while present, became a fleeting whisper in the grand symphony of emotions that accompanied Siddharth's proposal. Ishita's decision to say yes wasn't a dismissal of the future considerations but rather an embrace of the present, a recognition that sometimes the beauty of a shared journey is found in the willingness to explore the unknown, even with the uncertainties that may lie ahead. 

She smiles confidently," Yes. And for that, your team has to win the championship. " Then she walks away. 

Her roommate Arohi looks at the boys," You guys heard her? Give your best to win. For him." she laughs and walks away. 

Raj pats Sid's back," Don't worry, man. We're gonna win it. Anything for you. Right, boys?"

" Hell yeah!" All of them shouted. 

Sid nods," Okay, then. Let's try harder and bring it home, yeah?!" 

" Yeah!!" 

The tension on the football field reached its zenith as Siddharth's team faced the formidable 4th year team in the finals—a challenge that carried the weight of university history. The 4th year teams had always emerged victorious, casting a formidable shadow over the aspirations of the 1st year batch.

Siddharth, riding on the wave of newfound confidence and motivation, had not conceded a single goal in the last three matches, inching closer to the coveted golden gloves. The prospect of winning not only the championship but also the golden gloves for Ishita fueled his determination to an unprecedented high.

In a dramatic twist, at the 83rd minute of the final match, Siddharth's best friend and roommate, Raj, scored a crucial goal, sending ripples of jubilation through the 1st year team and their supporters. The elation, however, was short-lived. 

At the 87th minute, with victory within reach, Siddharth found himself caught in an awkward position as the 4th year team's striker launched a powerful shot. The collision was fierce, and Siddharth took a serious blow to his face. Blood dripped from a damaged eyebrow line, staining the intensity of the final moments with an unexpected turn of events.

From the stands, Ishita's eyes were fixed on Siddharth, her heart racing with anxiety. The exhilaration of the potential victory was overshadowed by the immediate fear for Siddharth's well-being. Each drop of blood seemed to amplify the intensity of her concern, and a knot of worry tightened in her chest.

As the medical team rushed onto the field, Ishita's eyes remained locked on Siddharth. Her worry, etched on her face, mirrored the collective anxiety of the spectators. In that poignant moment, the championship became a backdrop to a more profound concern—the shared hope for Siddharth's recovery and the unwavering support that would follow, win or lose.

She saw Sid was refusing to leave the field. She spots a substitute player at the sideline," Hey, tell him to sit it out. It's just about few minutes of game." 

That player sighed," He's not listening. He never cuts practices, so you think he'll leave the field on finals?"

She keeps looking at Sid, as he stands up and on his feet. 

With blood staining his brow, Siddharth didn't succumb to the pain. Instead, he displayed a resilience that resonated beyond the football field. Amidst the concerned gazes of teammates and the medical team, Siddharth, with determination etched on his face, underwent an emergency stitch to address the damage to his eyebrow.

The hasty stitching process unfolded as a testament to Siddharth's commitment. The stadium held its breath, witnessing not just the repair of a physical wound but the fortitude of an individual unwilling to bow to adversity. The stitches, a visible mark of the battle endured, mirrored the collective willpower of the 1st year team to rewrite history.

Let's not give up. 

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