59. 'He' is here!

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As soon as the ambulance screeched to a halt in front of the hospital, a team of medical staff was already waiting, prepared to assist Ishita. Amidst the flurry of activity, a stretcher was swiftly wheeled out, and nurses expertly guided Ishita onto it, ensuring her comfort and safety. Her coworkers, including Dr. Mira and Dr. Ankita, rushed to her side, their faces reflecting both concern and determination.

Dr. Mira immediately issued instructions, her voice firm yet reassuring, directing the nurses to prepare a labor room without delay. Ishita gripped Shraddha's hand tightly, her breaths coming in short, labored gasps as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. "Si-" she managed to utter between pants, her voice strained with urgency, "Sid... Call him."

Shraddha nodded, her own anxiety evident, but she attempted to offer comfort. "He's on the way. Don't worry," she assured Ishita, squeezing her hand gently in reassurance. With every passing moment, Ishita's anticipation and anxiety intensified, her thoughts consumed by the desire to see Siddharth before their baby's arrival.

As Ishita was transferred onto the hospital bed, the medical team swiftly went to work, preparing her for delivery. Each contraction seemed to sap her strength, yet she summoned every ounce of determination, her prayers whispered under her breath, pleading for Siddharth's swift arrival. She clung to the hope that he would be by her side when their child entered the world, a beacon of support and love in her time of need.

As the giant firetruck screeched to a halt in front of the hospital, Rishi's firm pat on Siddharth's shoulder carried a weight of unspoken encouragement. "Good luck, new daddy," Rishi's words echoed in Siddharth's mind as he hastily exited the vehicle, his heart racing with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Navigating through the bustling hallway, Siddharth's presence was immediately recognized by the nurses, who motioned urgently for him to head towards the operating room. Their gestures were a silent but urgent plea, urging him towards Ishita's side. With determined strides, Siddharth rushed towards the designated area, his mind solely focused on reaching Ishita.

Approaching the door to the operating room, Siddharth found Shraddha waiting anxiously outside. Her eyes mirrored his own concern, reflecting the gravity of the situation. "She just went in. Go," Shraddha's words were a gentle push, urging Siddharth to be by Ishita's side in her time of need.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Siddharth wasted no time in pushing open the door to the operating room. His eyes immediately sought out Ishita, who lay on the hospital bed beyond the glass partition. Though physically separated by the barrier, Siddharth's heart felt as though it were right beside her.

Unable to get any closer to Ishita, Siddharth pressed himself against the glass wall, his fingers curling around the edges as if seeking some form of connection. The sound of Ishita's pained screams pierced the air, causing Siddharth's heart to constrict with anguish.

Dr. Mira's nod of assurance brought a fleeting sense of comfort to Siddharth amidst the chaos of the operating room. Quickly pulling out his phone, he gestured to Dr. Mira for a call, and she obliged, placing the phone near Ishita's head.

"Hey, Isha. Honey, I'm here," Siddharth's voice, though strained with emotion, carried a soothing tone as he spoke through the phone. Ishita's cries seemed to soften slightly at the sound of his voice, and she wearily rolled her head to look at him through the glass partition.

With a wave and an encouraging smile, Siddharth conveyed his unwavering support to his wife. "I'm right here with you, love. You can do it, yeah? Let's go with your instinct. Your prince needs you to stay strong," he reassured her, his words infused with love and determination.

For a moment, Ishita's pain seemed to subside, her gaze locking onto Siddharth's with a mixture of gratitude and determination. She drew strength from his presence, finding solace in the unwavering support he offered from afar.

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