37. Unexpected Turns

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As Siddharth stepped out, he spotted Ishita locking the front-yard door, her attention momentarily diverted. When she turned around, a mix of surprise and happiness adorned her face as he extended his arms for her. With a radiant smile, she nestled into his warm embrace, feeling the comfort of his strong arms enveloping her. He spoke softly into her hair, "What about your dinner?"

She inhaled deeply, savoring the moment while still wrapped in his arms, "Had a dinner outing with my colleagues."

As they began to ascend the stairs together, she held onto his hand, resting her head on his shoulder. Once they reached their room, Ishita, feeling the exhaustion of the day, lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes in contentment as Siddharth tenderly ruffled her hair. She seized his hand, and in a hushed tone, she mumbled, "Lay down for a minute with me."

He chuckled, attempting to resist her charming plea, "I have to go to the station, Isha." However, her pout melted his resolve, and he conceded. With a gentle smile, he laid down beside her, and she promptly nestled her head on his chest. He began to pat her back soothingly, creating a tranquil moment of shared comfort and connection.

As Siddharth gently combed Ishita's soft and tired hair with his fingers, he began to share the details of Shraddha and Anuj's budding relationship. He explained how they liked each other and how Anuj had approached him to discuss his feelings first. Ishita listened attentively, and her excitement was evident as she exclaimed, "Really?! They will make such a cute couple."

Curious to understand her perspective, Siddharth probed further, "What makes you think so?" 

Ishita, feeling a bit defensive, struggled to articulate her thoughts, "I don't know... they look good together."

Sensing her hesitation, Siddharth pulled away slightly, looking into her eyes, "I seriously want to know your point of view." 

Ishita, understanding his genuine curiosity, still couldn't bring herself to comment on the matter, "What should I say? It's up to Shraddha the most, and of course, you."

Siddharth smiled, emphasizing her importance, "Your opinion is also important because Shraddha is a part of my family. You're important to her because you're my wife." 

The mention of 'wife' sent a chill down Ishita's spine, acknowledging the significant step they had taken. Trying to lighten the mood, she teased him, "Not your wife yet, 'cause we're not married."

He smirked at her playfully, accepting the challenge.

In a swift and unexpected motion, Siddharth pinned Ishita against the bed, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he observed the blush that adorned her cheeks. Leaning in dangerously close, he whispered, "I would marry you now if I wanted."

Her breath quickened, and she retorted, "Who is stopping you then?" The charged atmosphere between them escalated as their faces almost touched.

Closing the remaining distance, Siddharth leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss filled with passion and profound love. The room was filled with the tender intimacy shared between them, and the moment became a testament to the deep connection blossoming in their relationship.

As her hand reached for his back, Siddharth pulled away, both of them left breathless by the intensity of the moment. "Isha... I need to go to the station," he said, interrupting the escalating passion, as if trying to maintain a semblance of control.

With the sudden shift in the atmosphere, she looked away, masking the lingering desire that sparkled in her eyes. "Yeah, right. You should go now," she replied, attempting to sound composed.

Sighing, Siddharth stood up to leave but halted on his heels. In a tender gesture, he planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. Her eyes flew open to meet his, and he smiled, attempting to ease the tension that lingered in the room. "Let's dream about us," he suggested with a cheeky smile before walking out, closing the door behind him.

Left alone in the room, Ishita cupped her cheeks, feeling the residual warmth. She squirmed a little, pulled the blanket over her head, and couldn't help but let out a squeal. The intensity of the moment left her exhilarated and made the prospect of peaceful sleep seem elusive tonight.

That weekend, Anuj took Shraddha to meet his parents, a significant step in their blossoming relationship. The setting was warm and welcoming as Anuj's parents were delighted to get to know the girl who had captured their son's heart.

The meeting took place in Anuj's childhood home, filled with fond memories and a sense of nostalgia. The atmosphere was laced with laughter and conversation as everyone shared stories and got to know each other better. Anuj's parents showered Shraddha with warmth and affection, making her feel like a part of their family.

Anuj and Shraddha, hand in hand, exchanged glances that spoke volumes about their growing connection. Siddharth had made it clear that he approved of their relationship as long as they were happy together, and this meeting seemed to reinforce that sentiment.

As the day unfolded, Siddharth's advice about maintaining a balance between personal and professional relationships echoed in Anuj's mind. The lovebirds, knowing the significance of this balance, cherished the time spent with Anuj's parents while being mindful of the responsibilities waiting for them back at the fire station.

while Anuj and Shraddha were busy to form their new relation with his parents, Ishita was trying to cook something for Siddharth as he was outside. 

The aroma of spices filled the cozy kitchen as Ishita, donned in a simple apron, tried her hand at cooking. The countertops were scattered with ingredients – an assortment of vegetables, spices, and a recipe book propped open. Ishita's eagerness to surprise Siddharth with a homemade meal was evident in the determined expression on her face.

The sizzle of something frying in the pan echoed through the room as she attempted to flip a piece of meat. However, her culinary skills were still a work in progress, and a soft laugh escaped her lips as her flip didn't go as planned. The partially cooked meat landed awkwardly in the pan, leaving her momentarily defeated.

Just as she chuckled at her own mishap, the door creaked open, catching her attention. Her first instinct was to call out to Siddharth, assuming it was him returning from duty. "Sid! I'm in the kitchen," she called out with a playful tone, not bothering to turn around just yet, but she got confused as he didn't run up to her as usual. 

Turning towards the source of her surprise, Ishita widened her eyes to find Mr. Raichand standing at the entrance of the kitchen. A mix of emotions flickered across her face – surprise, confusion, and a touch of nervousness. The kitchen, once a space solely occupied by her culinary experiments, now held an unexpected audience.

She glanced back at the stove, a half-cooked meal forgotten in the moment, and then shifted her gaze back to her father. With a quick attempt to regain composure, she offered a warm smile, though a hint of anxiety lingered beneath the surface.

"Please, take off your shoes... Dad," Ishita quickly suggested, gesturing to the small mat by the entrance. Mr. Raichand followed her advice, bending down to remove his shoes, preventing any intrusion of outdoor dirt onto the living room carpets. The familiar routine of taking off shoes before entering provided a subtle moment of normalcy in the midst of this unexpected visit.

Once the shoes were neatly placed, Mr. Raichand surveyed the cozy living room. The walls adorned with family photos and the modest furniture arrangement spoke volumes about Ishita's simple yet content lifestyle. The scent of spices still hung in the air, a testament to her recent culinary endeavors.

Ishita, now standing a bit self-consciously in the kitchen, awaited her father's reaction. 

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