29. In The Rain

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The restaurant exuded an understated elegance, its dimly lit interior creating an intimate atmosphere. Soft jazz tunes wafted through the air, merging with the gentle hum of conversations and the occasional clinking of cutlery. Ishita sat at the reserved table, her anticipation heightened by the warm glow of ambient lights that lent an almost ethereal quality to the surroundings.

Today she was meeting her 'date', Harsha, which her mother has set her up. She was just here to see that guy her mother set her her up with, then she would tell him that she likes another guy, and leave without further talking. 

 As she awaited Harsha's arrival, her phone buzzed with a message indicating a brief delay due to weekend traffic. The subtle buzz of activity around her heightened the sense of expectancy in the air.

Amidst the hum of conversations and clinking cutlery, a familiar voice approached from behind. "Ishita Raichand?" he inquired. Startled, she turned to face a man donning glasses, a face she couldn't quite place at first.

She gave a short nod," Yes?"

That man gasps in surprise," My god! Raichand, its you! Its been so long." he noticed her confusion so he narrowed his eyes at her," You seriously cant recognize me? I'm Raj. Sid's roommate." 

A gasp of recognition escaped Ishita, her hand flying to her mouth in disbelief. "Raj! You should have removed your glasses, you idiot," she scolded, the laughter in her eyes matching his.

Raj, amused by her reaction, complied and removed his glasses, revealing a face she hadn't expected to encounter in this setting. He took a moment to look around, then settled into the seat across from her. "Are you here to meet someone?" he inquired, observing her with curiosity. She nods in answer. He raised his eyebrow," On a date?"

Ishita, with a nod accompanied by a sigh, acknowledged, "Kind of."

Amidst the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, Raj and Ishita found themselves immersed in a conversation that bridged the gap of the years since university. As they exchanged tales of their post-graduate lives, the ambiance of the coffee shop provided a comforting backdrop.

Raj, now a biotech consultant, unfolded the chapters of his professional journey, while Ishita shared the intricacies of her life as a doctor. He listened intently, acknowledging the highs and lows that had defined her path.

In the midst of their dialogue, a contemplative silence enveloped Raj. With a sigh, he admitted to the six long years that had passed, hinting at a revelation tinged with disappointment. Yet, he swiftly dispelled the somber mood with a hearty laugh, introducing a surprising twist in his personal narrative.

The revelation left Ishita in shock—Raj was married. The revelation took an even more surprising turn when he disclosed that Arohi, their mutual friend, her roommate and best friend, was his wife. The shock on Ishita's face, evident in her repeated gasps, mirrored the unexpected nature of the revelation.

But the surprises didn't conclude there. Raj, with a mischievous glint in his eye, dropped yet another bombshell. He spilled the beans about the seemingly improbable union of their other friends, Deepak and Priya, known for her distinctive loud voice and fiery temperament. Ishita's eyes widened with each new revelation, the coffee shop transforming into a space where shared histories and unexpected turns intertwined.

Raj sighed, expressing his emotions, "Still, everything feels incomplete without you. Whenever we remember those old good days, your leaving and his accident comes to our mind."

 Ishita, now intrigued, questioned, "What accident?"

 Raj continued, unraveling the untold story, "Sid had an accident the day you left. People said he was running behind a car...your father's car, and you were in it."

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