39. There is a 'We'

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In the dimly lit room, Siddharth entered to find Ishita with her back turned, shoulders quivering with the weight of her emotions. The air was heavy with the aftermath of her father's cruel words. The once unwavering belief in their love was now shaken by the harsh judgments thrown their way.

Siddharth took a deep breath, trying to steady his own emotions. Faking ignorance, he spoke gently, "Isha? Hey, did you meet your father? I saw him outside." But the pain in Ishita's eyes was too apparent to ignore. She turned around, tears streaming down her face, and uttered his name, "Sid..."

His heart tightened at the vulnerability in her voice. Without hesitation, he rushed to her, pulling her into a tender embrace. Ishita sought solace in the warmth of his chest, a sanctuary away from the hurtful comments that had pierced her soul. The room echoed with the silent exchange of comfort as Siddharth held her close, determined to shield her from the world's judgment.

In the quiet aftermath of her father's hurtful words, Siddharth held Ishita tightly, offering her the refuge she sought. His arms, a sanctuary against the storm of emotions, embraced her securely as she allowed herself to release the pent-up tears. His gentle pats on her back created a soothing rhythm, a silent assurance that he was there, sharing the burden of her pain.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, but I heard everything," Siddharth admitted, his voice a low murmur, carrying a mixture of empathy and regret. Ishita, her tear-filled eyes searching his, bit her lip, attempting to control the sobs that threatened to escape. Her vulnerability, laid bare before him, made his heart ache in response.

"Why? Why did you hear it? You shouldn't have. You shouldn't have heard what my own father was talking about you," she whispered, her words laced with anguish. Siddharth, caught between the weight of her father's bitter words and the fragile state of Ishita's emotions, remained silent, grappling with the complexity of the situation.

Her tears spilled again, and she began to punch his chest in frustration, a futile attempt to release the overwhelming pain within. Siddharth, understanding the futility of the blows, held her fists gently, anchoring her turbulent emotions. She looked into his eyes, questioning the cruelty of their circumstances.

"Sid, are we really that unlucky?" she asked, her voice carrying the weight of doubt and despair. His heart clenched, but he shook his head, a determined resolve in his eyes. Wiping her tears, he cupped her cheeks in his hands, attempting to convey reassurance.

"No. We just have to put more effort to overcome it. We can do that, right?" he implored, his eyes searching hers for affirmation. 

Through her tears, a fragile smile graced Ishita's lips. "Together," she whispered, the word holding a promise of unity and resilience. 

Siddharth nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. In that moment, their love became a stronghold against adversity, a testament to the strength they found in each other.

The dim glow of the restaurant created an intimate ambiance as Anuj, Shraddha, Ishita, and Siddharth sat around the table. Laughter and light conversation filled the air, setting the tone for a pleasant evening. Amidst the camaraderie, Anuj, with a hint of nervousness, cleared his throat, signaling the onset of a more serious topic.

"Captain..." Anuj began before catching himself with a muttered curse. He corrected himself with a forced formality, "Siddharth bhai."

Siddharth, raising an eyebrow in amusement, acknowledged him, "Good. Practice this word a few times per hour."

Anuj, with a suppressed laugh, retorted, "Should I take this advice from my Chief or my fiancée's brother?"

Siddharth, maintaining his stern expression, replied, "How about both of them?"

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