34. Her Support

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Ishita took a taxi to the rescue station, seeking solace in Siddharth's arms. Having severed ties with her mother, she felt like she had no one else except him. Stepping out of the taxi in front of the station, she was surprised to find the usually lively fire station unbelievably quiet. Something felt amiss.

Approaching the guard, who seemed to carry a somber atmosphere, she asked, "Can I see Siddharth?" The guard, with a downcast demeanor, replied, "No one is here today. Everyone is at Captain Gupta's place."

Confused, Ishita inquired, "What do you mean? Why?"

He sighed and reluctantly answered, "Captain's grandma is no more."

The words hit Ishita like a tidal wave, causing her mind to whirl and her ears to ring. "What?" she gasped, struggling to comprehend the unexpected news. 

The guard nodded solemnly, confirming the heartbreaking reality, "His grandmother... passed away." The weight of the moment settled over her, and her heart dropped in sorrow and shock.

Siddharth completed the last rites of his grandmother, the final mantras uttered by the Pandit ji resonating in the air. The entire rescue team gathered at the front of the house, sharing a collective memory of the beloved grandma. 

She had been a source of warmth and affection for the entire team, sending sweets on every festival, creating a bond that extended beyond Siddharth alone. With her absence, a noticeable void lingered, leaving a somber atmosphere in the air.

Inside the living room, Siddharth sat on the floor, surrounded by the close support of his sister, Shraddha, who clung to him tightly, unwilling to let go of her brother even for a moment. 

Rishi and Vinay sat beside them, their expressions reflecting the shared grief. The room was consumed by a heavy silence, with only the sound of Shraddha's silent hiccups and sniffles, echoing Siddharth's own stream of silent tears.

The loss of their beloved grandma weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, and words seemed inadequate in capturing the depth of their sorrow. Each team member shared in the collective grief, finding solace in the shared memories of a woman who had been an integral part of their lives.

The front yard, once filled with shared laughter and joy, had transformed into a mourning hall. Ishita entered the solemn atmosphere, greeted by the silent presence of the firefighters. Acknowledging her unspoken query, a few nodded towards the living room, indicating Siddharth's location.

As she walked in, her eyes bore witness to a heart-wrenching scene. Siddharth and Shraddha clung to each other, seated in the corner on the floor, their postures resembling two scared children seeking solace. Rishi and Vinay quietly left the room, granting the siblings a moment of privacy.

Without uttering a word, Ishita moved forward and wrapped her arms around both Siddharth and Shraddha, a silent yet powerful gesture conveying her solidarity. In that intimate embrace, they formed a close-knit circle, acknowledging their shared grief and the void left by grandma's absence. 

The trio sat huddled together, finding comfort in each other's warmth, recognizing that they were now bound not only by their individual losses but also by the shared strength of their newfound family. 

After an emotionally charged hour, Siddharth gently stood up, reluctantly breaking the trio formed with Shraddha and Ishita. As he walked toward the front yard, he observed the solemn faces of his firefighter team. Acknowledging their unspoken support, he sighed and addressed them.

"Guys, you should go back to the station," Siddharth suggested, feeling grateful for their presence during his personal loss. However, the team members avoided eye contact, showing an unwillingness to leave.

Siddharth sighed again, realizing the depth of their connection. "Thank you for being here for my personal loss, but..." he began, only to be interrupted by one of the members who spoke with sincerity, "Captain, it wasn't just your personal loss. It's my loss too. You told me yourself - I'm your family."

Rishi nodded in agreement, emphasizing, "We all are."

Siddharth couldn't help but smile at the genuine sentiment expressed by 'his family.' Grateful for their unwavering support, he relented, "Okay, guys. But you have to be in the station. The city might call us any moment."

With mutual understanding and words of consolation exchanged, the team members reluctantly departed, leaving Siddharth to grapple with both personal grief and professional responsibilities.

Siddharth walked back into the living room, where Shraddha had stood up from her tightly held position with Ishita. "I'm going to bed," she announced before making her way into the bedroom, gently shutting the door behind her. Ishita gestured for Siddharth to sit beside her, and he complied, settling down on the floor.

Sensing Ishita's unspoken questions and curiosity, Siddharth decided to share his thoughts. "She was fine, really, as usual. I woke up early to get ready for the station, so she insisted I have breakfast before leaving. I had a shower, came here to see something burning on the stove. Then I saw her sitting right there," he nodded at the couch in front of them, a melancholic tone accompanying his words, "a framed picture of ours was beside her. So... I guess she left with a memorable image in her eyes."

Ishita, understanding the weight of the moment, held Siddharth close, running her hand gently and constantly on his shoulder. In the silence that followed, she became a pillar of support, absorbing his pain and offering comfort through her presence. The room, filled with the remnants of grief, became a sanctuary for shared sorrow and solace.

Siddharth awoke with an ache in his back, realizing that both he and Ishita were still sitting on the floor, having shared the night's sorrow. He gently held her head, careful not to disturb her peaceful sleep, and lifted her into his arms. Carefully, he placed her on the sofa and covered her with a warm blanket, smiling at the sight of her serene sleeping form.

As Siddharth walked out, he noticed the first hints of the sun beginning to rise. Although it was early, his ingrained habits led him to start his day. The weight of losing his grandma still lingered, but he knew she would want him to continue living his life happily.

Determined to face the new day, Siddharth set about completing some household chores. He swept the front yard and the inside of the living room, a therapeutic act that allowed him a moment of reflection. After ensuring the kitchen was in order, he headed into the shower, seeking both physical and emotional refreshment.

As the cold water began to wash away the facade Siddharth wore, the floodgates of his emotions burst open. The comforting sound of his grandma calling his name, the affectionate scolding during childhood fights, the bedtime stories, and the unwavering support after his parents' passing—all these memories flooded his mind, now mingling with the raw pain of her absence. He realized just how much he was going to miss her.

In the shower, the torrential downpour mimicked the storm inside him. The tears, held back behind a strong facade, now flowed uncontrollably. The painful sobs echoed in the confined space, each one a poignant reminder of the void left by his beloved grandma. Siddharth, unable to withstand the weight of his grief, sank to the floor, seeking support from the cold tiles beneath him.

Hugging his knees for comfort, he cried unabashedly, allowing himself to grieve like the child he once was, cradled in the warmth of his grandma's loving arms. The cold water served as a poignant backdrop, cleansing not only his physical body but also releasing the pent-up emotions he had hidden beneath his strong exterior. 

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