10. Family and Festival

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During the festive season, Ishita, aware of Siddharth's close bond with his family, suggested a thoughtful idea. As Diwali approached, she proposed that they visit Siddharth's grandmother and sister together. Recognizing that her own family lived in another state, making it impossible for her to be with them during the festival, Ishita wanted to ensure that Siddharth could share the joy of Diwali with his loved ones.

Siddharth, touched by Ishita's suggestion, agreed wholeheartedly. The prospect of celebrating Diwali with his family brought a gleam to his eyes. They packed a small bag for a two-day trip, setting out on a journey that would not only illuminate the surroundings with the festive lights of Diwali but also strengthen the bonds of family and love.

As they stepped out of the bus, the air in Siddharth's small town carried a different essence-a blend of simplicity and tranquility that sharply contrasted with the bustling city life Ishita was accustomed to. They hailed a taxi to reach Siddharth's house nestled in the north corner of the town, traversing through winding roads that embraced the town's vibrant natural surroundings.

For Ishita, the journey was a revelation. The lush greenery, the clear blue skies, and the serenity of the countryside captivated her senses. Having spent her life in metropolitan cities, the natural beauty of the country town, with its unpolluted air and the gentle hum of nature, fascinated Ishita. The road, illuminated by the warm glow of the setting sun, felt like a journey into a world far removed from the urban hustle.

As they approached Siddharth's house, the landscape morphed into a kaleidoscope of colors. The quaint houses, adorned with vibrant flower gardens, exuded a rustic charm that spoke of a close-knit community. The air carried the scent of blooming flowers and the promise of an evening filled with the warmth of familial bonds.

In those moments, Ishita found herself captivated by the simplicity and beauty of the country town.

They stepped out of the taxi at a certain narrow street. It was almost 5 in the evening, so kids has already started bursting firecrackers on the streets here and there.

" Grandma must be in her shop till now. " Sid says, grabbing her hand in the process, and walks ahead.

While she could not quite believe it. She has only seen these scenes in movies. Where the male lead, holding the girl's hand, taking her to somewhere magical, while light and fireworks are enlightening the whole dark sky.

As they arrived at their destination, a small bakery of sweets, the warm glow of an LED sign adorned the front of the shop, casting a welcoming aura. The exterior exuded a quaint charm, and a few kids gathered around, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they anticipated indulging in the sweet delights within. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of freshly prepared treats, and it became evident that the bakery held a special place in the hearts of the locals.

A lively scene unfolded around them-families and children milling about, laughter resonating in the air. The bakery seemed to be at the heart of a joyous celebration, with customers young and old partaking in the delights it had to offer. The whole street, lined with similar shops and adorned with twinkling lights, created an enchanting atmosphere, as if the entire neighborhood was joined in a collective celebration.

Siddharth approached the counter with a playful grin, noticing the woman, around her sixties, facing away from him, unaware of his presence.

In a teasing tone, he called out, "Aunty, can I have 1 kilogram of Laddus?" His voice carried a lighthearted charm, adding a touch of banter to the simple request.

The old woman turns around, her initial apology on her lips, "Sorry, dear. I have not made more for this time. I have only saved 1 kilo to send it for my grandson in the city." As she fully turns around to face Siddharth, adjusting her glasses on her nose, her eyes widen in surprise. Recognition dawns on her, and a joyful gasp escapes her lips, "Siddhu?!"

The realization that the young man standing before her is none other than her own grandson brings an instant mix of delight and amusement.

His grandmother, overwhelmed with joy and affection, steps out of her shop and embraces him tightly. She caresses his face and shoulders, expressing the depth of her love. "I was thinking about you all day. You didn't come home for Diwali last year," she shares with a mixture of happiness and longing.

Siddharth, equally delighted, returns the hug, saying, "I missed you too, Grandma." Laughter fills the air as they share a moment of relief and genuine connection, the sweet reunion adding warmth to the Diwali celebration.

Ishita, standing behind them, is deeply touched witnessing the heartwarming reunion between Siddharth and his grandmother. Playfully, she clears her throat and adds, "Can I have half of the Laddus you've saved for your grandson, grandma?"

Sid pulls away and introduced," Grandma, this is Ishita. Guess who's she?"

His grandmother takes a good look at Ishita, and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, teasingly remarks, "Why did she become your girlfriend?"

A playful exchange ensues as Siddharth finds himself playfully whining, caught in the good-natured banter orchestrated by his grandmother and Ishita.

As the trio walks through the enchanting neighborhood, the sky is ablaze with bursts of colorful fireworks, casting a magical glow over the festivities. The air is filled with the joyful laughter of children and the crackling sounds of fireworks, creating an atmosphere of celebration.

Amidst the luminous display, the trio engages in friendly banter and laughter, exchanging stories and relishing the togetherness of the moment. Siddharth's neighbors and friends, wrapped in the spirit of Diwali, inquire about his well-being and studies, their genuine interest reflecting the close-knit nature of the community. Each encounter is accompanied by heartfelt wishes of "Happy Diwali," echoing the warmth and goodwill that permeate the air.

As they make their way home, the trio becomes a part of this vibrant celebration, strolling through the illuminated streets. The sense of community is palpable, with every greeting and exchange embodying the spirit of Diwali-a time when people come together, transcending differences, to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness.

In this tapestry of lights, laughter, and shared goodwill, Siddharth, Ishita, and his grandmother navigate the lively streets, grateful for the genuine connections that surround them during this festive occasion.

As the trio arrives at Siddharth's house, Siddharth notices his sister, Shraddha, lighting Diyas and candles at the doorstep. Overcome with excitement, she runs up to him and envelops him in a warm hug, expressing the joy of their reunion amid the festive preparations.

Later, as the family gathers, Siddharth introduces Ishita to Shraddha. "Shraddha, this is Ishita, my girlfriend," he says with a smile. The room is filled with warmth and laughter as Shraddha extends a welcoming hand to Ishita, embracing the festive atmosphere and the newfound connection within the family.

As Ishita steps into Siddharth's small yet inviting house, she takes a moment to absorb the cozy atmosphere that envelops her. It may lack the grandeur of a 10-story building, but its two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a functional kitchen emanate a feeling of comfort and intimacy. However, what truly captures her heart is the spacious front yard-a haven for family gatherings, conversation, and shared moments beneath the open sky.

The essence of the place goes beyond its physical dimensions. It's not just a house; it's a home. Siddharth's home embodies the warmth and connection that transforms a mere structure into a haven of love and belonging. For Ishita, being the daughter of a billionaire has provided material wealth, but the concept of a true home, a place that radiates genuine warmth and embraces the soul, is something she has long yearned for.

In this modest abode, she discovers a sense of home that surpasses any lavish setting. The laughter echoing through the rooms, the familial bonds evident in every corner, and the simplicity that defines the space-these elements collectively create an environment that speaks volumes about the importance of love and togetherness. Ishita finds herself appreciating the beauty of a home, not just a house, and realizes that true wealth lies in the richness of genuine connections and shared moments.

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