12. A Testing Moment

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Ishita sat in Siddharth's room, surrounded by the comforting presence of his three friends. The atmosphere, initially celebratory, had taken a more subdued turn as she answered her mother's call. Siddharth, ever perceptive, noticed the subtle shift in her mood.

His friends, understanding the gravity of the moment, maintained a respectful silence, allowing Ishita the space she needed for the conversation. Siddharth, sensing her mixed emotions, offered a reassuring smile and a gentle squeeze of her hand.

" Hey, mom." She answers. 


" It's all good. My results are out and I've got 89%."

As the call progressed, Siddharth's friends discreetly occupied themselves with other activities in the room, giving Ishita a semblance of privacy. The low hum of their voices and the ambient lighting created a cozy ambiance, but the tension in the air was palpable.


" Thanks." She smiles. 


" Okay. Sure. Bye." she hangs up with a sigh. 

The room fell into a hushed stillness after Ishita concluded her phone call with her mother. She cast a lingering gaze at Siddharth, her eyes betraying a mixture of emotions—seriousness, contemplation, and vulnerability. The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, and Siddharth, attuned to her every nuance, waited patiently for her to share what was on her mind.

As Siddharth exchanged a subtle nod with his best friend Raj, an unspoken understanding passed between them. The room, previously filled with the low hum of conversations, suddenly became charged with an unspoken need for privacy.

 With a considerate smile, Raj excused himself, saying, "Oh, I need to get something from outside."

Deepak, the other roommate also catches the uneasy in the air and stands up as well," Me too."

The third roommate also stood up catching the cue, chimed in, "Me three."  creating a lighthearted atmosphere to ease any potential awkwardness. Laughter accompanied their exit, serving as a gentle backdrop to the unfolding moment between Siddharth and Ishita.

As the door closed behind the departing roommates, the room became a sanctuary for the couple.

Sid gently held her hand and pulled her closer. " What's the matter?"

She sighs, started in uncertainty," My parents are coming here tomorrow, for my graduation day." 

He smiled at her in encouragement," Isn't it supposed to be exciting? I mean, you haven't meet them since years. " 

As Ishita's voice quivered and her hands shook, she summoned the courage to make a confession. Siddharth, attentive and supportive, nodded encouragingly, giving her the space to express herself. She began with a noticeable hesitation, her words carrying the weight of something important.

"Sid, I have a confession to make," she said, her gaze meeting his. Siddharth, sensing the gravity of her words, maintained a steady presence, urging her to continue.

" I haven't informed my parents about us. " She said, and held her breath. " I haven't told them about you, yet." 

As Ishita confessed her secret about not informing her parents about their three-year relationship, Siddharth's initial surprise gave way to a complex mix of emotions. Hurt and a subtle sense of betrayal crept into his heart, as the weight of the revelation sank in. Insecurity, like a shadow, started to cast doubt within him.

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