46. Breaking The Last Layer

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The morning unfolded with a tranquil grace, the cool breeze gently caressing the room as Ishita stirred from her sleep. Feeling Siddharth's warm hand on her bare back, she lifted her head with a smile, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Siddharth leaned in, pressing a brief yet affectionate morning kiss on her lips.

"Good morning, wifey," he murmured, and her smile widened in response. Despite the tender moment, Siddharth's demeanor hinted at a more serious tone," I want you to meet someone, I want you to know the only thing you're unaware about me." 

They arrived at a small, advanced single-floor house outside the city. The exterior exuded a sense of simplicity and elegance, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. As they strolled towards the garden beside the parking area, the absence of a bustling crowd emphasized Siddharth's serious expression.

The garden, a haven of tranquility, featured vibrant flowers and a well-tended green landscape. A pair of joint chairs awaited beneath the comforting shade of a sprawling tree. Siddharth led Ishita to the chairs, and they sat down together, the subdued sounds of nature providing a backdrop to the pivotal conversation that was about to unfold. 

Siddharth sighed, the weight of his untold truth evident in the air. Ishita, sensing his hesitation, reached out and gently held his palm, offering silent support. "It's okay. Take your time," she reassured him, her eyes reflecting curiosity and understanding.

He nods then started," I'm sorry, I didn't tell you sooner. I wanted to though, I just thought, lets wait for next session." she was confused and curious as he said ' session'. "Here is my...psychologist, Dr. Ajay Dixit. My therapist. I used to come here every week, but since the last 14 or 15 months, I come here once per month."

With each word, Ishita's eyes widened, absorbing the revelation. The mention of a psychologist and the regular sessions hinted at a side of Siddharth that she had not known.

As Siddharth sighed, the warm sunrays filtering through the leaves of the tree painted a delicate pattern on the ground. Ishita listened intently, her eyes focused on him, ready to absorb the untold chapters of his life.

"Remember I told you about the soldier who took a bullet for me and died?" he asked, and she nodded in acknowledgment. He continued, "That's what it's all about. I couldn't face anyone for months. I was even hesitant to ask for food from Grandma." His voice trembled, carrying the weight of the memories that haunted him. "The fact that a man died for me, that burden was so heavy. And it wasn't the first time."

Ishita understood the reference to his father, who had sacrificed his life to save Siddharth. A profound silence lingered in the air as Siddharth opened up, revealing the depths of his struggles. "Then... the Major from my unit suggested me to see Dr. Dixit. Dr. Dixit then convinced me to join the emergency rescue force so that I can help and save people, which will help me understand the perspective of the man who threw himself on the line for me."

As he shared his journey, the tense expression on Siddharth's face gradually softened, replaced by a sense of composure. He turned to look at Ishita, his eyes carrying a mix of vulnerability and resilience. "Only Grandma, the Department Director of the fire station, and my Major from the army know about it. It was super confidential because it's related to national security. That's why I couldn't tell you. Now, I brought you here to meet Dr. Dixit with me."

Ishita responded with an encouraging smile, her hand reaching out to firmly hold his. In that serene moment beneath the tree, Siddharth shared a piece of his soul with Ishita, and she embraced it with understanding and unwavering support.

Siddharth gently pushed the door open, revealing Dr. Dixit's office. he knocked on the door," Dr Dixit?" 

The room was adorned with shelves filled with books, and the sunlight filtered through the half-open blinds, casting a warm glow. Dr. Dixit, seated at his desk, looked up with a smile as he removed his glasses. "Oh, Siddharth, come on in," he greeted.

Siddharth entered, and Dr. Dixit gestured for him to take a seat across from him. However, Siddharth surprised him by saying, "Someone is here with me, right outside." Dr. Dixit, intrigued,  because Siddharth always found it difficult to talk about his case, wondered who it could be. Siddharth walked back to the door, nodding at Ishita to join him inside.

As Ishita entered, Dr. Dixit's eyes narrowed with a momentary confusion. Then, a spark of recognition lit up his face. "Ishita?" he exclaimed, remembering her from their previous sessions. She smiled and nodded, confirming his realization. 

Siddharth, proudly introducing her, grabbed her hand. "My wife," he declared.

Dr. Dixit, overcome with joy at this unexpected news, congratulated the couple warmly. He invited them to take their seats, ready to explore the new chapter in Siddharth's life and share in the happiness of their union. 

Dr. Dixit sat across the couple, his gaze shifting between the chart sheet detailing Siddharth's progress and the couple seated before him. After absorbing the clinical information, he playfully slammed the chart on his desk and directed a warm smile at them. "Let's talk about something different today," he suggested, his eyes focusing on Ishita. "So, Dr. Ishita, how is life as an emergency ward doctor?"

Ishita, surprised by his knowledge of her profession, glanced at Siddharth. Dr. Dixit chuckled, breaking the ice, "Oh, we talk about you a lot, especially in the last few months. Last time he was here, I got to know that you moved in with him. Before getting married." The playful banter drew laughter from the couple, creating a light atmosphere.

However, Dr. Dixit's demeanor shifted to seriousness as he turned to Siddharth. "When did you think about telling her?" he inquired, his curiosity evident. 

Siddharth, after a brief pause, nodded and admitted, "Last week. The moment we got married." Ishita's eyes locked onto Siddharth in anticipation, eager to understand the reasons behind the revelation.

Dr. Dixit probed further, "Why?" Ishita's gaze remained fixed on Siddharth, awaiting his response. 

Siddharth took a deep breath, as if summoning the sincerity from the depths of his being. "Because... I need her. I don't want to cage that craving for need. I want to be transparent." The gravity of Siddharth's words hung in the air, emphasizing the depth of his feelings and the commitment to honesty.

Dr. Dixit, after glancing at the previous reports on the table, found a subtle smile forming on his face. 

Dr. Dixit, observing Siddharth keenly, posed a question that hinted at their previous therapy sessions," What will be your answer to him?". 

Ishita could sense the weight of the conversation. Siddharth, after a deep breath, responded, "'Thank you' will be my answer. I was literally insulting their motive and sincerity by questioning their sacrifice for me."

Dr. Dixit nodded, impressed by Siddharth's progress and willingness to acknowledge the gratitude he owed to those who had made sacrifices for him. Siddharth, with a tightened fist, addressed Dr. Dixit, revealing a decision that surprised both the doctor and Ishita. "Dr. Dixit," Siddharth began, "I'm going to meet them tomorrow." Ishita, unaware of the details, sensed the unexpected nature of the revelation through Dr. Dixit's widened eyes.

As Siddharth continued, his tone became calmer, "It's his departure day tomorrow. I'm going to see his wife and son." Ishita, realizing that Siddharth was referring to the family of the fallen soldier, saw the speechlessness in Dr. Dixit. 

The doctor hadn't anticipated Siddharth's readiness to confront such a challenging and emotionally charged situation. Dr. Dixit, searching for words, managed to express, "That's...wonderful. You should." He understood the immense weight of survival guilt and the emotional turmoil of facing the family of someone who had sacrificed their life. 

Still, Dr dixit asked in confirmation," Are you sure?" 

Siddharth nodded hesitantly when asked again, and Ishita, grabbing his hand, affirmed, "I'll be with him." Siddharth looked at her with gratitude, realizing how fortunate he was to have her unwavering support.  

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