48. ' Emergency '

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As the days passed by, Siddharth and Ishita's lives settled into a semblance of normalcy and peace. The emergency ward, where Ishita worked, became less crowded, indicating a decrease in accidents and emergencies. This positive change brought a sense of relief and happiness to Ishita, even though she was cautious not to jinx it.

Meanwhile, Siddharth's role as a firefighter seemed to intensify. He found himself playfully entertaining the thought that if he worked diligently and successfully minimized sudden accidents and disasters, it would result in less stress for his wife. This whimsical notion, while perhaps a bit childish, revealed Siddharth's genuine concern for Ishita's well-being.

The firetrucks rolled to a stop in the parking lot of the fire station, announcing the return of the rescue force after a challenging mission. The urgency of the situation, a landslide on a hillside road, had demanded their immediate attention. With the mission accomplished, the firefighters, visibly tired, disembarked and began making their way towards their respective quarters.

Amidst the wearied group, Siddharth's attention was drawn to the meeting room hallway. There, he spotted a man in conversation with an officer from the fire department. The officer, recognizing Siddharth and Vinay, waved them over. As they approached, the man, Arnav, extended his hand for a handshake, a customary gesture," Nice to see you again, Cap." 

 However, Siddharth, still covered in dust from the mission, raised both hands in a nonchalant manner, indicating his condition and effectively avoiding the handshake. Arnav withdrew his hand, registering the awkward exchange.

The fire department officer, noting the scene, addressed Siddharth, "Captain, Instructor, come to the meeting room real quick." Acknowledging the instruction, Siddharth and Vinay nodded and turned to head towards the facilities to clean up before the impending meeting.

Siddharth and Vinay, having cleaned up after the mission, made their way towards the meeting hall. However, as they approached, Arnav appeared in the corridor, prompting Vinay to sense the need for privacy and discreetly leave the two relatives alone.

Siddharth regarded Arnav with a sigh, and Arnav, visibly frustrated, confronted him, "How could you not let me know about her marriage?" 

Siddharth nonchalantly shrugged, "Well, my father-in-law said his son ran out of the country on a business trip when he told him about his daughter's marriage."

Arnav sighed, looking down, "I couldn't see Mom in that state." 

Siddharth snapped back, "So you gave up your sister's happiness?" 

Arnav met his gaze, "I did not. I just had no idea how to deal with it. I know it sounds stupid." 

Siddharth interrupted sternly, "It really does. Listen, we're not here for a counseling session. I can't talk to your sister on your behalf. You sort it out yourself."

With that, Siddharth walked towards the meeting room, leaving Arnav to reflect on the situation. Arnav sighed once more, acknowledging the truth in Siddharth's words, and followed him to the meeting room. 

As the meeting progressed, Arnav put forth a proposal to supply drones to the fire department across the state. This time, the proposal was met with a different response from Siddharth. Unlike their previous encounter where Siddharth had opposed Arnav's suggestion, this time he found merit in the idea based on the potential benefits it could bring to their missions.

Siddharth, considering the practical applications of drones in emergency situations, agreed to the proposal. The change in stance reflected Siddharth's willingness to embrace new technologies that could enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. The dynamics between the two seemed to be shifting, indicating a more collaborative approach towards improving the capabilities of the fire department.

The atmosphere in the emergency control room was tense with the usual hustle and bustle of incoming calls. Suddenly, a call came in, and the female officer on duty swiftly activated all the necessary trackers to respond to the emergency. She professionally answered, "101 control room, what's your emergency?"

To her surprise, the caller on the other end dropped a bombshell. "Tell Captain Siddharth Gupta from City Rescue Station to arrive at Central Homes Square in 30 minutes, unless his wife will file for divorce."

The officer was caught off guard and couldn't believe what she was hearing. In a puzzled tone, she asked for clarification, "What? Ma'am, what's your name, and what are you saying?"

The frustrated voice on the line identified herself, "I'm Ishita Gupta. Deliver this message to my husband right now!"

The officer, now thoroughly confused, exchanged glances with her colleague and decided to inform the higher-ups about this unusual situation. She muted the microphone and consulted with her colleague, "Sir, a woman named Ishita Gupta wants to deliver a message to her husband, apparently, Captain Gupta from the rescue station."

Her colleague took charge of the situation and spoke into the microphone, "Are you Mrs. Gupta?"

Ishita's response conveyed her annoyance, "Excuse me? You haven't informed him yet? You people don't even allow him a break, even on weekends, and it's getting late, and he's not answering his phone."

The control room officers, overhearing the conversation, struggled to contain their laughter. The officer responded, "Okay, ma'am. We'll report this message to the City Rescue Station." With that, the line was disconnected, and the entire control room erupted in laughter. 

The meeting in the fire station was wrapping up when suddenly, the speakers embedded in the walls crackled to life, emitting a siren three times. The firefighters, alert and ready for action, prepared to dash out for another mission. However, the voice from the speakers clarified the nature of the emergency.

"It's 101 control room, and this emergency message is only for Captain Gupta. Captain, answer your phone immediately and arrive at Central Homes Square in thirty minutes, unless you'll be getting a divorce notice from your wife."

Arnav couldn't help but facepalm in embarrassment, realizing the source of the chaotic message. He choked on his breath, fully aware of his sister's dramatic tendencies. Siddharth, on the other hand, closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to process the unexpected turn of events. As he opened his eyes, he noticed every officer in the room looking at him, barely holding back laughter.

His senior officer, attempting to maintain a serious demeanor, nodded at him. "It's... really a huge emergency. You should hurry, Captain."

Siddharth stood up, clearing his throat, and glanced back at his teammates, finding some biting their lips to stifle laughter. He nodded at them in acknowledgment, silently signaling his departure, and then swiftly rushed out toward his quarters, leaving behind a roomful of amused colleagues, and he stepped out, as he had predicted, the whole room burst out in laughter.  

Ishita paced back and forth near the bus stop, situated close to her workplace at City Hospital. Anticipation filled the air as she awaited the arrival of her husband, Siddharth. Spotting him in the distance, Siddharth ran up to her, slightly breathless. She playfully glared at him, "How could you forget we're supposed to attend our university reunion party?"

Siddharth, holding her arms, smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, honey. We had a rough mission in the afternoon and then a long meeting till now. In fact, that's your brother's fault."

Her expression turned a bit serious, "My brother? Did he say something to you? Did he fight...?"

He chuckled, interrupting her, "He was there for a deal proposal with our department. We really didn't have any argument." Reassuring her again, he raised an eyebrow, "You called 101 to remind me?"

Looking at him with a hint of anger, she explained, "Because you didn't answer your phone. Check how many times I've texted and called you." 

Siddharth playfully pinched her nose, "I'm sorry. We're not allowed to have phones during meetings; that's why I couldn't answer. And by the way, what were you saying? We got married just a month ago, and you're already thinking about divorce?"

She smiled apologetically, "Sorry. I was just eager to see our old friends, and you're getting late, so..."

He shook his head, hailing a cab. As they both sat inside, they were on their way to meet friends from their university days after years.

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