44. Now and Forever

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The room buzzed with excitement as Ishita's friends—Shraddha, Priya, and Arohi—busily prepared her for the grand occasion. Although the wedding was planned to be a simple affair, the addition of cultural and traditional elements infused it with a significant and joyous atmosphere.

Shraddha carefully selected the bridal attire, adorned with intricate embroidery and embellishments. The rich colors and textures reflected the cultural significance of the ceremony. Priya and Arohi meticulously worked on adorning Ishita with traditional ornaments, each piece holding a story and adding to the grandeur of the moment.

As the room echoed with laughter and the rustling of fabric, Ishita, in the midst of this joyous occasion, felt a pang of heartache. Her eyes, despite sparkling with happiness, held a subtle hint of sadness. The absence of her mother, especially on the most significant day of her life, cast a shadow over the celebration.

She missed her mother deeply, yearning for her comforting presence and the shared moments of joy that would have made this day complete. However, Ishita, resilient and determined, chose not to let her emotions overpower her. She didn't want to burden the joyous atmosphere with her internal struggle. Instead, she focused on the love and support surrounding her from Shraddha, Priya, and Arohi.

As the laughter and joy filled the room, a faint knock on the door interrupted the lively atmosphere. Priya, one of Ishita's friends, swiftly moved to open the door. To everyone's surprise, Ishita's mother stood there, and behind her was Ishita's father. The room fell into a momentary hush, and Ishita's eyes widened in shock and delight.

Priya, sensing the need for privacy, turned to Ishita with a knowing smile. "Isha..." she said, gesturing towards her parents. Ishita looked back and saw her mother, a mix of emotions flooding her face. Happiness, surprise, and a hint of longing all played on Ishita's features.

The friends tactfully exited the room, leaving Ishita and her parents alone to savor this unexpected reunion. The air was filled with a blend of anticipation and emotions as the family took in the moment.

The room held a mixture of emotions as Ishita's father walked ahead and enveloped her in a warm embrace. "I can never be a stranger to you, Ishu," he whispered, his hug providing a sense of familiarity and reassurance. 

Ishita, overwhelmed with emotions, felt tears welling up in her eyes as the weight of the moment sank in. They pulled away, but the bond between father and daughter remained strong.

In contrast, Ishita's mother approached with a demeanor that betrayed the bitterness within. There was no joy on her face, and the atmosphere tensed as she took Ishita's hand. With a stern expression, she slipped a golden bangle onto Ishita's wrist—a symbolic gesture deeply rooted in family tradition. The room held its breath, anticipating the mother's well wishes and blessings for Ishita's new life.

However, the moment shattered Ishita's expectations when Mrs. Raichand, without uttering a single word, turned and walked out. A heavy silence settled in the room, and Ishita's heart ached at the lack of warmth and affection from her mother. Confusion and hurt marked her expression as she looked at her father, seeking an explanation.

Her father, his eyes reflecting a mix of helplessness and determination, sighed deeply. "She may not be your mother," he admitted, "but she'll perform the duty here as my wife. I can't miss this priceless opportunity of my daughter's kanyadan. I don't want to fail here." Ishita managed a smile through her blurry eyes, understanding the complexities of the situation. 

The joyful beats of drums and lively music echoed from the street below, signaling the arrival of Siddharth with his baraat. Ishita and her father leaned over the window to witness the spectacle unfolding outside. Siddharth, surrounded by a lively crowd of friends, teammates from the fire station, and neighborhood acquaintances, was in the midst of a dance celebration. The vibrant atmosphere resonated with laughter and cheer as they pulled Siddharth into their spirited dance, his awkward steps adding a playful touch to the festivities. Ishita couldn't help but chuckle at his endearing attempts.

Amidst the revelry, Ishita's father observed Siddharth with a nostalgic smile. "He reminded me of my father," he remarked, catching Ishita by surprise. She looked at him curiously, prompting him to share a part of his past. He continued, "This kid was the one who convinced me not to forget that I have a daughter whom I love so much, and she loves me in return. I must admit, that boy has a knack for striking a chord with others. He reminded me of my biggest regret."

Intrigued, Ishita inquired about the regret her father was referring to. He nodded with a reflective gaze, "My biggest regret is not being able to spend more time with my father due to my studies and work, lost in a delusion of success and maturity. The three of us—me, you, and him—we all share this regret. Now, I realize if I don't accept your happiness, which connects him to your life, then I'll be adding another regret to my account."

Ishita smiled gratefully at her father's honesty and newfound understanding. As they stood there, absorbing the chaotic fun of Siddharth and his friends dancing below, a sense of unity and acceptance began to bloom. 

The mandap was adorned with vibrant colors, and Siddharth sat surrounded by his friends, anticipation building in the air. His eyes sought out Mrs. Raichand, her stoic expression still intact, yet the mere presence of Ishita's mother held significance. It was a silent acknowledgment, a subtle approval that Mrs. Raichand was here to bless her daughter, a testament to Siddharth's efforts in bridging the gap.

As the pundit commenced the rituals, the moment arrived for the bride to join Siddharth in the mandap. Siddharth turned to his right, and there she was—Ishita, gracefully making her way towards the mandap. Her father and Shraddha accompanied her, the golden-green hues of her lehenga swaying with every step. Siddharth's gaze fixed solely on her, and the surroundings seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a world of their own.

Raj, sharing in the excitement, whispered to Vinay, "Mr. instructor, we'll see news tomorrow that a groom fell unconscious due to lack of breathing." Siddharth, momentarily forgetting to breathe in the awe of Ishita's beauty, was jolted back to reality by the laughter of his friends. Ishita took her place beside him, a radiant smile gracing her face, and Siddharth couldn't help but mirror that joy.

As the rituals unfolded, each one carrying its own emotional weight, the Kanyadan process emerged, once again stirring sentiments in the hearts of those present. Mr. Raichand, visibly moved, cleared his throat in an attempt to restrain his emotions. With great sincerity, he spoke, "You've known her for a decade, so I don't think there is anything left for me to tell about her. Still, I'd say to both of you, support each other as you always do, be each other's family, cherish your life together."

In a more general piece of advice, he continued, "And another thing – don't go to bed without resolving even the smallest argument." His words carried the weight of experience, a fatherly wisdom that sought to guide the newlyweds on their journey ahead. Turning specifically to Siddharth, he addressed him with warmth, "And, Siddharth, son..."

Ishita's eyes sparkled with delight, eager to hear her father's words directed at Siddharth. Her father's voice resonated with sincerity as he continued, "You understood her when I couldn't. You both were each other's starting point, and I disrespected you, your family, and your relationship with my daughter many times. Don't hold that against my child."

Siddharth, with a reassuring shake of his head, responded, "That doesn't matter anymore. There is no point in holding anything against her when she was always my shield. And I intend to take that role from now on—I'll be her armor, stick with her forever."

Ishita's smile radiated with gratitude and love as the pheras commenced. Each round around the holy fire symbolized a vow, a promise for a lifetime together. Seven rounds, seven lifelong vows of togetherness, were woven into the fabric of their union. With each step, they drew closer, binding themselves to each other with an unbreakable knot, symbolizing their commitment to stay tethered for eternity. The sacred rituals echoed through the air, sealing their union in the presence of family, friends, and the divine flame. It was a moment of profound significance, a sacred journey embarked upon by two souls entwined in love. 

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