28. Starting Over

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Ishita woke up the next morning to find Dr. Mira on the balcony, gazing ahead. Still groggy from sleep, she joined Mira to see what had captured her attention. 

To their surprise, all the firefighters were engaged in a rigorous training session, running laps around the training ground in front of the station. Clad in their training joggers, they moved with disciplined precision, chanting motivational phrases to boost their energy.

Mira, astonished, pointed out, "Dr. Raichand, they've been running for almost an hour. They've already completed 11, no, 12 laps, but they're still going strong."

An idea sparked in Ishita's mind, and she suggested, "Should we join them?"

Mira hesitated, "Will they let us? I mean, it's their drill."

Ishita smiled and nodded, "Come on, let's live like firefighters for a few days."

Mira agreed, and both women went to change into their joggers, ready to embrace the challenges and camaraderie of the firefighting lifestyle.

As more members of the medical team joined Mira and Ishita for the morning run, they seamlessly integrated into the rhythmic formation of the firefighters, adopting their synchronized '1-2-1' cadence. Ishita, feeling energized, increased her pace and playfully joined Vinay and Siddharth at the front of the row.

Breathlessly, Vinay greeted, "Good morning, doctors," receiving a small echo of 'good morning' from the running medical team. 

Siddharth, noticing Ishita attempting to overtake him, smirked and playfully shouted to his team, "Don't stop even if someone passes out, boys!"

Rolling her eyes, Ishita retorted, "We're not that weak, Captain." 

Siddharth, taking it as a challenge, nodded and said, "Let's see."

Ishita soon regretted challenging him, as in a silent signal, the firefighters increased their pace. The doctors struggled to keep up, and Ishita, realizing the tough competition, whined, "Hey, this is cheating!" Eventually, one by one, the doctors stopped running, exhausted. Ishita looked back to see the glaring faces of her fellow doctors, and she nodded with a tired sigh, admitting, "Yeah, sorry."

During their days at the rescue station, the medical team exchanged training sessions with the rescue team. The medical team imparted basic emergency treatments, while the rescue team taught essential emergency techniques to the doctors, such as wearing safety gear, using fire extinguishers, and understanding emergency exits.

As the rescue team geared up for their operations, Ishita couldn't help but let her imagination wander. The roaring of the engines and the blaring sirens triggered thoughts of how a typical wife might feel as she watches her husband embark on his daily work. 

The contrast between the chaos of departure and the calmness that settled in the fire station after the siren ceased gave Ishita chills. The idea of herself and Siddharth as husband and wife ignited a deep desire within her. It was a profound contemplation that lingered in her mind, painting vivid images of a future she longed for.

Soon, it was the last day of the camp. As the night progressed, the camaraderie between the two teams flourished. Those who initially hesitated to participate in the training camp now wished for a few more days in this dynamic environment.

Ishita, in her element, engaged in lively conversations, laughter echoing through the dining area. Siddharth, however, sat with his food untouched, his gaze fixed on Ishita. Her every movement, every expression, tugged at his heartstrings. He marveled at the sight of her tying her hair into a ponytail, strands gracefully falling over her eyes. The longing to hold her once more intensified within him.

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