40. Perfect Together

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The week leading up to Shraddha and Anuj's wedding was a flurry of activities and exhaustion for everyone involved. Siddharth, taking charge of many arrangements, found a reliable helping hand in Ishita. Together, they navigated through the various tasks, including the meticulous selection of clothing items for the ceremony. Siddharth's friends from the fire station also contributed, making the preparations more manageable.

As the anticipated evening of Shraddha and Anuj's marriage arrived, the venue buzzed with the vibrancy of a traditional Indian wedding. The air was thick with excitement and anticipation as the rituals commenced, each one carrying its own significance and cultural richness.

Amidst the festivities, the poignant moment of kanyadan approached. Traditionally, this ritual involves the father giving away his daughter, symbolizing the transfer of responsibility and care from the paternal family to the marital one. However, the pundit reassured that the bride's elder brother, who stands as a symbolic representation of the father, could perform the ritual.

With a heavy heart, Siddharth agreed to undertake this responsibility. Ishita, though not officially married to him, stood by his side, expressing her silent support. Together, they stepped forward to perform Shraddha's kanyadan, a ritual laden with emotions and cultural significance.

They performed Shraddha's kanyadan together, placing her hand in Anuj's. Siddharth looked at Anuj with vulnerable eyes and spoke with heartfelt emotion, "I always tell her that she's still my 12-year-old sister. But, I promise, she's matured enough to understand the value of relationships. You are her life partner from now on, for eternity. So always be a bit patience with her. She acts a little childish sometimes because...my grandma used to say that I spoiled her so much."

Shraddha's eyes welled up with tears as she witnessed her brother on the verge of tears. Swallowing his emotions, Siddharth continued, "She is really lucky to have your parents who love her like their own. I'm sure she'll love them as well." He turned to Anuj's parents and teased, "She might act irritated sometimes, so keep vanilla-flavored ice cream at home. Mrs. Sharma, you're getting a spoiled daughter as your daughter-in-law." Laughter rippled through the gathering at his light-hearted comment.

Anuj reassured Siddharth, "Bhaiya, don't worry. I won't let my Captain down." Shraddha and Ishita joined in laughter through their emotional moments.

The wedding rituals concluded, leaving Siddharth and Ishita standing hand in hand, offering heartfelt wishes to the newlywed couple. The joyous celebration continued, infused with the spirit of love, tradition, and the promise of a beautiful journey ahead for Shraddha and Anuj.

As the nights unfolded with their husbands immersed in their firefighting duties, Ishita and Shraddha found solace in each other's company. The alternating routine of spending nights together, sometimes at Shraddha's place and other times at Ishita's, became a comforting ritual.

On the nights when Shraddha stayed over at Ishita's place, the cozy living room transformed into a haven for shared laughter, heart-to-heart conversations, and occasional movie marathons. The aroma of homemade snacks filled the air, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The flickering candlelight cast a soft glow, adding a touch of intimacy to their evenings.

Conversely, when Ishita visited Shraddha's house, they indulged in similar activities. The décor of Shraddha's home provided a change of scenery, creating a sense of novelty and adventure in their routine. The two friends cherished these moments of togetherness, finding strength and companionship in each other during the absence of their firefighter husbands.

The weekend evening unfolded in a tranquil setting, with the sun painting the sky in warm hues as it dipped behind the distant hills. Ishita and Siddharth found solace on a wooden couch at the rooftop beneath the cool breeze, creating an intimate atmosphere under the canvas of the setting sun.

As they sat there, Siddharth, momentarily releasing Ishita's hand, reached for something beside him on the desk. A sense of intrigue sparked in Ishita's eyes as he retrieved a blue velvet box. The mere sight of the box triggered a cascade of thoughts in her mind, wondering if it held the promise of a proposal.

However, Siddharth, with a reassuring nod, indicated for Ishita to take the box. Though there was a hint of confusion and a flicker of disappointment that it wasn't a ring, she accepted the box. With a gesture from Siddharth, she opened it, and her expression transformed into sheer delight.

Inside the box were three keys — symbols of new beginnings and shared adventures. One key for a scooter and the other two for charming bicycles. The realization of the thoughtful gift spread a happy grin across Ishita's lips, and her eyes lit up with joy.

The soft hum of a horn echoed from downstairs, catching Ishita's attention. Siddharth's smile hinted that the awaited surprise had arrived. Excitement sparked in Ishita's eyes as she leaped out of her seat, rushing to the balcony to catch a glimpse of the awaited spectacle.

As she looked down, her eyes widened with awe. Vinay and Rishi, their comrades from the fire station, had arrived. A navy-blue scooter and two charming lavender-colored bicycles adorned the front yard. The sight left Ishita gasping in sheer joy, overwhelmed by the thoughtful gift Siddharth had orchestrated.

Vinay and Rishi waved cheerfully before parking the scooter and bicycles, leaving behind a trail of their camaraderie. Once they departed, Ishita, brimming with happiness, turned around to face Siddharth. Gratitude lingered on her lips, ready to spill over in heartfelt words.

However, her words froze on her tongue as she discovered Siddharth on his right knee, holding yet another box in his hand. Time seemed to stand still as she stood there, struck by the unexpected turn of events. Her heart pounded with anticipation, rendering her momentarily speechless.

As Siddharth held Ishita's hand, drawing her closer, his eyes locked onto hers, filled with a playful anticipation. The warm glow of the setting sun cast a golden hue on the rooftop, creating an intimate atmosphere for the unfolding surprise.

He spoke with a tender excitement, revealing the delightful plan he had crafted. The new scooter and the lavender bicycles were invitations to explore their small town, escaping the chaos of the city streets. His words painted a picture of serene strolls and the simple joy of coming home with a heart full of cherished memories.

A chuckle escaped Ishita's lips as Siddharth emphasized the tranquility and peace of the forthcoming moments. His hand gently squeezed hers, and with a heartfelt expression, he declared, "I can't wait anymore. Marry me, wifey." 

A radiant smile adorned Ishita's face as she found her voice, responding with equal joy, "I've been waiting."

As Siddharth delicately slipped the ring onto Ishita's left ring finger, the small purple diamond caught the last rays of the evening sun, transforming it into a sparkling jewel. A gesture of commitment and love, Siddharth sealed the moment with a gentle kiss over the ring, his affectionate gesture leaving Ishita mesmerized.

When Ishita looked down into Siddharth's eyes, she found a reflection of pure love and adoration. His gaze, unwavering and filled with a promise, awestruck her, deepening the connection between them. In response to this profound moment, she acted on a surge of emotion.

With a swift movement, Ishita clutched Siddharth's collar, pulling him closer to her level. Cupping his face in her hands, she pressed her lips against his, a kiss filled with the depth of their commitment. Her hands, wrapped around his neck, found a comfortable place, while Siddharth's hands instinctively encircled her waist. In this embrace, their frames aligned perfectly, creating a harmony that transcended any imperfections.

Despite the flaws they might carry, in that moment, together, they were perfect. 

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