19. The Barrier of Past and Present

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Inside the moving car, Rishi observed the disturbance on Captain Siddharth's face and couldn't resist asking, "Captain, you know that doctor, don't you?"

Siddharth attempted to brush off the question, "Which doctor?"

Rishi, however, rolled his eyes, "The one who stitched my hand." 

Siddharth shook his head, "No. I don't know her."

Unconvinced, Rishi probed further, "Come on. I saw her looking at you as if..."

 Siddharth swiftly interrupted him with a stern tone, "Rishi!" 

It was the commanding voice of a captain, and Rishi immediately straightened in his seat, responding with a respectful, "Captain."

Siddharth maintained his composure and looked at Rishi, warning, "Shut your mouth, or I'll kick you out of the car." 

Rishi, acknowledging the seriousness, nodded, "No need. Thank you for the warning."

 Siddharth raised an eyebrow and nodded, "You're welcome," as the car continued its journey towards the station. The exchange captured the tension and secrecy surrounding Siddharth's connection to Dr. Ishita.

As Siddharth sat in the car, lost in deep thought, the image of Dr. Ishita Singh Raichand lingered in his mind. He couldn't help but marvel at the successful, confident doctor she had become. The sight of her achieving her dream stirred a complex mix of emotions within him.

There was a twinge of hurt and anger, a reminder of the past when they were once deeply connected. Unfinished conversations and unanswered questions echoed in his mind. Yet, amidst these conflicting emotions, there was also a sense of pride and happiness. He found solace in the fact that she had fulfilled her aspirations and become the accomplished doctor she had always aspired to be.

The juxtaposition of these feelings created a turbulent storm within Siddharth. He once saw a future with Ishita, and now, seeing her thriving in her professional life, there was an undeniable sense of pride in her achievements.

The emergency rescue station loomed ahead, and Ishita's steps quickened with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. Her heart pounded in her chest, torn between the logical doubts that urged her to turn back and the emotional curiosity pushing her forward. The image of the tall firefighter, with the uncanny resemblance to Siddharth, lingered in her mind like a haunting specter.

Approaching the station, she couldn't help but notice the entrance barricaded with a striking red and yellow pole, a clear signal of a restricted area. Determined, Ishita approached the check-post booth where a guard scrutinized her with suspicion. Clearing her throat, she ventured to ask, "Can I meet... Captain Siddharth Gupta?"

The guard's stern gaze remained fixed on her, a silent appraisal of her presence. In response, he picked up his walkie-talkie and transmitted a message, "Captain Gupta has a visitor." 

Ishita's heart skipped a beat, a flicker of hope lighting up within her. Could it really be Siddharth?

However, her elation was short-lived as the guard continued, "Today is Sunday, so he is visiting his family. You can meet him tomorrow morning at 7." The guard's matter-of-fact statement crashed over Ishita, a wave of disappointment washing over her. 

Sunday, the one day she chose to seek answers, became an obstacle in her quest.

She retreated from the station with a heavy heart, the conflicting emotions churning within her. The elusive truth seemed to slip through her fingers, leaving her with a sense of longing and the unresolved mystery of the firefighter's identity. As she walked away, Ishita couldn't shake the feeling that fate was playing a game with her, teasing her with a glimpse of a past she was trying to unravel. 

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