26. We Meet Again

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The dim light of the emergency station's shared quarters provided a quiet backdrop for Captain Siddharth and Instructor Vinay. Amidst the hushed ambiance, the two were engrossed in strategic paperwork, marking the end of another demanding day. Suddenly, an idea sparked in Vinay's mind, prompting him to turn off his computer and address Siddharth.

"Sid, I was thinking about a proposal lately. Don't know if the department director will agree or not," Vinay began, his gaze fixed on Siddharth, who nodded in encouragement, prompting him to continue. Vinay elaborated, "You know how urgent our work is. Sometimes, victims worsen by the time they reach the hospital, often due to excessive blood loss. So, I was wondering, what if we had a medical team with us? Specifically reserved in our station."

Siddharth got his point and looked at him," You think department have enough budget to recruit a medical team?"

Vinay shook his head and continued, "I'm not saying that we should hire a team of doctors. My point is, what if we make a deal with a hospital, perhaps for a week or two, as a training camp? Their medical staff could train our team on essential procedures like CPR and various first aid processes. This way, we could have our own medical team within our ranks."

Considering the proposal, Siddharth thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You have a good point," he acknowledged. "But which hospital would allow its staff to train us?"

 Vinay pondered the question and responded, "Why don't you talk to the DD (department director) about it? He might use some connections and arrange it."

With a nod, Siddharth agreed to bring up the idea with the department director, setting the stage for a potential enhancement in their emergency response capabilities.

Ishita's apartment, adorned with a blend of warmth and modernity, was graced by the unexpected arrival of her elder brother, Arnav. As the CEO of an auto-machinery company, he carried himself with an air of responsibility inherited from their father, who had initially steered the company to success. Arnav's visit was not solely a familial affair; it carried the purpose of taking Ishita home to celebrate their father's birthday.

Amid the familial joy and shared laughter, a slight interruption arose in the form of Arnav's unavoidable meeting. It was scheduled at the headquarters of the emergency rescue department, a detail that heightened Ishita's excitement.

 The prospect of Siddharth joining the meeting or, better yet, visiting the headquarters fueled her anticipation. With a promise to wait patiently during her brother's meeting, Ishita hastily prepared herself, her mind oscillating between the upcoming family celebration and the hope of a chance encounter with Siddharth.

As both siblings embarked on their journey, the car seamlessly blending into the city's rhythm, Ishita couldn't help but wonder about the potential intersections of fate at the emergency rescue department's headquarters. 

As Ishita waited in the lounge area, the anticipation hung in the air like a charged current. The rhythmic footsteps of cargo-clad officials echoed in the corridor, each one prompting her to turn her head in hope of catching a glimpse of Siddharth. The atmosphere was thick with a mix of nervous excitement and the subtle hum of activity in the headquarters.

Suddenly, a voice disrupted her silent observations. "Dr. Raichand?" Instructor Vinay's presence surprised her, and she turned to acknowledge him with a nod. Vinay, ever the observant one, raised an amused eyebrow, teasing her about being without her usual medical attire. Ishita explained the reason for her presence, concealing the real reason—her silent hope of encountering Siddharth.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she ventured to ask Vinay,"  did you come here alone?"

Vinay, perceptive to her unspoken desires, smirked knowingly, "Well, my superior is attending the meeting, so I had to join him."  Ishita's puzzled expression was met with Vinay's chuckle, and he confessed, "Yeah yeah, Captain is attending the meeting."

Feeling a bit caught, Ishita nodded and looked away, her cheeks lightly tinged with a blush. Vinay, enjoying the moment, walked away but then turned around after a few steps, sharing a piece of information that heightened Ishita's excitement. "Second hall on the right corridor," he said, guiding her toward the potential encounter with Siddharth. Blushing a little, Ishita stood up and hurried towards the second hall. 

The meeting starts. A projector is showing the views in background while Arnav was explaining his ideas. he starts," Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed station chiefs, department heads, 

I appreciate your time and attention today as we consider a transformative proposal to enhance our emergency response capabilities. I present to you the integration of robotic equipment into our operations, a step towards reducing casualties and advancing our life-saving missions.

By the help of it, you can access the operation being out of the site. 

Imagine robotic devices handling tasks such as debris removal, delivering medical supplies, and assisting in evacuations. Their ability to operate in challenging environments gives us an edge in situations where time is critical.

I acknowledge concerns about feasibility and cost, but the potential benefits in terms of increased safety and more effective rescue missions are worth the investment.

Collaborations with research institutions, technology companies, and government bodies can help us secure the necessary resources for successful implementation..."

" Hang on. Excuse me." 

 Siddharth's voice cut through the presentation, redirecting everyone's attention towards him. He continued, "So you're saying we'll need less manpower because robots can do most of the work in fires and debris."

 Arnav nodded, "Yes, that's the idea."

Siddharth sighed, shaking his head, "In a critical situation, only human intelligence has the ability to complete a task. Suppose, in a case of fire, we send equipment to detect and rescue from outside the site. As per the instruction, that equipment can only save one human at a time. But hypothetically, what if there are two victims trapped? Can that machine function without human intelligence? No. Machines can only assist manpower; they cannot replace human capability. I respect your idea, but it's not applicable in our field. Yes, there are some equipment that can be helpful, like drones, for example. They can provide views we wouldn't be aware of. But those devices you're showing on your projector, they are useless." The other officials nodded in agreement, and a silence fell over the hall. 

Arnav was taken aback by Siddharth's bluntness. He responded, " 'Useless' is a pretty strong and wrong word..."

Siddharth interrupted again, "Your machines can work in the industrial field doesn't mean they can work on the front line. We, the rescue unit, risk our lives to save lives. We have the ability and intelligence to work in any task, unlike these projects you're showing, which can only work by instruction. In my operation, I don't need instructions on what to do and what not to do. I will have only one goal - save that human." He stood up and looked around at all the officials, "Sorry, officers. I oppose this idea."

After a moment of silence, the department director stood up with a nod and addressed Arnav, "Let's discuss this later, with another project, not this one." Arnav nodded, but his eyes lingered on Siddharth as he walked out with the department director. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and the officers exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to Siddharth's strong opposition.

As Siddharth came out of the hall with the other officers, Ishita, hidden behind the window, watched the unfolding scene. The heated exchange between Siddharth and Arnav had left an impression on her. She approached her brother with a teasing smile, "Bhai, here's a challenge for you. I dare you to convince him for this project." 

Arnav, catching her cheeky expression, narrowed his eyes, "Why do I have a feeling that you're quite happy seeing my project got rejected?"

Ignoring his question, Ishita's eyes remained fixed on Siddharth, who was making his way towards them. She greeted him with an enthusiastic smile, "Hi, Sid."

Arnav turned around, his curiosity piqued,  recognizing him, and looked at his sister, "Sid? Is it him?" 

Ishita gestured towards Arnav, "My brother."  

Siddharth's surprise was evident, but his confident demeanor held strong. Arnav extended his hand for a shake, "Hello, Mr. Gupta." Siddharth reciprocated with a firm grip, "Hello, Mr. Raichand." Ishita observed them nervously, the convergence of her brother and lover creating a surprisingly not-so-pleasant atmosphere. 

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