14. Moments of Pride

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As Siddharth began his farewell speech, a hushed anticipation settled over the audience gallery. His grandmother and sister sat in the 'visitor and family' section, eyes gleaming with pride as they watched him don the black graduation coat, a symbol of academic accomplishment. The sight of their grandson and brother standing on the stage filled them with an indescribable joy.

Unbeknownst to Siddharth, a tear escaped the eyes of the professor of particle physics, the one who had always declared him as a favorite student. The gesture was met with amused chuckles from the other professors, who exchanged knowing glances. Siddharth's ability to touch hearts extended beyond the confines of his classmates and resonated even with the academic mentors who had witnessed his journey.

As he expressed gratitude to the general staffs of the university—the librarians, watchmen, cleaners, and cooks—smiles of appreciation adorned their faces. The unsung heroes of the institution felt acknowledged and valued for their contributions to the students' everyday experiences.

The mention of his classmates drew a myriad of emotions from the audience. His football teammates beamed with camaraderie, recognizing the shared victories and defeats on the field. His roommates, seated together, exchanged nods and supportive glances, acknowledging the close bond they had forged over the years.

Then, there was Ishita. Pride radiated from her eyes as she listened to Siddharth deliver the speech with fluency and confidence. Unbeknownst to her, her parents, seated in the 'visitor and family' section, observed her closely. Ishita's mother, sensing something more in her daughter's attentive gaze, raised an inquisitive eyebrow. The father, too, watched with a keen interest, perhaps already picking up on the subtle cues.

In a surprising twist, the wardens, who were often seen as stern figures, smiled appreciatively at Siddharth's acknowledgment of their contribution. The collaborative efforts of the staff and faculty had created an environment that supported students throughout their academic journey.

Siddharth's words created a ripple of emotions, forming an invisible thread that connected every individual in that auditorium. The farewell speech became a poignant reminder of the shared experiences, the friendships forged, and the gratitude felt for those who had played a role—big or small—in the collective journey of the graduating class.

As the moment arrived for the life science department graduates to receive their degrees, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Ishita, with her exemplary performance, had earned a place among the top four students in the university, a fact that filled the HOD with pride as he called her name.

"Ishita Singh Raichand!" The chancellor announced her name, and the audience erupted into applause. Ishita, adorned in the graduation robe, walked up to receive her degree with a beaming smile. Her parents, seated in the 'visitor and family' section, clapped proudly at the accomplishment of their daughter.

Spotting her parents in the stands, Ishita waved at them with genuine happiness. Their faces lit up with pride as they acknowledged their daughter's achievement. However, in that moment of shared joy, Ishita's gaze found Siddharth in the students' section.

From his vantage point, Siddharth was enthusiastically mouthing expressions of love and pride. "I love you" and "proud of you" were conveyed through silent gestures, a language known only to the two of them. Ishita's grin widened in response, her heart swelling with affection.

However, her parents, keen observers of the subtle interaction, interpreted the shared moment differently. Ishita's mother, in particular, couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort. The unspoken connection between Ishita and Siddharth, while endearing to the couple, introduced an element of unease for the onlooking parents. Despite the moment being one of celebration, an undercurrent of tension lingered in the air.

The ceremony continued with an air of accomplishment and celebration. Now, it was the turn of the physics department students to step forward and receive their degrees. The chancellor's voice resonated, "Siddharth Gupta!" Siddharth, with a confident stride, made his way to the stage.

As he approached, his particle physics professor couldn't contain his pride. He pulled Sid into a heartfelt hug, expressing, "Proud of you, Sid." Siddharth, wearing a beaming smile, replied, "Thank you, Professor," before moving on to receive his degree from the chancellor.

However, before accepting the degree, Siddharth added a touch of drama. He playfully placed his hat on his head, adopting a celebratory stance. Raising his fist in the air, he performed a signature football celebration that elicited a small 'oooh' from his teammates in the audience. The chancellor, along with the rest of the spectators, joined in the laughter at Sid's exuberance.

With the degree in hand, Sid's grandmother couldn't hold back a tear of pride, and his younger sister clapped enthusiastically. Amidst the cheers, there was Ishita, grinning widely. With both thumbs up and a gesture of 'I love you,' she communicated her joy to Siddharth.

 Unbeknownst to them, Ishita's mother observed the exchange, and her expression tightened at the shared moment between Sid and her daughter. The subtle connections between the couple seemed to stir discomfort in her.

The graduation ceremony concluded with a short but inspiring speech from the chancellor, who wished the graduating students good luck in their future endeavors. As the ceremony came to an end, the graduates and their families spilled out of the hall, creating a vibrant atmosphere filled with excitement and accomplishment.

Outside the graduation hall, the air was filled with joy and celebration. Graduates posed for pictures with friends, family, and professors, capturing the essence of their achievement. Laughter and chatter echoed through the surroundings as students reminisced about their university journey and shared plans for the future.

As Ishita scanned the bustling crowd outside the graduation hall, her eyes searched for her parents, eager to share this momentous occasion with them. However, they were nowhere in sight. A subtle disappointment tugged at her, overshadowing the joy of the day.

Just as she was contemplating the absence of her parents, Siddharth emerged from the crowd, his grandma and sister in tow. The sight of them brought an unexpected warmth to Ishita's heart. She realized that in Siddharth's family, she had found a second home, where she felt loved and accepted.

" Grandma, take a picture with me." She whines like a kid. Grandma laughs and agrees. 

Just as they were about to pose for the picture, Siddharth's roommates, always ready for some fun, dashed over to join the scene. "Hey, make some space for us! We want in on this picture too," one of them exclaimed, adding a lighthearted vibe to the gathering.

The group huddled together, creating a joyful tableau that blended generations and friendships. Siddharth's grandmother, with her arm around Ishita, radiated a sense of familial love. Siddharth and his roommates, standing shoulder to shoulder, injected an element of camaraderie into the frame.

Just then Ishita got a call. She received it and her face became so nervous all of a sudden. She looks at Sid," Hold on for a minute. I'll be back with my mom and dad." Sid nods and she runs off towards he exit. 

As she arrived running at the parking lot of the university, her father instantly said," Get in. We will talk in your hostel." 

As Ishita sat in the car beside her parents, a sense of determination filled the air. The drive to her hostel was accompanied by a mix of anticipation and resolve. Her parents, unaware of the thoughts racing through Ishita's mind, engaged in light conversation about the graduation ceremony and the university.

Arriving at the hostel, Ishita stepped out of the car, her parents following suit. They entered the familiar premises, the hostel where Ishita had shared countless moments with friends and created lasting memories. Ishita guided them to her room, her heart pulsating with the weight of the impending conversation.

As they approached the door, Ishita took a deep breath, preparing to broach the subject that had been on her mind for a while. Opening the door, she invited her parents inside, ready to share a part of her world that she had kept hidden for too long. Siddharth's presence, both in her life and in her room, was about to be unveiled.

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